Basic Design Search Results

How To: Save data to a text file from a Visual Basic 6 application

In this clip, you'll learn how to export data from a Visual Basic app to an external TXT file. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular event-driven program language & IDE or a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free Visual Basic programming lesson. For more information, including a complete demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Implement a simple splash screen in Microsoft Visual Basic 6

In this clip, you'll learn how to create a splash screen for a Visual Basic 6 app. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular event-driven program language & IDE or a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free Visual Basic programming lesson. For more information, including a complete demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Implement a list box in a Microsoft Visual Basic 6 application

In this clip, you'll learn how to implement a list box within Microsoft Visual Basic 6. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular event-driven program language & IDE or a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free Visual Basic programming lesson. For more information, including a complete demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Implement two-way chat with the Winsock control in Visual Basic 6

In this clip, you'll learn how to set up two-person chatting with Visual Basic 6. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular event-driven program language & IDE or a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free Visual Basic programming lesson. For more information, including a complete demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Implement an option button or check box in a Visual Basic application

In this video guide, you'll learn how to implement an option button or check box within a Visual Basic 6 application. free Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular event-driven program language & IDE or a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free Visual Basic programming lesson. For more information, including a complete demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Use Select Case statements when programming in Microsoft Visual Basic

In this clip, you'll learn how to use Case Statements in your Visual Basic projects. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular event-driven program language or a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free Visual Basic programming lesson. For more information, including a complete demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Make a paper mache Venetian Mask

Do you need a Venetian mask but can't afford to buy a fancy one? This tutorial teaches you how to make a Venetian style mask by yourself with some basic supplies you can buy from a craft store. You'll need a blank mask or some plaster strips, decorations (like ribbons, crystals, feathers etc.) and basic construction tools like X-acto knives, scissors, and glue. First, you need to lay out the materials, add the trim with hot glue and attach the feathers to the top of the mask. The feathers wil...

How To: Make knots for friendship bracelets

Learn the basics of friendship bracelet making with this easy to understand video. You will learn what is known as the forward knot, the backwards knot, the forward-backwards knot and the backwards-forward knot. With these simple instructions, you can make countless bracelets for friends and family. There are numerous videos showing the how-to of friendship bracelet making, but this video gets back to basics. After you make the knots, you are free to pick a design of your choosing for your br...

How To: Draw a male torso or man's body for anime or manga

This instructional video will teach how to sketch and draw the male body (a man's torso or upper body, chest, abs, rib cage, and shoulders) for character design, comics, manga, anime and video game concept art. Learn step by step how to draw from a simplified torso and upper body using geometric shapes. Learn how to sketch and construct a basic body form quickly. The video demonstrates and narrates how to quickly create an efficient concept design from concept idea into a fantasy or sci-fi ch...

How To: Prepare for the SAT math section

How to prepare for the math section of SAT:Eva for brightstorm2 gives us a few quick tips to solve the math section in the SAT test. They are simple, easy yet crucial to help you get through the math section. Let us begin with the basics. Basic are simple tips like read carefully, use your calculator wisely, use all the information given, do not worry about formulae and symbols, tackle the “always”, “never”, “must and “could and “can” problems. To explain them in detail; you should pay attent...

How To: Control forms within the Microsoft Visual Basic 6 IDE

In this clip, you'll learn about basic form control within Visual Basic 6. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular event-driven program language & IDE or a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free Visual Basic programming lesson. For more information, including a complete demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Register Visual Basics 2008 for free

Registering Visual Basics 2008 express edition is quite simple. It is a free registration. First open visual basic then go to the help option. Register the product and click on register now. It will ask you to sign into Microsoft email using your Hotmail account or if you do not have one you can create one and use it there. Use your user name and password where it asks to verify. Fill out all the form information, it may be real or fake, it does not matter. Then you will come to a registratio...

How To: Make a Square Knot with Loops

This Square knot design feature picots, which are small loops at the sides of the knot. Picots are simply loops along the edges. Picot Designs are vintage Macrame techniques. They are often used to make the edges of craft items to look like as flower petals. This is a good project for children and beginners to learn one of the basic knots frequently used in Macrame. To this pattern you can add pearls and have an interesting look.

