Bluetooth Tomtom Search Results

How To: Connect a stereo Bluetooth headset to an Apple iPad

In this clip, you'll learn how to pair a stereo Bluetooth headset to an Apple mobile device (in this case, an iPad). It's easy. So easy, in fact, that this home-computing how-to can present a complete, step-by-step overview of the process in about three minutes. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Share contact information over Bluetooth on a BlackBerry smartphone

Were you aware that it's possible to share contacts over Bluetooth with a Blackberry cell phone? Well, it is, and this clip will teach you everything you'll need to know. Whether you're the proud owner of a BlackBerry smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're sure to be well served by this official video guide from the folks at Blackberry. For detailed information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Pair your phone using bluetooth in 2010 Nissan Altima

With more and more states implementing laws that prevent drivers from driving and talking at the same time, car companies are taking notice. That's why with so many of the cars nowadays, are coming equipped with the ability to connect with a phone via bluetooth. It's a great way to speak on the phone and drive safely at the same time. So check out how to connect your bluetooth phone with a 2010 Nissan Altima. Enjoy!

How To: Setup your bluetooth in your 2010 Ford Fusion

One of the great features in cars nowadays, is the ability ti connect it with your cell phone. With states accepting laws about driving and cell phone use, this feature can be a much needed addition to your vehicle. In this quick and easy tutorial, you'll find out how to setup your bluetooth phone with a 2010 Ford Fusion. Enjoy!

How To: Send and receive files via Bluetooth on a BlackBerry

Can't make it to a computer to open up some important documents? Fortunately, the BlackBerry is basically a mini-computer that can get those open for you. BlackBerry can be a little tricky while trying to send and receive files through Bluetooth, but with the right help, you can get the hang of it. This video cell phone tutorial shows how to do it step by step.

How To: Hack Your Car's Cassette Deck into a Wireless Bluetooth Music Player

Still have an old tape deck installed in your car? This nifty hack lets you upgrade to the digital age without sacrificing your love for cassettes. There's nothing wrong with some low-fidelity tunes in your car every now and then, but if you want to listen to the tunes on your iPod or smartphone too, it's a lot easier (and cheaper) than buying a new in-dash player that supports line-in connections. Just add some wireless capabilities to you tape deck! All you need is a cheap cassette adapter,...

How To: Hack a cell phone to make free phone calls

Want to control a friend's cell phone remotely and make "free" calls from it? In this hack how-to video, you'll learn how to hack Bluetooth-enabled cell phones with your Sony Ericsson or Nokia phone and the Super Bluetooth Hack—or "BT Info"—, a free program easily found through Google. Once installed, Super Bluetooth Hack will enable you to control your friends' cell phones remotely.

How To: What All the Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Symbols Mean in iOS 11's New Control Center (Blue, Gray, or Crossed Out)

Apple took a giant step forward in terms of user customization with the new Control Center in iOS 11. With an improved design, buttons you can pick and choose from, and even a new default Cellular Data toggle, it's definitely a better iPhone experience. However, Apple also took a giant step backward with the confusing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi toggles.