Care Schedule Search Results

How To: Properly care for an indoor saintpaulia flowering plant (African violet)

Taking care of houseplants is a tough job, especially if you have more than one kind, because the proper, healthy growing conditions can become muddled. If one of your houseplants is a African violet, which is a saintpaulia flowering plant, then this video will help you take care of it for a thriving plant that will surely brighten up any room. Learn about picking the right environment, watering, fertilizing and keeping pests away.

How To: Tube feed an English bulldog puppy

Caesar demonstrates how to tube feed new born English Bulldog puppies in this video pet care tutorial. Some puppies might require special care and an orphaned dog will need an approximation of a mother. Watch this instructional video and learn how to tube feed and care for an English bulldog puppy.

How To: Care for orchids

Orchid care isn't as difficult as you think, and to discover the orchid care secrets, Meghan Carter visited award-winning orchid breeder Dick Wells. There she discovered the best technique for growing orchids.

How To: Make Your OnePlus Phone Automatically Restart Overnight

One of the more interesting power-related features for OnePlus phones is the ability to schedule a time to turn it, off then back on again. While OnePlus phones typically run blazingly fast, you can still benefit from the RAM clearing and process killing that a reboot provides. And since you can schedule this to happen overnight, you can wake up to a refreshed, restarted phone every morning.

Bedtime Mode: How to Keep Notifications from Distracting You at Night on iOS 12

Let's say you wake up in the middle of the night and check your phone to see the time. As soon as you do, you're greeted by a wall of notifications on your lock screen. You just wanted to know how much longer you could sleep, but now your mind's racing after seeing all of the messages you need to deal with. Thankfully, iOS 12's new Bedtime Mode has a solution for this problem.

How To: Build immunity naturally & not get sick

Natasha tells us not wait until we get sick to take care of our health. Building the immune system will often prevent illness in the first place. The basics of a strong immune system are; plenty of sleep, clean water, good healthy food, and minimizing stress. She advises that as we age we need to take more care with our health, but developing healthy habits earlier on has long reaching benefits. Whatever a persons age, now is the time to adopt healthier habits and make sure the basics are bei...

How To: Shop for free at CVS by using the right coupons

In this clip, Kitty the Coupon Diva will show you how to maximize your coupons and extra care bucks so that you can walk out of CVS with a cart full of groceries for free! Kitty will show you how to use circular flyers, bag tags, extra care bucks, coupons and rebates to walk in and out of the drug store without spending any money. Try these tricks the next time you shop and save a ton of money.

How To: Take good care of multiple cats in one household

In this tutorial, pet expert Marc Morrone will tell you all about how to take care of more than one cat at once and help them get along with each other. In this clip, Marc will walk you through all the stages of cat care and offer advice on how to introduce a new kitten into your home and to your already existing cats. If you think like a cat, you will be able to better raise your cats, so check out this clip for tips on how to do so.

How To: Properly care for a pet parakeet

Parakeets are small, colorful, friendly and chatty and all of these reasons make them great pets for kids. In this clip, learn how to select and care for your little feathered friends with pet expert, Marc Morrone. You will get the 411 on these colorful critters and learn how to keep them happy, healthy and singing all day long.

How To: Take care of pet birds

In this tutorial, learn all about taking care of pet birds from Marc Morrone. Marc will offer your expert advice on choosing and loving a beautiful bird and explain why they make fantastic pets. Before you welcome a feathered friend into your home, be sure to check out this video and be prepared.

How To: Practice basic cross-country ski care owner Doug McSpadden illustrates basic practices for caring for your XC skis. The more wax you have the faster your skis. Do not ski through dirt; it will ruin your bases. Keep skis waxed when travelling to keep them from drying out. Don't walk across a parking lot.

How To: Practice good skin care for men

It's not only women that need to worry about their skin. A couple minutes a day of proper skin care will have a men's skin looking and feeling great. In this video, learn how to take good care & maintain healthy, fresh looking skin.

How To: Care for a pet Southern flying squirrel

While squirrels are wild animals, they can still make great pets. People often take in abandoned baby squirrels, that can't live properly in the wild without the care of a mother. As squirrels are wild animals, they require a certain level of care as compared to domesticated animals. You will need food and water bowls, a weasel wheel, a cage, and a home or nest for sleeping. Watch this video pet-care tutorial and learn how to care for a pet Southern flying squirrel.

How To: Draw Sulley and Mike from Monster University Movie

Learn How to draw Sulley and Mike from Monster University Movie Nearly 12 years after the film's release, Monsters, Inc. is scheduled for a 3D re-release on January 18, 2013, while a prequel, Monsters University, is scheduled a few months later with a June 21, 2013 release. For the full tutorial with step by step & speed control visit: how to draw.

How To: Schedule podcast updating with AppleScript

Gary teaches us how to schedule podcast updating with AppleScript in this tutorial. First, log onto the AppleScript Editor and run it. Next, type in "tell application "iTunes"". Then "activate", then "updateALLpodcasts", then "end tell". Now, click the compile button and then click run. Now, you will see iTunes pop up and it will download all the podcasts, then they will update on your computer. Now, save this script to your desktop or wherever you want it, and keep it in the format Script. O...

How To: Teach your teens car care responsibility

For teens, getting a new car is so much more than passing drivers ed. A car is a chance for parents to teach their teenager responsibility. One of the ways you can do this is to ensure your child takes care of their new vehicle. Teach them how to keep their car running smoothly by checking fluids, tires and various other maintenence areas.

How To: Make a computer alarm clock using an RSS feed

In this how to video, you will learn how to make an RSS feed as an alarm clock. To do this, you can use the Microsoft speech program. Open the alarm batch file. Modify the Perl script so that it downloads the RSS feed from the Digg website. It will strip all the tags and html so only the text is left. From here, you run a script that converts the text to a wave file. From here, the alarm m3u will start. You can then run the command prompt to schedule the alarm time. Go to schedule tasks to ac...

How To: Care for a fresh tattoo

Ever wondered how to take care of that tattoo after you've just been inked? In this video, learn from one tattoo expert his aftercare advice. There are many people who suggest different practices after a tattoo, but learn from one man who's speaks from experiece.

How To: Get rid of bacne back acne

A random pimple or two is one thing. But if your back is covered with acne, you, my friend, have bacne. Benzoyl peroxide, an exfoliator, and even professional help shoud do the trick. Watch this video skin care tutorial and learn how to treat bacne back acne. It's not that much different than the zits you're getting on your face, so whatever is working there should keep your back clear too.

How To: Care for plaenopsis orchids

They're known the world over and grow in some pretty strange places. But, as Allen Smith shows us, orchids don't have to be foreign to you. They can however be tricky to care for. Phalenopsis orchids are a great orchid for beginners. Watch this video gardening tutorial and learn how to care for orchid flowers.

How To: Solve beauty crises with five minute fixes

Let's face it, girls: Sometimes we're stuck five minutes before we have to head out for a party and we have the most inopportune beauty disaster. Whether it's our self tanner streaking and making us look more Snooki than sexy, or you accidentally got ink stains on your hands, there's often little time to take care of the problem.

How To: Get rid of bags under your eyes with cream

Nobody likes bags under their eyes. They can make a person look aged and can be depressing to look at. In this skin care tutorial, you'll find out how to get rid of those bags underneath your eyes using cream. This can be done in the morning or right before you go to bed. So good luck and enjoy!