At in Kitchen Search Results

How To: Replace a drop-in kitchen sink

Watch this step by step video demonstration on how to replace a drop-in (countertop) kitchen sink. Also, learn some quick tips on how to make the job even easier to complete. It's simpler than you think! Watch this video home improvement tutorial and learn how to replace a countertop sink.

How To: Create a slideshow in Dreamweaver CS3

If you're Dreamweaver CS3 user who's looking to build a slide show, check out this video. You'll learn the ins and outs of creating a nice presentation, and, you'll see that Flash can create a slide show for you with lots of automation. Whether you're showing a sweet slide show of your cats, dogs, 1973 Camero re-build or whatever, this tutorial will get you up and running in no time. And the best part? You won't need to hunt for your slide projector, slide tray, slide screen AND, you won't ev...

How To: Make a costume replica of the Jason Voorhees machete from Freddy vs. Jason

Freddy vs. Jason was one of the greatest film cash-ins of all time, but it was still cool to imagine these two greats of 1980's horror squaring off. This video will show you how to make a replica of Jason's machete from the film, using a real machete as a base. They aren't expensive, and if you're going to a Halloween party where real weapons are allowed this would be a great one to use.

How To: Make a simple muffin mix for any flavor

In this video, Titli shows us how to make a muffin mix to be used with all sorts of muffins. The ingredients are: 2 c flour, 1 c sugar, 1/2 c milk, 1/2 c butter, 2 eggs, 2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt and 1 tsp vanilla essence. You can use whatever type of mix-in you want (chocolate chips, blueberries, etc). To make them you will first blend the butter, sugar, eggs and salt together until they are creamy. Then add in your sifted flour and baking powder then whisk until combined. Next, whis...

How To: Install Auto-tune in your Audacity audio program

Audacity is a very effective program when it comes to audio and top of that it is free. Download Audacity from its home page, get the newest version because only that one will work with what we need to do. Install it when done with the downloading. Now the first step to installing auto-tune is getting the Audacity VST enabler, you need to need place this right or it will not work, it needs to go into the plug-ins folder in the Audacity installation folder. Now you need to get auto-tune evo fr...

How To: Sharpen your kitchen knives using a whetstone

In the kitchen, as important as it is to have great, fresh food and a hygienic cooking area, if your knives are dull, you won't be getting much done (unless you're cave-manning it, then good luck to you!). But if you are wondering how to get your blade back into the shape it was in when you first got it then check out this great video! Chef Jason Hill shows you how to maintain your kitchen knives with a whetstone.

How To: Make a non-sew tutu

Making a tutu can be hard, but making a non-sew tutu is nothing but easy. Watch this video tutorial to learn the ins and outs of the non-sew tutu for young children. You can change it up all you want once you get the basics down, but for starting off, use the following supplies:

How To: Make homemade kitchen cleaners

With these recipes and tips to mix safe, non-toxic, homemade kitchen cleaners, you can stop worrying about how your store-bought supplies are harming your home and the environment. how to make your own kitchen cleaning products using a few, inexpensive ingredients you can get at the grocery and health food stores.

How To: Update your kitchen for cheap

This quick informational tutorial, gives you some tips for transforming your old kitchen into something new and improved. You'll find out how different lighting can help create a better mood for the area, how certain faucets can be used to wash dishes and fruits and veggies, as well as find the right kind of flooring of countertop. So check it out and see if you agree with The Home Depot. Enjoy!

How To: De-clutter kitchen cabinets

Alleviate frustration and take a few minutes to organize your cabinets. Watch this how to video and learn how easy it is to de-clutter kitchen cabinets with a professional organizer. Store your plates, glasses, and bakeware where you will be able to reach them.