Bee Pollen Search Results

How To: Pierce & saw a shape out of a metal sheet for jewelry

Jewelry making tips from Addie Kidd. This video gives a step by step detailed guide on how to pierce a piece of metal for jewelry making, using a saw and lubricant. This video shows Addie putting a piece of metal that she has a design drawn on, onto a saw blade and cutting it out, using a synthetic lubricant to keep the saw flowing (you can use bee's wax instead). In this video Addie threads the metal onto a saw blade and uses this to cut out a design she has designed and sawing around to mak...

How To: Identify and control problems with bermudagrass

In this how-to video, you will learn how to identify and control problems with Bermuda Grass. If you are worried with allergies, you should check if you are allergic to this particular grass. The seed heads produce the majority of it, but even the pollen produces these allergies. Regarding the water schedule, the grass needs water during the summer. If you have a fine textured soil, you should water about one time a week. If your grass is turning a blue-gray color, it might be lacking water. ...

How To: Replace the main gear on a Honey Bee King 3 helicopter

In this video, we learn how to replace the main gear on a Honey Bee King 3 helicopter. First, take the main blades off with a 2.5mm wrench. Remove the connectors, then remove the nut from the bottom gears and set it aside. Take out the gear and replace it with a new one. Screw it back into place, then make sure it's tightened. After this, you can place the blades back onto the helicopters and screw them into place. It will be hard to place some of the nuts back on, since they are located in s...

How To: Do Sookie Stackhouse's minimal "True Blood" makeup

The third season of "True Blue" just kicked off last week, which means hot chicks and shirtless guys. Though many of the character spend most of the show rather, um, naked, which takes up most of our attention, next time you watch the HBO series you should also pay attention to the girls' makeup, which always flatters and never looks overdone.

How To: Get rid of spiders and cobwebs

Are cobwebs taking over the lesser used areas of your home? Do you hate bumping into a big, uninvited spider guest in your doorways? Well, look no further. Springtime brings pollen, dust and pests, all of which contribute to those annoying webs, and this tutorial will provide you with professional tips for eliminating them from your space. Not only will you learn how to get rid of the webs, you will also learn how to prevent them so hopefully you won't have to worry anymore. So, check out thi...

How To: Germinate Japanese maple seeds

Ken Alston shows how to germinate Japanese maple tree seeds. The most important thing is to always buy fresh seeds. Seeds that are bought on eBay or other unreliable sellers are dry and lifeless and the chances of germination are not very good. The video shows the huge difference between the dry seeds and the fresh seeds. On the fresh seeds you can see that the roots are already out and in some cases the leaves are out, so from this point the rest is easy. Have little seed pots ready, make sm...

How To: Draw Hawaiian flowers step by step

In this video the viewer will learn how to draw a Hawaiian flower. In the first step you will draw the first petal. After viewing placement of the first petal, you will then draw three more like the first petal. You will connect the petals at the center of the flower, where the pollen would be. Make sure when drawing the petals you place them evenly around the center. Next add some shading to the center of the flower where the petals connect. The next step is to add three curved lines coming ...

How To: Decorate a cake with fondant frosting

Belinda Gregor, specialty cakes designer at Ettore's European Bakery and Restaurant shows Gwen Schoen how to add and decorate a fondant cake. This is a great skill for pastry chefs, cake decorators and over-achiever moms alike. Make your kids' birthday cakes look more por than wedding cakes with fondant! Check out this video recipe from the Sacramento Bee.

How To: Retrieve all of the Cursed Dolls in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2

Unlocking all of the 40+ playable characters in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 is the most challenging and rewarding part of the game for hardcore fans of the series. If you've been wondering how to unlock Killer Bee, it's quite a process, but this video will get you most of the way there by teaching you where to find and retrieve all of the Cursed Dolls that you have to find to unlock the quest that in turn unlocks Killer Bee. Fight on.

