Biceps Necessita Search Results

How To: Use an exercise band

This video shows you how to use an exercise band to do bicep curls, triceps extensions and shoulder raises along with some fun extensions of these basic exercises. When doing the bicep curl with the band it is very important to ensure that the band is firmly secured under your shoe, so that it does not slip forwards and snap. Once the band is secure you must curl the arms up towards the shoulders, keeping your elbows bent and close to your sides. The arms are still working in a negative resis...

How To: Do triceps presses for big arms

In this video, we learn how to do triceps presses for big arms. If you want big arms, you need to work on triceps more than biceps. You will take a barbell and leave your elbows motionless. You will lay down and push up with the barbell, holding it with a narrow grip. Make sure the elbows are in the same place as the hands. Another variation of this is to push the elbows forward 45 degrees so the bar comes down to the chin. Make sure your elbow stay in and your hands are narrow. If the elbows...

How To: Use a clipless curling iron to curl hair

So you're probably wondering what the hell a clipless curling iron is, given that approximately 99.99% of the curling irons out there come equipped with a handy clip that helps keep hair in place when you're making a curl. But there is a clipless species of curling iron out there, dangerous and difficult to use for many but a masterful tool if you weild it with skill.

How To: Do an arresting handling & restraining technique

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do an arresting technique for handling and restraining. As the opponent begins to punch you, grab the opponent's wrist with one hand. Then push the other arm under the opponent's bicep and under the armpit. Now pull the opponent towards you and push their arm to their back. Make sure you grab over the opponent's hand. Then use your knee to push against and opponent's hamstring and pull down their shoulder to throw them down on the floor. Continue l...

How To: Make conventional shadow puppets

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make shadow puppets. Users will need a good, strong light and good positioning of the light. It is recommended to use white or any bright colored walls. Users learn how to do 2 types of shadow puppets in this video. The first type is a swan. Simply hook the arm out. The forearm will be the neck and the biceps will be the body and feathers. Then flap the 4 fingers and thumb like a beak. The second type can be a variation of animals. Simply stick out...

How To: Do a workout for runners that will increase speed

In this video from yelkaim1 we learn how to do a workout for runners that will increase speed. Lateral lunges are important in running. It prevents knee related issues with runners. Drop the weight straight down on the inside of the ankle. Do this exercise on both legs. The plank as well is great for runners. Keep your abdominals tight. That's the key to this movement. Another exercise is one leg alternating bicep curls. Anytime on one leg you are doing a great core exercise. Next is a side b...

How To: Play advanced octave exercises on the violin

Do you want to improve your violin playing technique? This violin lesson teaches you a great exercise to improve your octave technique. This exercise is based on the Yost system. This exercise is designed to increase your familiarity and comfort in all positions, develop confidence and accuracy in all positions, develop an understanding of what to listen for while shifting, and improve your ear training and overall intonation. When practicing this exercise you should relax your fingers, hand ...

How To: Shave your beard into an "X-Men" Wolverine look

Wolverine (AKA Hugh Jackman) looks so deliciously perfect in his spiked out hair and scruff that women all over want to be with him and guys want to look like him. While his rock-hard abs, perky derriere, and sculpted biceps take months of hard work to achieve, you can get his beard look in just a few minutes by checking out this hairstyling tutorial for guys.

How To: Do an outdoor strength training workout

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform an outdoor strength training workout. This exercise routine will only require a chin up bar. For each workout, users can choose the amount of sets and reps to do. Users are encouraged not to rest too much in between the exercises. In this video, there are 4 exercises. These exercises are: chin ups, hanging knee lifts, navy seal chin up and a pull up and knee up combination. These exercises will target the biceps, back muscles and core muscl...

How To: Do a Bodyweight workout for beginners

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a body weight workout for beginners. Body weight workouts are recommended for those viewers who don't have access to a gym and would like to exercise. Body weight workouts require no equipment, only the mass of your body. Users work 30 seconds on each exercise. The body weight exercises are: wide squat, plank, split squat, side plank (both sides), hip raises and extending legs and push ups. This entire workout targets the glutes, abdominal muscl...

How To: Do a fat burning cable workout

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to burn fat with a cable workout. These exercises will require a cable machine. There are four exercises in this workout. These four exercises are: cable wood chop, reverse wood chop, one arm cable row and exercise ball cable crunches. When performing these exercises, do not use a heavy weight. These exercises mainly target the abdominal and core muscles. They also target biceps, obliques and back muscles. This video tutorial will benefit those viewer...

How To: Build arm strength for pitching

In this how to video, you will learn how to build up your arm strength for pitching. This involves using exercises that give you more focus on the muscles you will use for throwing. A high cable curl and crunch is a useful exercise for doing this. It involves gripping the rope on a weight machine and combining two different exercises together as one. You first start out with a curl, and then move on to a crunch. Repeat this for as many times as necessary. This will help you get a little extra...

How To: Perform a musculoskeletal exam on a patient

Whether your training to be a doctor or a nurse, there is no doubt that this video lesson will help you better understand the procedure for musculoskeletal examinations. Musculoskeletal exams rely exclusively on inspection and palpation and tests using a combination of those techniques. The main purpose of this exam is to identify in your patient any signs of musculoskeletal disease, by way of pain, redness, swelling, warmth, deformity, and loss of function. Watch this video to see the entire...

How To: Practice correct tire flipping for Strongman training

It is not hard to incorporate Strongman training techniques in your athletes' programs, but you have to make sure the technique is right. Flipping tractor tires is a good and cheap method of training. Unfortunately, it is often practiced incorrectly. This leaves athletes with back problems and pain. Avoid injury while training for StrongMan competitions by following these rules.

How To: Do a 5 minute workout for moms on the go

Here is an easy way to get in a quick workout in your busy day. First off start will forty-five seconds of bicep curls with an exercise band. Next with a deck of playing cards squat down and place one at a time on the ground in front of you. Focusing on keeping your back straight and your core tight. Once all the cards are down then pick them up one at a time. With a weighted ball in one hand reach up and come down diagonally across your body and squat as the ball touches the ground. Work bot...

How To: Execute reverse curls for weight training

Have you tried working out with reverse curls? If so you know that they are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video demonstrates work out the bicep muscle with reverse curls. Learn about curls and weightlifting exercises in this workout video.

How To: Do glowstick wrap spin moves

This how to video teaches you different wrap moves with glowsticks. Learn how to do arm wraps, leg wraps, side bicep wraps, neck wrap, double bicep wraps, and the alternate arm wraps. Watch this tutorial and you will be performing glowstick wraps in no time.

How To: Turn someone into Hulk in GIMP

First of all open the image of Daniel Craig. Go to 'layer' and create a 'duplicate' the current layer. Then from top choose 'colors' then 'saturation'. Now click the 'r' from right side bar and also adjust up the 'hue' to 108 till he looks green. Now adjust the 'saturation' bar till 100 and then click 'ok'. Now go to 'filters' at top bar and then click 'distort' and then 'iwrap' filter. This shall open a new screen. Drag the image large. Now click 'move' and then 'deform radius’. This shall m...

How To: Do a chIn-up

Looking to better sculpt your upper body? It may seem old fashioned, but incorporating chin-ups into your workout routine is a surefire way to build your biceps and back muscles and strengthen your entire upper body.