Attracts Pests Search Results

How To: Make hoops for your low garden tunnel

With low garden tunnels you can protect your plants from frost and insects, and you can overwinter your crops. In this episode of Growing Wisdom, host Dave Epstein will look at how to build a garden low tunnel. He'll focus on using the Quick Hoops Bender for the project.

How To: Attract a girl the best & easiest way

In this video offering advice on how to attract women, David Wygant explains why he talks to everyone. You'll find tat this is one of the best and easiest ways to start attracting women! It's about building momentum. The biggest mistake most guys make is that they don't talk to anybody. They spend the entire day waiting for the hot female, and when that happens they can't talk to her because they haven't talked to anyone all day long. Most people are walking around in a coma. You should be ge...

How To: Attract and feed orioles

Here is a bird how-to video that offers tips on attracting and feeding orioles. Orioles like hummingbirds are attracted to a specific color. When choosing an oriole feeder you want to pick one that is orange. Follow along as the owner of a birding store gives you more great tips on choosing a feeder and food material for a orioles.

How To: Attract women without trying

In this video, we learn how to attract women without trying. The way you can do this is by simply having some fun! Most guys are way too into finding women and try far too hard. If you are having some fun with your friends and not focusing on it too much, you will most likely find a girl to attract! Girls love to have fun, dance, party, and talk to guys. If you can be a girl that has some fun energy, this will attract a girl to talk to you and can possibly start a relationship! Just have a gr...

How To: Plant garlic in your vegetable garden

Garlic is great for spicing up your meals (and keeping vampires away!) and fall is a great time to grow it. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to grow garlic in your garden. Get some garlic bulbs from a seed catalog, nursery or organic grower, and you'll soon have a garlic crop to be proud of.

How To: Grow vegetables late in the season

Come the fall, your garden is probably going to be looking pretty spare. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are vegetables that will thrive in the fall. In this Growing Wisdom gardening tutorial, you'll learn how to grow vegetables in the cooler months.

How To: Make a leaf fence

Autumn leaves may be beautiful, but they can also be incredibly annoying as they pile up around your garden. But there are things you can do with autumn leaves, like mulching them, composting them and turning them into a living fence. In this episode of Growing Wisdom, Dave Epstein walks you through how to make a leaf fence.

How To: Rid your garden of white fly

One of the ironies of gardening is that often some of the smallest pests can create the biggest nuisance. White flies can drain the life out of your plants. You can see the evidence of white fly damage in the lack of vigor in the plant and the discoloration of the leaves. Before they were a rich green and now they've turned a sickly yellow. Learn how to get rid of these pesky white flies with this gardening tutorial.

How To: Attract women, as told by a woman

In this tutorial, we learn how to attract women, as told by a woman. When you want a woman, you need to first of all be in control of your emotions. Make sure you are thinking about her and taking control of the situation. Be laid back but be in control so you are living in the moment. be comfortable in the environment and the woman will be attracted to you and think you are hot! A woman likes to talk about yourself, so ask her questions and genuinely be interested in her. Find common ground ...

How To: Attract women with your emotions

In this tutorial, we learn how to attract women with your emotions. Don't make the mistake that being stoic or not showing emotions is a strong and manly characteristic. You want to show a woman that you are emotional, just not too emotional. Show the range of emotions that you feel everyday. Show that a real man will be happy, sad, mad, and anything else! This will make you look more authentic to a girl and powerful because she will see that you are yourself around her. This will make women ...

How To: Attract women with the power of your voice

In this video, we learn how to attract women with the power of your voice. If there is one thing women really love about men, it's how they speak. Women love a man that has a confident and smooth voice. A powerful voice means that you are confident in yourself and secure in who you are. Women will be more likely to notice you if you have a powerful voice and not a weak or scared voice. You can use the power of your voice in any situation to attract a woman, which is a great tool to have if yo...

How To: Attract a woman with one look

In this video, we learn how to attract a woman with one look. When you go over to talk to a girl, you want to walk up to her slowly. Walking slowly will teach you how to attract a woman because you aren't walking fast like everyone else. Don't have a nervous energy, because this will show lack of confidence in yourself. Once you are talking to the woman, make sure you are giving her eye contact and she is interested in what you are saying. It's a great idea for you to meet the woman at the gr...

