Best Drip Coffee Maker Search Results

How To: Choose the best sippy cups for toddlers

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to choose the best sippy cups for toddlers. The sippy cup is a spill-proof drinking cup designed for toddlers. Choosing the right sippy cup will help keep both parents and children clean. The best sippy cup for toddlers is one that you can turn upside down and shake without dripping. Make sure that the cup is simple and easy to clean. It shouldn't have may layers. It is also a good idea to buy sippy cups that have caps. This video will benefit those v...

How To: Make an Indian style tiramisu

Surprise your sweetheart this Valentines Day or any night, with a delicious Indian version of tiramisu. Tiramisu is traditionally an Italian dessert, and this is a similar recipe with an Indian twist. Why not give it a try? No one can resist the creamy deliciousness of fresh Tiramisu.

How To: How I Made Cat Poop Coffee (Kopi Luwak)—The Best Cup of Crap Ever

I am a man who enjoys a good cup of crap. Not just any crap, but the kind that makes the Seattle coffee-snob inside of me feel all warm and happy as if the sun were out (which of course it isn't.) It's the kind of crap that has traveled through the intestinal tracts of a nocturnal marsupial, cutely called a Civet. It's the kind of fermented brew that everyone should lay their lips on at least once.

How To: Talk about things in a kitchen in Italian

In this video, we learn how to talk about things in a kitchen in Italian. Learning Italian around the kitchen can be easy, you just need to make sure you say the words our right. Sugar in Italian is "zucchero", coffee maker is "caffetiera", cup is "tazza", and plate is "piatto". Remember if you are talking about bigger or smaller things, the word will change. Just by learning these basic words in Italian, you can better understand how to speak Italian and be on your way to learning more! Pay ...

How To: Remove the garlic smell from your hands

Removing the garlic smell from your hands can be a very difficult thing to do. Sometimes you just can't stand the smell. Maybe you have a date and don't want to stink, but just can't get that smell out of your skin. There is a way to neutralize the odor so that you can get on with your life. After you get done cooking with either garlic or onions or any other stinky food, run your hands under some warm water. Then get some coffee grounds and mash them up and get them wet. Once the grounds are...

How To: Stop that paint can drip

Say goodbye to that drip. Keep the paint in the can. Does the groove of the paint can get filled with paint when you pour the paint out into a paint tray? Here is a tip what to do to stop that drip. Take a nail and hammer a couple of holes in the groove of the paint can. When the paint gets into the groove, it will drip back down into the bucket. Stop that paint can drip.

How To: What to Do When You Don't Have a Mortar & Pestle

We're all familiar with the sinking feeling that happens when you cruise through a recipe, only to arrive at an instruction that calls for a tool you don't have. Some of the best food hacks (and my personal favorites) exist to combat that problem. Why spend money on a kitchen tool—or worse, avoid a recipe altogether—when you could find a new way to achieve the same result?

Coffee Mugs: They're Not Just for Coffee

Coffee mugs: nothing proliferates more quickly in my kitchen cabinets. People are always handing them out as gifts or as swag, plus I always seem to find a vintage model or two at a garage sale that I'm compelled to buy. I used to do a yearly purge of my excess muggage, but it turns out it's a good idea to hold on to one or two extras.

How To: 10 Reasons You Need to Add Cinnamon to Your Coffee

Creamer, milk (whole or skim), sugar, or even butter—you've probably added at least one of these to your coffee to improve its taste at some point. If you're looking for something different, though, try a new twist with a dash of cinnamon. This sweet, sharp spice can do so much more than improve coffee's taste, and I've got 10 examples for you to consider.

How To: Make brand new paper look antique

Whether it be for a school project or just a funky looking journal or letter, making your paper look antique is very easy. Antique paper is great for invitations, props, unique stationary..lots of things! This tutorial will teach you how to age your brand new paper instantly for a neat, old fashioned look.

How To: Understand artist tools for painting

In this tutorial, we learn how to understand artist tools for painting. The first tool is plastic, which can be use for great textures on the painting. Cheap brushes are great for painting in big spaces and fan brushes are great for painting wider widths. A badger hair brush will be best for painting tails on canvas and different types of papers. A synthetic brush is very easy to clean and perfect for oil or acrylic paint. A hair dryer is a tool that is great to speed up the drying time of pa...

How To: Make classic tiramisu with mascarpone & coffee liqueur

Tiramisù is the world's most popular Italian dessert, with delicious layers of sponge cake and brandy (or liqueur), usually with powdered chocolate and mascarpone cheese. This particular classic Italian dessert is the perfect balance of fresh whipped cream, mascarpone cheese and coffee liqueur. Check out the entire video recipe for this tasty classic style tiramisu dessert.

How To: Get rid of a runny nose without medicines

The University of Michigan teaches you how to use nasal irrigation to get rid of common nasal sinus symptoms without reaching for those over the counter medications. The best part of nasal irrigation is that it handles conditions that medication cannot - such as post nasal drip and the common "stuffy nose". This can work for most allergies, even if you are already on medication. Water used for nasal irrigation should be luke warm and should contain about a quarter teaspoon of salt into an 8 o...

How To: Make a chemical indicator from kitchen items

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a chemical indicator from kitchen items. First, make an indicator by grabbing some red cabbage and some vodka. Now, heat up some water until it's boiling, then place a smaller beaker inside the water with vodka inside of it. Place the red cabbage inside of the smaller beaker, then stir it up and let sit for 10 minutes. A lot of the color will come out with the cabbage being inside of the alcohol. After this, pour this into a storage bottle and pour the w...

How To: Repair a ceramic disc tap

There is nothing more irritating than a dripping tap; it wastes water, makes those nasty marks on your sink, and that constant drip dripping noise can drive you mad. Luckily it's an easy job to fix. If you have one of these modern, easy-to-turn-on taps, it's likely the ceramic-disc inside will need replacing. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to repair a ceramic disc tap yourself.

Hot vs. Cold Brew Tea & Coffee: Which Ones Are Better for You?

Cold brewing tea and coffee are all the rage, and for good reason: they're idiot-proof. I, personally, am a total dunce at brewing coffee. It either ends up strong enough to peel paint from a car or so weak that you can see through it. Meanwhile, I have friends who inevitably brew green tea to the point where it's painful to drink it.