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How To: Create a glowing particle dust effect in Photoshop

Photoshop might be the best software out there for creating effects on text and other still images. This video will show you how to create one really cool effect in Photoshop on a title. The creator calls this a glowing particles dust effect, and that sounds about right. The end result is words that are surrounded by a unique cloud of glowing particle dust. It looks really cool, and should really spice up your website or film titles.

How To: Hack any PSP with a Pandora Battery and MMS

Hacking the PSP requires some unique tools and procedures, including the infamous Pandora Batteries and Magic Memory Sticks. This video will show you how to hack both the fat and slim versions of the PSP with firmware version 5.03 and below. This will allow you to play all sorts of homebrew games, ROM's and other fun stuff on your PSP, expanding the uses of this tragically undersupported portable console. Now hack that baby! This should let you unbrick your psp 3000.

How To: Make (non-Newtonian) Oobleck from corn starch & water

Mr. O shows his audience in this video how to make oobleck, a slime-like substance which has a variety of unique properties. For this project, you will need a mixing bowl, food coloring, corn starch, a measuring cup, and water. First, color the water with food coloring to a color which is much darker than the color you would like. You will need the correct ratio of water to cornstarch, in a 1 to 2 ratio. Add some water to the bowl and add the cornstarch, then add the rest of the water. Finall...

How To: Fold an origami heart-shaped bookmark

From Fold Something, learn how to fold an origami heart-shaped bookmark! Follow as origami instructor Josiah Hills shows the viewer how to fold a heart shaped bookmark using a square piece of paper. He calls the unique bookmark design "Mark of Love". The project requires two items: a square sheet of paper and a pair of scissors. Josiah Hills takes the viewer through the step by step process to make the required folds, creases, and cuts needed to turn a square piece of paper into a perfect hea...

How To: Create a nested unique list via a pivot table in Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 250th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to create a unique list of customers within a unique list of sales representatives using a pivot table (PivotTable).

How To: Fold a paper wallet with 5 pockets

A wallet is something everyone carries around. Stand out with this wallet which you can make yourself! Start with a regular eight and a half by eleven inch sheet of paper. Fold it in half width wise. Then open it out again. Next fold the paper into fourths by folding the halves over. When you open the sheet back out you should have four equal, long rectangles. After that, take one edge of the paper and fold it over half way into one of the four rectangles. Watch the rest of the video to compl...

How To: Fold an origami magic ball by Kade Chan

The origami magic ball is a very popular but few tutorials show you how to make one in greater detail than this four part series. This complicated paper design takes a little while to create but is worth it in the end when you have a totally unique, fluffy new toy to play with. This origami ball was designed by Kade Chan and is one of the best.

How To: Make your own Twilight movie poster with Photoshop

This three part video tutorial will show you how to take an ordinary photo and turn it into a Twilight movie poster, using Photoshop. This video takes you step by step through the process from finding your image to editing it into a funky, unique poster. Now all you have to do is print it out and blow it up and you will be the envy of all your Twihard friends!

How To: Create a shoebox & high heel cake

Luxaholics, fashionistas and Sex in the City fans... Here lies the information needed to make the perfect cake for your next chic birthday party or bachelorette party! Learn how to make a shoebox & high heel shaped cake with step by step instructions in this three-part video tutorial. Using primarily gumpaste, fondant icing and modeling chocolate, learn how to shape the high heel sole, inseam and heel, creating a realistic looking & unique cake sure to wow your guests!

How To: Make a tri-fold wallet from duct tape

Don't have the cash to spend on a brand new leather wallet? Why not make one out of duct tape? All you need is a pair of scissors and a roll of duct tape (specifically the "thinner" "cheaper" kind, as DuctTapeStuff explains makes for an easy-folding wallet). By following these easy folding instructions, you'll have yourself your very own unique duct tape wallet complete with bill fold, credit card slots, coin pouch and more.

How To: Use Rubik's Cube notation and terminology

Since its invention in 1974, the Rubik's Cube has become a favorite pastime among geeks, puzzle lovers, and other similarly unique individuals. It is currently available in four basic flavors; Rubik's Mini, Rubik's Cube, Rubiks Revenge, and Professor's Cube. This video tutorial will cover the basic terminology and notation used in solutions for each.

How To: Unroot a Motorola Droid phone and restore it to stock settings

The Motorola Droid is getting a little long in the tooth, but it is still a remarkably capable phone with full keyboard, which makes it almost unique among it's Android-based competition. If you've rooted your phone (good for you!) and for some reason want to go back to the stock configuration that your phone was in when you took it out of the box, this video will show you how to do it. One good reason is if you want to update your phone's firmware, which will not work if you phone is rooted ...

How To: Build a tin can Stirling engine

The Stirling engine is a relatively old type of external combustion engine that has never really found a niche despite its unique advantages over conventional internal combustion engines. This video for the DIY-inclined will show you how to make your very own small Stirling engine out out of a tin can and some other basic materials. It may not power your house, but you will be able to amaze and educate your friends with this awesome little device.