How To: Attract more business with feng shui

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to attract more business with feng shui. To attract more business you need helpful people to hire you or to spread the word about your goods and services. The travel of information is also important in business. Your house should address these areas. First, find the focus room on your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your home floor plan. The travel and helpful people area is in the lower right corner of your home, standing i...

How To: Meet hot women by being playful & goofy

David Wygant discusses how to meet hot women by being playful and goofy. Being playful and goofy during everyday life will attract attention from women. Women often wants to know who you really are. Being goofy shows that you are being playful. It also shows that you are being yourself and attracting positive energy. Women will want to be around you to discover this positive energy for themselves. You don't need pickup lines to meet and attract hot women. Simply be yourself and focus on havin...

How To: Kill or Keep Away Flies & Other Small Pests with Homemade Sticky Flypaper

Despite being disgusting, houseflies are actually beneficial to humans in a few ways. As scavengers, they help the environment by eating rotting organic matter, and make great food for pet tarantulas. Regardless of the advantages to their existence, having them in your home can be infuriating. There are countless sprays, traps and devices made to kill or deter the little pests, one of the most common being flypaper that hangs from the ceiling. These sticky strips are incredibly easy to make a...

How To: Attract women by knowing what women want

In this video, we learn how to attract women by knowing what they want. First, you have to know what you want, not what you don't want. Next, pay attention and be interested in people. Also, listen to people, this will help you learn more about the people around you. You should also know what your talent is, so you can create conversations with people and have something to discuss. You need to take action, get out and meet new people! Be complimentary to women, as well as sincere, which will ...

How To: Become a player and attract more women

Do you wish that the women your were attracted to felt the same way about you? There are relatively simple ways of helping this happen, and this video will teach you a few of them. Most importantly: believe in yourself and cultivate yourself into a man a good woman would want to be with.

How To: Attracting birds to your garden

Bird feeding is something everyone can do. But keeping the birds in your garden can be just as easy. This how to video gives you a few tips that will help you attract the most popular wild species of birds and entice them to stay for more than a quick lunch.

How To: Attract women with two signs of maturity

In this video, we learn how to attract women with two signs of maturity. Women say that they want to date a mature man, but men don't know what this means. If you are picking up a girl in your car, don't drive crazy to impress her with your driving skills. Drive in the normal and safe manner without rushing and going crazy. Maturity is about not responding emotionally to things women do that drive you crazy. You have to let these things slide to show that you aren't immature and terrified of ...

How To: Kill gnats

In this video, Sbirdboi will explain how you can get rid of a gnat infestation. First, you must identify what kind of gnats they are, as this determines the best ways in dealing with them. He will explain three common types of gnats, their habits and where they tend to lay their eggs. After teaching you about the kinds of gnats, you will learn what steps to take to kill the gnats, and prevent them from coming back. You will also learn tips of ways you can attract gnats and subsequently kill t...

How To: Attract women while looking like a mess

In this tutorial, we learn how to attract women while looking like a mess. You feel great when you are wearing new clothes and you have a new haircut. This gives you confidence because you know you look good and girls will notice you. You can feel this way without having the great clothes and hair, you just have to change your mindset. Know that you are a good looking guy and have a fun personality and girls will definitely take notice. If you feel good about yourself and feel that you are at...

How To: Identify problems with snails & slugs

Snails and slugs can really be a problem sometimes if you are a gardener. They feed on plants and can be considered pests, sometimes even getting inside your house. They are identified by their tell-tale slime trails. A bad infestation can be very hard to deal with. However, specialized cleaners or fertilizers can help your garden snail-free.

How To: Get rid of moles in the yard

Moles can be a problem. You can identify Moles as a problem if when you stick your finger down a hole you can feel a tunnel. There is a safe way to rid your lawn of Moles without harming other pests, insects, pets or family. Castor Oil produces an odor that Moles don't like. Get it in granular or liquid form, sprinkle it around the area. You'll see more Mole activity in the first few days because they'll get agitated but quickly they'll move somewhere else. Don't use a castor oil from a groce...