How To: Prepare and cook artichokes

In this video, Gwen Schoen of the Sacramento Bee shows you how to prepare and cook artichokes for delicious meals. Artichokes are great for year round meals and are very fun to eat. These Italian classics are delicious when cooked properly. Gwen will show you how to choose an artichoke at the store, cut up, prepare and cook these yummy veggies. Enjoy!

How To: Hand-pollinate tomatoes and peppers

With the bees inexplicably dying off, they may not be a reliable source of pollination anymore. Fortunately, hand pollination is not particularly difficult, and maybe even a little fun. Watch this video gardening tutorial and learn how to hand-pollinate tomato and pepper crops in your own yard.

How To: Make a wood ring

A wooden ring can be a beautiful, handcrafted item of jewelry, rare and unquiet. This excellent how to will show you the steps necessary to turn your own wooden ring on a lathe and then finish it for wearing. The wood used in this video is Cocobolo, a lovely hardwood that will weather nicely over time. Check it out! You'll need a block of hardwood, a lathe, lathe tools, sand paper, bees wax and mineral oil. You'll also want to wear protective eye wear as well.

How To: Make a fondant butterfly for cake decorating

Cake decorating is truly an art, and the more skills you have, the better an artist you become. This how-to illustrates how to make a fondant butterfly for your special cake. The process isn't hard at all and you'll be able to apply the knowledge to other things you may like to create. Butterflies will abound as you get up to speed and decorate your cake bringing spring to that special someone. Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee, check out the video and you'll clearly see!

How To: Deal with yellow jackets

Nothing ruins a romantic fresh air picnic like the buzzing of angry yellow jackets—especially since, unlike the useful honey bee, they can use their stingers over and over again... Learn how to deal with bees without getting stung. This instructional video from Howcast offers tips on handling yellow jackets.

AHS Cult: How to Grow a Beehive Out of Your Skull for Halloween

The promotional images for American Horror Story: Cult have been some of the most arresting in recent memory. They mash coulrophobia, trypophobia, and body horror together with some serious economy into a succinct, colorful, image. It's like a bad car accident that you can't stop rubbernecking. Which makes it perfect for a Halloween costume — you'll be repulsive, but no one will be able to look away. While the beehive skull hasn't made an actual appearance in Cult yet, and probably won't sinc...

How To: Get over your anxiety and ask that hot girl out already

We Wonder How To worker bees are a little on the older side, but we remember (with a sharp pang of awkwardness) just how hard it was to approach that guy or girl at lunch break during school and ask him/her out. Butterflies in the stomach, queasiness, and hyperventilating were not our friends when we wanted to look cool and suave to impress the one we had our eyes on.

How To: Set up a Honey Bee CP2 remote control helicopter

Watch this instructional hobby video to properly set up and fly a remote control helicopter. Transmitter switches and servo wires should all be set up this way. Charge the flight pack and you are ready. If you are a beginner, leaving the flybar weights at the outer position will dampen the controls and make the helicopter easier to fly. As you improve, move the weights in for quicker response. The swashplate has a metal ball for reduced wear and precise control. The servos are screwed to the ...

How To: Talk about insects in Italian

In this tutorial, we learn how to say Italian words in English. To say "the insects" in Italian, you say "gli insetti". Ants are "formica", aphids are "afidi", bees are "api", and beetle is "scarafaggio". Butterfly is "farfalla", caterpillar is "bruco", cricket is "grillo", dragonfly is "libellulu", and earth worm is "lombrico". Knowing how to say these are the first stepping stones to learning to speak Italian. Just knowing these can help you start to speak this beautiful language in no time...

How To: Get rid of any odors coming from your washer

If you've bee washing your clothes and have noticed a faint odor coming from inside of your washer, you may have a problem. Overloading a washer can produce an odor that is warning you to stop adding clothes to an already tired machine. By continually overloading your washer, you're asking for trouble as well as an excuse to spend money on your machine.