How To: Make wind chimes using salt and pepper shakers

Here is a very crafty and cute way to create a wind chime out of old salt and pepper shakers that can be found either around your house or bought at second hand stores and a small tin tray or plate to hang your shakers from. A bit of out door or water-proof glue and some colorful string or twine, scissors and a nail or awl will finish out all the supplies you need.

How To: Make spaghetti squash on a budget

In this quick 2½-minute video Sean and Cathy are making spaghetti squash into a vegetarian dish with a hint of Italian. This a great video for you health cautions diners, it is also great for anyone on a budget looking to make a unique and simply delectable dish for you and your guest to enjoy.

How To: Grill crispy apple corn flake chicken

In this video, you will learn to cook an apple corn flake chicken on the grill with the BBQ Pit Boys. First, you will be walked through and showed all of the ingredients you will need; they are all relatively common or easy to get ingredients. Next, you will learn how to make the marinade for the chicken, and how long it should be marinated. The video will be narrated, showing you exactly, step by step, how to prepare, season, and grill this chicken dish. You will be given tips and advice, su...

How To: Do a backflip

If done wrong, a backflip could be devastating. But if done right, a backflip just might make you the coolest person ever. This is a unique backflip tutorial that uses both video examples and instructional text. See how to do a backflip. Follow these steps, one by one, to see what you're doing wrong.

How To: Pick a warded lock

In this lock picking tutorial video series, I explain and demonstrate how to pick warded locks. Warded locks can be identified by the unique keyway they have. Warded locks use a very simple design. This allows the lock to be inexpensive and minimizes jamming from dirt and grime. Use these lock picking videos to learn how to pick a warded lock.

How To: Get out of a speeding ticket with Officer Brian

If you do get stopped pull over to the right and make sure you are off the road. If it is at night turn your interior lights on. Keep your hands on top of the steering wheel until the officer tells you what to do. If he asks you do you know why I stopped you always answer no. He will then ask for your drivers license, registration, and insurance. If it is in your glove box or your wallet tell him what you are going to do. This shows respect for the officer. Before he goes back to his car make...

How to Walkthrough Batman: Arkham Asylum on Xbox 360

Batman is one of the most iconic comic characters in history, so no wonder the video game Batman: Arkham Asylum is more than a hit. If you want to see the whole game to learn some tips and tricks to gameplay, this playthrough video series from VIP2GAMING gives you everything, from start to finish, on the Xbox 360.

How To: Get the unique Knock Knock unique Fire Axe in Fallout New Vegas

Camp Searchlight may be an infested ghoul town, once owned by the NCR, that's completely engulfed by radiation, but popping a few Rax-X's and a healthy supply of RadAway should do the trick! If you can last long enough and find Logan you'll be able to get the key to the Fire House there in town. Inside of the Fire House lies a unique weapon called Knock Knock, a powerful Fire Axe that looks similar to the ones used by the Pyro in Team Fortress 2! To learn the location and get the axe yourself...

How To: Create nested unique lists in Excel via array formulas

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 251st installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to create a unique list of customers within a unique list of sales reps using a series of standard formulas in tandem with a few array formulas.

How To: Acquire the Cram Opener rare weapon in Fallout New Vegas

In Fallout New Vegas, Obsidian decided to spread and equal amount of unique weapons all across the Mojave wasteland! Ranging from deadly axes, rifles, pistols, submachine guns and more! In this video you'll learn the three ways of acquiring the Cram Opener weapon, a unique version of the Bladed Gauntlet, from Little Buster!

How To: Export Draw files to an email

Learn how to share Draw files via email from within OOo. More than just a free, open-source clone of the Microsoft Office productivity suite, OpenOffice has its own unique feature set and its own unique way of doing things. Happily, the Internet is awash in free video software tutorials like this one, which make learning the application a breeze. For complete details, watch this video guide.

How To: Create drawings in 3.2.1 Draw

Learn how to create simple drawings in the OOo graphical editor, Draw. More than just a free, open-source clone of the Microsoft Office productivity suite, OpenOffice has its own unique feature set and its own unique way of doing things. Happily, the Internet is awash in free video software tutorials like this one, which make learning the application a breeze. For complete details, watch this video guide.

How To: Work with vector & bitmap graphics in OpenOffice Draw

Learn how to create, edit and otherwise work with vector and bitmap graphics in OpenOffice Draw. More than just a free, open-source clone of the Microsoft Office productivity suite, OpenOffice has its own unique feature set and its own unique way of doing things. Happily, the Internet is awash in free video software tutorials like this one, which make learning the application a breeze. For complete details, watch this video guide.

How To: Use the 3.2.1 Calc user interface

Learn how to navigate the OOo Calc graphical user interface or GUI with this video guide. More than just a free, open-source clone of the Microsoft Office productivity suite, OpenOffice has its own unique feature set and its own unique way of doing things. Happily, the Internet is awash in free video software tutorials like this one, which make learning the application a breeze. For complete details, watch this video guide.