Beginners Search Results

How To: Play "Hey Julie" by Fountains of Wayne for beginners

This guitar lesson video shows you how to play "Hey Julie" by Fountains of Wayne on acoustic guitar . In the tutorial your learn, the chords, strumming technique and style. This video is geared towards beginners but of course the more advanced student is welcomed to give it a whirl. It's a fun great song, and your in good hands with instructor Erich Andreas.

How To: Play "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus on the piano for beginners

Think you can't play any modern songs (i.e. the ones you hear on the radio) just because you're new to the piano? Well, we're here to tell you that mentality is SO five seconds ago. Because now that you've stumbled upon this piano tutorial, you'll learn all the essentials you'll need to play Miley Cyrus' hit single "The Climb" on piano. This tutorial is intended for beginners.

How To: Make a cheerful origami penguin for beginners

We don't know where the penguin trend started, but for the past couple of years the arctic animal has been getting some serious loving. From "Happy Feet" to Club Penguin, penguins are flopping around everywhere in the public conscoiusness. And who can really blame our fascination with penguins, given their chubbiness and adorable waddling?

How To: Do the easy shift clubbing dance move for beginners

Just because you have two left feet doesn't mean you have to give up on impressing the ladies at the club. We get that getting your groove on can be intimidating, especially when all you know how to do is the John Travolta from "Saturday Night Fever," but there are easy steps you can take to get your body jiving in an "attractive to the ladies" way.

How To: Make an origami Japanese princess for beginners

What little girl doesn't want to be a princess? Sadly though, after we grow out of our Disney stage we soon realize that life isn't one big fairy tale - in fact, it's quite the opposite. But that means we long all the more for our dashing knight on his steed coming to rescue us from our tower and those jaw-dropping princess gowns.

How To: Make an adorable 3D origami hermit crab for beginners

Were hermit crabs named after hermits or hermits named after hermit crabs? Either way, we know that hermit crabs are major homebodies. Like, to the point that they almost NEVER leave their homes to come out unless they're visiting another shell...their future shell, that is, when they get too big to fit their former shell.

How To: Make a simple origami paper wallet for beginners

When you muse on the topic of origami, you're probably imagining some pretty advanced stuff that sends your head - if not your fingers - for a spin. Modular dodecahedrons (what?) and magic squares, done by the more advanced origami artist, make the art seem too difficult for common butterfingers like us. But fear not; no matter how clumsy you are with crafting, we've got an origami project that you can do easily.

How To: Fold an origami grand piano for beginners

These are the pianos of concert halls, of greats like Mozart and Beethoven, and of piano masterpieces that still set the standard for good music production. Grand pianos are large and a bit ostentatious, yes, but they create a deep, resonant sound that tugs on your heart strings.

How To: Make a cute 3D origami bird for beginners

You don't need to be an origami magician in order to spin marvelous creatures and critters out of thin air using nothing but paper and your super dexterous fingers. In fact, lots of origami projects that you've admired (cranes, roses, swans) can easily be folded by just about everyone. And yes, that includes beginners.

How To: Play racquetball for beginners

Racquetball is not very complicated, but it does require a bit of practice and learning of the rules. This video tutorial will show you all of the basics you will need to know as a beginner player. Once you watch this tutorial you will be up and running and ready to start a game of your very own. So, have fun!!

How To: Dance jumpstyle Euro dance for beginners

This is a Jumpstyle tutorial by Crewster Jumpen. Jumpstyle is huge in Europe. It is an odd folk inspired dance to rhythmic electronica. The basics of jumpstyle are jumps. Master little nuances of the jumps that move your feet back and forth rhythmically with the music. It's very athletic like breakdancing or the Irish jig.

How To: Craft an easy 3D origami tent/pyramid for beginners

What's so genius about this project? yeah, it may just seem like a plain white piece of paper that you fold a bit to stand up, but you're actually getting two beginning origami projects for the price of one. That is to say that if you learn how to make the origami tent in this video, you'll also be learning how to make a pyramid.

How To: Make a miniature origami sea horse for beginners

Ever since we saw "A Little Mermaid" in second grade, we've been enamored with sea life (who knew that fish could be such cuddly little things with some nice pipes, too?). And let's admit it: If you, like us, grew up on a steady diet of Disney princess films, you probably wished at some point that you were a mermaid or a beautiful princess.

How To: Make an origami sumo wrestling game for beginners

They say that it's the inside that counts, not the outside. But not when you're a sumo wrestler. In fact, when you live and die by how much belly fat you can throw onto your opponent's face to make him see stars like the foolish coyote chasing the rabbit in classic cartoons, your outside is your most precious commodity.

How To: Wire wrap beads, crystals, and stones for beginners

Learning how to wire wrap jewelry is one of the most important skills you need to learn on your way to achieving jewelry making enlightenment. Wrapping with wire, whether it's attaching a stone to a pendant with an intricate, flowery wrap or adding a head pin to a crystal, allows you to attach adornments to your necklace or earring, something you'll be doing over and over again as a jewelry maker.