How To: Design top-notch brochures in Microsoft Word: Mac 2008

Sure, not everyone will want to create brochures, but for some of us, it's the best way to get around paying a design firm— making them yourself in Word 2008 for Mac. The tools and templates inside Word 2008 make it easy to create visually stunning brochures for any occasion. The Microsoft Office for Mac team shows you just how to design a professional brochure in this how-to video.

How To: Play Warhammer 40,000 with the basic 5th Edition rules

Warhammer 40,000 is one of the most popular and most derided games on the planet. Very few games are so fun, so harmless, and so beloved, and yet people who play are often labeled nerds and it has never caught in in mainstream America (different story in Europe and Australia, where it's HUGE). If you've been considering playing, you've come to the perfect place. Warhammer 40k is a complex game, but this video series will teach you everything you need to know to start playing. It uses the basi...

How To: Make cute DIY flower and feather hair clips

Cheery springtime cookie designs give a tender welcome to spring, but you can up the ante by bidding "hello" to the fair-weathered season by wearing a flower or two in your hair. Spice up your everyday outfit or look absolutely fabulous for a luau by donning this cute DIY flower and feather hair clip.

How To: Walk gracefully and without slipping in high heels

Beauty is pain, and there's no better proof of this aphorism than high heels. Whether they're a measly two inches or a whopping six inches, high heels are undeniably the most fabulous and effective way to visually lengthen your legs and make your calf muscles look slim. They come in gorgeous designs and colors and are many gals' favorite fashion accessories. But oh yeah, there's one snatch: they're a pain in the ass to wear for longer than half an hour.

How To: Design Your Own iPhone 5 Case for Less Than $5

So, you've got your new iPhone 5 from Apple, but wait—where do you get a case for it? Since its launch, Apple Stores across the country have been carrying absolutely zero iPhone 5 cases. In fact, the only thing they seem to be carrying right now as far as iPhone 5 accessories goes is the new Lightning cable. So, when will they be getting cases? Rumors state October sometime, but there's no telling if it's now or at the end of the month.

How To: Master the basics of Adobe Flash CS4

Flash CS4 is an incredibly powerful tool for creating all sorts of animated content like games, movies, and websites. This series of videos is meant as a introduction to some of the many tools available to the Flash CS4 user. It moves slowly, is very easy-to-follow, and after watching you should be much better prepared to use this powerful software.

How To: Make a basic wire loop for jewelry making

Do you want to learn how to make the perfect loops for your wire projects? Join Lisa Niven Kelly from Beaducation, and learn the basics on making basic loops! Lisa goes over what tools to use, and how to make even consistent loops. Learn how to make basic wire loops for your jewelry making.

How To: Create the illusion of 3D shapes in Flash

Want to create 3D shapes in flash easily, without doing any real 3D modeling work? Watch this video and learn a few basics. An Adobe Flash tutorial video that is essentially divided into three sections. The 1st section teaches how to create a rounded filled circle with spherical effect and depth. The second part teaches the same thing with rectangular objects while the third teaches how to create a cylindrical effect using a rectangle. The obvious uses of these methods is to create your own 3...

How To: Use the pen tool in Photoshop, Flash, & After Effects

Chad Perkins shows how to use the Bezier pen tool in Photoshop, Flash, and After Effects. Perkins attempts to shed light on how the tool can be used and dispels certain misconceptions about the pen tool. The pen tool allows users to create various types of paths, either open or closed, at the most basic level of use. At the more complex level, the pen tool can be used to create professional looking curves. For better understanding of what the pen tool can do for graphics and other designs, fo...

How To: Make drum & bass basslines in Reason 4

This video demonstrates how to design drum and bass lines in a Reason 4 program. This video does not have a speaker rather it shows you on the computer how you would make these lines. Music plays at sometimes but mostly it is various screens and demonstrations of making the base lines. There is text to help you out on the screen. If you follow the steps in this video, you'll be able to create a basic drum line using Reason 4.