Caffeine Fuelled' High' Search Results

How to Be Your Own SpaceX: Design, Build & Test Liquid-Fueled Rocket Engines

Move over NASA— SpaceX is taking over. Well, not really. But today, the privately funded spacecraft company broke all expectations when their Dragon capsule fell to a soft landing in the Pacific Ocean, completing an undoubtedly successful demo flight of nearly two full trips around Earth. It was the first re-entry of a commercial spacecraft ever, bringing commercial space transportation closer to reality.

How To: Make maganese heptoxide (permanganic acid)

This video tutorial is in the Education category which will show you how to make manganese heptoxide (permanganic acid). This procedure is extremely dangerous. Manganese heptoxide is an extremely powerful oxidizing agent. It has the ability to set fuels on fire from mere contact. Get an old dish and put a spatula full of potassium permanganate on it. Add a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid. A green liquid is formed which is the manganese heptoxide. Now you can add any fuel like butanol...

How To: Build a rocket stove

The rocket stove, invented by Dr. Larry Winiarski, was developed to require much less cooking fuel than a traditional stove. The rocket stove also emits less dangerously, as most of the energy burned turns into heat. To build this rocket stove, you will need sheet metal or a 5 litre metal can, clay, water, sawdust, a wooden mold, a clay brick, vermiculite or perlite, and cement. Learn how to build a rocket stove by watching this video tutorial.

How To: Make ethanol/alcohol fuel

Gas prices haven't significantly lowered for some time and it looks like they won't either. So some people are trying to find another way to fill up their cars in order to get to work or wherever else they need to go. One way is by making ehtanol fuel or gas. This is a great way to replace gasoline and can be used to power your car and/or a generator. This tutorial will give you the steps needed to make some. Enjoy! Make ethanol/alcohol fuel.

How To: Treat hemorrhoids

ClickHelps demonstrates how to treat hemorrhoids with home remedies. Hemorrhoids are swelling and inflammation of the veins in the rectum or anus. First, sit in a bathtub full of three or four inches of warm water. Keep your knees raised. The warm water will soothe the pain while increasing the blood flow to the area. And increased blood flow will help shrink swollen veins. Repeat this technique several times a day. Keep the anal dry and clean while avoiding using harsh toilet paper. Gently w...

How To: Draw up a VFR flight plan

When flying, having a well constructed flight plan is the key to flying safely and effectively. This video will teach you how to calculate the perfect flight plan, research flight paths, traffic, and calculating fuel flow and flight time. There's so much in this video it'll make your head spin!

How To: Start a diesel engine on a 2008 Ford F350

With technology nowadays, cars are able to go much faster and use different sources of energy to do so. Gas in a car is a common source, but with some trucks, they have the capability to use diesel fuel, which can be much better than regular gas. So in this quick tutorial, you'll find out how to start a diesel engine on a 2008 Ford F350. Enjoy!

How To: Lower the cost of home heating

Whether you use electricity, natural gas or heating oil, there are many practical steps you can take to reduce your overall heat consumption and energy bills. In addition, multi-fuel stoves and fireplaces are fast gaining popularity as alternatives to traditional heat sources. Watch this video home improvement tutorial and learn how to lower the cost of home heating.

How To: Stay fueled and eat right for mountain biking

Proper nutrition is an important part of every strenuous sport, and mountain biking is no exception. This video features a professional mountain bike racer walking you through her nutritional regimen. Topics covered include when to eat before a race, what to eat, and what beverages to use during the race to keep your energy up and improve your ride.

How To: Make English bread

English bread - no sugar here and perfect for vegans! This simple, hand-made bread is perfect for beans on toast, or with some nice yeast extract and a good cup of tea. It's so English, you'll be whistling Monty Python and driving small, fuel efficient cars before you finish the loaf.

How To: 10 Reasons You Need to Add Cinnamon to Your Coffee

Creamer, milk (whole or skim), sugar, or even butter—you've probably added at least one of these to your coffee to improve its taste at some point. If you're looking for something different, though, try a new twist with a dash of cinnamon. This sweet, sharp spice can do so much more than improve coffee's taste, and I've got 10 examples for you to consider.

How To: Stay healthy by drinking coffee

In this video tutorial, viewers learn that drinking coffee will help them stay healthy. Coffee contains antioxidants called polyphenol which helps prevent tiptur diabetes, Parkinson's disease, memory decline and advanced prostate cancer. An average American consumes about 3 cups a day. It's better to take 6-8 sips ever hour until the afternoon and it will keep you alert. Don't consume it all at once in the morning. If concerned about caffeine, drink decaf coffee instead. You will still get so...

News: Pee, the Latest Fuel Alternative?

The newest fuel alternative on the horizon? Pee. U.S. researchers have been experimenting with using urine as a method of producing hydrogen. Not only could this virtually free and readily available resource possibly power automobiles, but it could also aid in the clean up of municipal wastewater.

How To: Get CyanogenMod's 'Caffeine' Feature to Keep Your Screen Awake Longer at the Press of a Button

Sometimes it's the smallest feature in your smartphone that makes the biggest difference in user experience. Take screen timeout, for instance. You can probably think of plenty of times when your handset's display blacked out while you were in the middle of something. You could have been cooking with a recipe on the screen or looking at chords while you learned a new riff on your guitar.

How To: Build a fire in the snow

What to do if you're lost & freezing in Antarctica? Build a fire to keep warm! Yes, fires can be built successfully in cold and wet conditions with the right tools & preparation. In this eight-part series of short videos, Fitclimb survival instructor Ali teaches how to build a fire in the snow in 15 minutes. You can build this fire with just two tools: a knife and a metal match (magnesium stick). In part one, Ali talks about site preparation and how to choose and prepare the right site for a ...