Athletic Search Results

How To: Treat runner's nipple

Runner's nipple is caused by shirt fabric rubbing against the tips of the nipples. Learn how to prevent getting runner's nipple and stay fit in this sports medicine how to video. All you need to prevent runner's nipple is band-aids or petroleum jelly. Watch and see how simple it is to take care of.

How To: Get an Ivy League scholarship

Ivy League schools are a students wet dream, but not everyone can get into them. Even fewer get scholarships for them. But in recent years, Ivy League universities have raised the number of scholarships they award to students. More students are seeking awards, making the application process for these scholarships very competitive.

How To: Tape an ankle to prevent an inversion ankle sprain

Use tough skin spray adhesive, under wrap or pre-wrap, athletic tape to wrap an ankle. Position ankle in 90 degrees of dorsal flexion. Spray the adhesive to insure tight taping. Heel and lace pads are placed over tendons. Pre-wrap is applied, the goal here is to apply anchors so adhesive from tough skin will adhere to tape. Three layers are applied working towards the calf. Apply heel lock tape from the calf towards the heel, applying tension as you cross the bend in the ankle. The correct lo...

How To: Dress for a business casual interview

In a recent poll taken by an online recruiting company revealed that 37 percent of all hiring managers do not hire someone based just on the way they dress, more than half said they'd hold it against a candidate if they hadn't worn a jacket and seventy percent said that they wouldn't hire anyone wearing jeans, a leather jacket or a polo shirt to the interview. The rules for office dress code have changed, more and more companies offer their employees a business-casual dress code which makes i...

How To: Build massive chest muscles with the dumbell press

If you're tired of getting sand kicked in your face at the beach because of your tiny chest muscles then the dumbell press exercise is for you. This professional tutorial demonstrates the simple workout that can build up your pectoral muscles in a healthy manner. The dumbell bench press is an awesome functional, athletic movement for you athletes. You will work the target muscle better by visualizing the target muscle. Go slow (a 3-1-3 tempo), and visualize that you are squeezing water out of...

How To: Do dumbbell squats

Squats are probably the most useful exercise you can do at the gym—no other single exercise encourages more muscle growth. With a range of motion that incorporates many different muscle groups in the legs, core and upper body, squats not only strengthen those muscles, but also strengthen the tendons and ligaments that connect them. In addition to their strength-building benefits, squats also teach you core stabilization, which is important for almost any athletic endeavor. Learn how to do dum...

How To: Play Sports Like a Geeky Girl

The stereotypical geek is not good at sports. Think about it, we’re known for spending time in dark basements doing weird stuff that has nothing to do with running around and being active. So we’re known for our inability to play sports, but I wouldn't call it an inability so much as a creative way of passing these challenges by the skin of our teeth. Examples:

How To: Tie your running shoes properly

Ever wonder what is the correct way to lace your athletic shoes? This short video demonstrates step by step how to do it right and giving you tips along the way like reminding you to put your laces through the little fabric loop that's in the middle of most running shoes. Enjoy!

How To: Stop Drinking Sports Drinks & Start Spitting Them Out Instead

Whether you're a serious, sweating athlete or just need to recover after a night of drinking, chances are you've replenished your body's fluids with a sports drink at some point. Those electrolytes aren't the only thing entering your systems, though. Sports drinks are sugary, sweet, and loaded with calories—but there's a way you can still recharge your body without ingesting the unhealthy additives.

How To: Stand when hitting a golf ball

This video shows you how to stand correctly when hitting a golf ball. It is very easy. No matter what kind of club you have in your hand, you don't change. The most important thing is to have your arms hang straight down from your shoulders. If you do this correctly then your hands will be directly under your chin when you bend over the ball. Your knees should be slightly flexed over your laces and your shoulders should be over your toes. This gives you an athletic, balanced position and you ...

How To: Do power yoga

Power yoga is a fitness-based approach to classical yoga. Power yoga classes focus on strength and flexibility. Learn about Power yoga in this yoga video lesson. Take action: expect athletic yoga, employ powerful poses, and hold poses longer. Cindy Mastry, the instructor in this how-to video, has practiced yoga since the age of eight, and also has a background in Jazz and Ballet. Active in the fitness industry for nearly twenty years, she teaches aerobics, kickboxing, and yoga at many fitness...

How To: Do yoga sun salutation A movements

In this fitness how to video Lucas Rockwood, demonstrates Sun Salutation A from the Ashtanga-Vinyasa & Power Yoga traditions. The breath is meant to synchronize with the movement so that entire practice is like one long breathing exercises. Inhales are expansive, strong breathes while exhales are relaxing and opening.

How To: Putt in golf

Putting is part of the golf game that every one can be good at. Putting is the least athletic part of golf and often the most overlooked. Improve your golf scores by becoming a better putter. Get putting tips and drills from a golf instructor in this free golf video series.

News: Ford Appoints Self-Drive Chief as CEO

After Ford's CEO Mark Fields' three-year tenure failed to keep up with the driverless industry and resulted in a 40% drop in shares since Field's took over in 2014, Ford is going in a new direction. Jim Hackett, who was previously chairman of Ford's self-driving division, has succeeded Fields as the company's new CEO.

How To: Apps That Work with iOS 14's New Home Screen Widgets

Chief among iOS 14's excellent new features is the overhauled home screen. Now, you can add customizable widgets that live alongside your traditional apps, and both first-party and third-party apps can take advantage of it. Talk about an upgrade. They even work in the Today View and lock screen, so you can have the reinvented widgets for one or the other — or both.

How To: Do opera style vocal warm ups

In this how to video you will see an opera singer warm up her voice. While singing opera may seem heavenly, vocal production itself is a down-to-earth physical experience, requiring athletic discipline as well as artistry. An effective warm up is essential before attempting any type of singing.