Best Flatware Search Results

How To: Set-up a home office with an extra room

Starting to work at home? With more and more people trying to make a solid living at home, it's important to know the best way to set up a home office – even if you don't have a spare room. Learn how to set-up a solid work environment with tips from this video on how to create the perfect home office.

How To: A Guide to Downloading Console Games Online

In last week's guide, we covered the best places to purchase digital copies of computer games online. This week we'll cover another type of downloadable content: those available for video game consoles. Every major console out today either has or plans to have a DLC platform, but which one is the best? If you don't like leaving your house and want to play console video games, which console should you get? Below I will break down what the online marketplace offers so you can decide which conso...

How To: Start dating again after a breakup or divorce

Don't be one of those pathetic losers who sits at home all day, doing nothing, after a horrible breakup. The best thing for you to do after a break-up or divorce is get back on your feet, get back in the game. It's hard, but it's the best thing for you, and this video will hopefully help you get back into dating mode.

How To: Brew java with the Technivorm Moccamaster coffeemaker

Coffee is one of the world's greatest discoveries, but a bad cup of joe can be devastating for your morning. Technivorm makes some of the world's best coffeemakers, and their Technivorm Moccamaster drip coffee brewer is one of the greatest. It's handmade in the Netherlands, and is considered to be the best coffeemaker ever. Poul Mark, founder of Transcend Coffee in Edmonton, Alberta Canada, demonstrates how to brew a great pot of coffee with this renowned Dutch-made machine.

How To: Clean high voltage electrical cables with solvents

The best way to make sure you have the best connections on high voltage-lines is to clean them. Cleaning high-voltage wires with cleaning solvents is the best way to get the job done for a better flow of electricity. This video, produced by Polywater, trains electricians on the proper high-voltage cable cleaning procedures during splicing and termination. Methods are shown to remove different types of shields and compounds from insulation. The "Do's and Don'ts" of abrasion, solvent spraying, ...

How To: Use tables in documents on Microsoft Word: Mac 2008

Creating tables inside Microsoft Word has always been a chore— but not anymore! With Word 2008 for Mac, you can easily create tables of all your information. And if you're not sure of the best way to select, resize, and move those tables, you'll know soon enough. The Microsoft Office for Mac team shows you just how to work with tables with these Word table tips in this how-to video.

How To: Fix a leaky gutter

Tim Carter shows how to fix a leaky gutter. Watch the video for best results.The gutter seal material is easy to work with. It can be spread with a twig or stick and it sticks tight to the gutter. Your leak at that joint will be solved.Watch the video for best results.

How To: Get the 'Bound Until Death' achievement in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

One of the best things about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the ammount of flexability there is in how to carry out a quest. And one of the best quest lines in the game is for the Dark Brotherhood. You know, the evil scumbags that are pretty much hire blades within the game. My favorite mission actually happens pretty early on in the quest line. The mission requires you to slay the emporer's niece, Vittoria Vicci, on her wedding day.

How To: Do 1970's "Saturday Night Fever" dance moves

The Era of Disco is perhaps best defined by the dance-centric movie "Saturday Night Fever," starring a young and slim John Travolta. The movie was full of decadence in the form of big afros, big bellbottoms and ever bigger diva egos, but Travolta stood out on his mad dance skills alone.

How To: Pick the right resonator (steel) guitar and bottleneck slide

Resonator guitars (also known as steel guitars) are a unique type of guitar made with tricones or a single aluminum cone, and are great for slide guitar for both Blues and Country music. Made famous by artists such as Son House (see deathletter blues). If you're not really sure which would be the best, what a resonator (steel) guitar is exactly, or how to pick out the right slide for the sound you're going for, this fantastic video will you guide perfectly! You will learn a little history abo...

How To: Use nofollow attributes and robots.txt to keep JavaScript links off of Google

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Access the secret ninja mode in Google Reader with the Konami Code

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Consider the effects of widgets on your page load times and Google ranking

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Get the achievement The Best Defense from Zero Hour in StarCraft 2

Starcraft 2 is finally upon us after 12 years of waiting, and it is just as majestic as you would hope it would be. If you're new to the series or just haven't played in five years, the barrier to entry for the unskilled can high, especially if you prefer playing online multiplayer. Fortunately for you, we've compiled videos on just about everything you need to know about the game, including strategies and tips for winning with different races in different modes and situations, and even how t...

How To: Draw an anatomically correct human head

You can't accurately draw a human face - heck, any part of a human body - without knowing about how the underlying bones and muscles contribute to structure. And while disecting is by far the best thing you can do to improve your knowledge in these two fields, we don't all have the ability to do such things. So this video is the next best alternative.

How To: Play two lead guitar licks on the electric guitar

While we'd love to say that all the members of a rock band are important to how the group performs, we have to admit it: the lead guitarist generally has the best gig. With blazing, fast licks that make our heart go all aflutter, the best and most catchy melodies in the song, and the spotlight always on them, lead guitarists have become many a schoolgirl's crush.

How To: Take cool street photography using your iPhone camera

In this tutorial, learn all about how to make the most of your iPhone camera when on the street. Sometimes on vacations or trips, it is difficult (and dangerous depending where you are) to carry around a big, heavy camera all day. Did you know that you can take great photos with a pocket-sized iPhone? In this clip, Lisa will show you where to aim and how to set up your shots with an iPhone to get the best pictures possible. The best part about mobile picture taking? You can upload your images...