Bonus Portions Search Results

How To: Enable Google Chrome's side tabs option

If you think you've got to much clutter on the top portion of your web browser, then Google Chrome has the solution. Chrome has an option which allows you to choose something called "side tabs" which moves the tabs for those websites and webpages you have open from the top of the browser to the left side. But how do you get side tabs in Chrome? lifehacker has the answers.

How To: Create geometric shape masks in Blender 2.4 or 2.5

Using a geometric shape to mask out a portion of one video, so that you can substitute in a different video on top of it. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular 3D modeling program or a seasoned graphic artist just interested in better acquainting yourself with the application, you're sure to be well served by this free video tutorial. For more information, including detailed instructions, take a look!

How To: Use Excel's SUMIF, RANK & IF functions

Whether you're interested in learning Microsoft Excel from the bottom up or just looking to pick up a few tips and tricks, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the 30th installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how to use the SUMIF function to add with one criteria, the RANK function to rank highest values to lowest values (one to five) and the IF function to assign a bo...

How To: Format and use the ROUND function in Microsoft Excel

Adding formatting to plain Excel spreadsheet is a wonderful way of increasing the readability and improving the overall look and feel of your data. With this software how-to from ExcelIsFun, you'll learn all about using the Microsoft Office program's formatting features. As an added bonus, you'll learn about the ROUND function, which is also useful for cleaning up charts where great precision isn't required.

How To: Make a strawberry, bananna and mango smoothie

Learn how to make your own healthy fruit smoothie within seconds. Using a knife, chop a large strawberry, half a banana and a slice of mango and place in a blender. Add enough milk to cover the fruit and blend for a few seconds until the mixture turns into a thick smoothie. These ingredients are enough to create one portion of smoothie.

How To: Coat butt joints with joint compund

Watch this instructional video on how to coat butt joints with joint compound. Spackling is a delicate art, but anyone can create a perfectly smooth surface with a metal putty knife and a fresh bucket of spackle. Rock the putty knife back and forth to coat a butt joint with joint compound. Once you are ready, try out to bonus trick for spackling masters.

How To: Clone paint in modo 201

This 3D modeling software tutorial reviews the Clone paint feature in modo 201 and higher which allows you to quickly paint detail from one portion of a texture to another on a model. Learn how to use the Clone paint feature in this modo 201 tutorial.

How To: Free up hard drive space using WinDirStat

Stan shows an easy way to see and clean the files that are hogging hard drive space in the computer using a free software called "windirtstat". Now enter the following address in the web browser "" and scroll down the page until you get the downloading and installing section. Click on the link "windirtstat1.1.2Setup(Ansi&Unicode)" which will be right after the "for all flavors of windows" this will direct you to "SOURCEFORGE.NET" download creations. This will ask you to save t...

How To: Move Photoshop slices into Dreamweaver correctly

Photoshop is great software for manipulating images, and Dreamweaver is great software for making websites. Do you want to combine their powers to create an even more awesome website? This video will show you how to move designs from Photoshop into Dreamweaver properly, enabling you to use them on your website and make it look as snazzy as can be. You'll also learn how to make a good background using CSS as an added bonus. Yes, that means coding. No, it's not scary or hard.

How To: Distress a pair of jeans with household materials

Missa shows how to ‘Distress Jeans’ in this video. She lays a pair of jeans to be distressed on a table. Next, the creases near the top, which are formed by bending the leg portion of the jean, are marked with a white pencil or chalk. A hard rock is then placed inside the jean, near the knee area. That portion of the jean is graded using sand paper to make holes. The pocket areas are graded next, using a nail file. A pair of scissors is scraped along the edges of the pockets to make cuts. (Al...

How To: Cook amazing stuffed Mexican squash

When cooking on a budget, you have to try to get as much bang for your buck as you can. And when cooking you want to make sure that you are getting a large portion size enough to make you happy. In this video you will learn how to make stuffed Mexican squash with a cheese sauce. These make a great main course that you can also serve with a salad.

How To: Draw a Lamborghini sports car on a computer

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to draw a Lamborghini sports car on a computer. If you don't paint the car one portion at a time, you might get confused and your drawing will siffer for it. You should lay down shades of yellow and orange with the paint bucket and finish details like shadows with the pencil tool. This video will give you a detailed step-by-step guide to drawing a Lamborghini on your computer.

How To: Lose weight using the facts and numbers

In this Made Fit TV podcast, Jennifer DiDonato provides you with examples of foods that you eat or, should be eating almost everyday of the week. But, she break it down to show you just how many extra calories you may be eating based on portion and selection, and how you can eliminate 3,500 calories - one pound - a week, from nutrition alone. Just don't forget to workout, too! With this you'll start losing weight in no time.

How To: Make a cereal box spectrometer

A spectrometer is an optical instrument used to measure properties of light over a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This video will show you how to make a spectrometer out of a cereal box and a compact disc. This spectroscope is sure to amaze your kids for a nifty science project.

How To: Decorate ceramics with a torch

Try using a blowtorch to dry the outer portion of a ceramic pot. While the clay is still on the pottery wheel, cut light marks into the outer wall of the pot. Dry the outermost layer of wet clay with a blowtorch. When you continue to stretch and form the wet clay on the wheel, witness an interesting cracking effect.

How To: Barbecue chicken lollipops with bacon

This how-to video demonstrates how to make and cook chicken lollipops. Simply take your chicken wing drummette and cut around the base to scrape the meat to one end. Grab some bacon and wrap it around the meat portion of the chicken lollipop. To cook place them in a holder and place on top of the grill.