Articles Mentioned Search Results

How To: Draw Vegeta

Learn How to draw Vegeta. Though he plays villain in the Dragon Ball Z series, i have always liked him because he has a strong personality. Not to mention, he is also a powerful Sayan. In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z in a few simple steps. For the full tutorial with step by step & speed control visit: how to draw.

How To: Create an MLA works cited page in Word

To start with you have to write the author's name, with the last name entered first followed by first name and then the period. Title of the article should be in quotation marks. Do not use italic format. Title of the actual journal must be written. After this there is a series of numbers the volume number, issue, year, pages number separated by a colon. Don’t write 'p' for pages as the number itself is a standard for it. Write the period and also the dates.

How To: Install drip irrigation

Patti Moreno, the Garden Girl, from GardenGirltv, brings us this step-by-step video about how to install what's called a drip irrigation system in her urban sustainable garden with this square foot gardening technique. She illustrates this process in a very detailed way, describing all the tools and various parts you will need to create an irrigation system for your garden that will allow you to save money and water, not to mention time spent watering each plant individually, for under $200.

How To: Have Proper Risk Managment When Trading

This video is teaching you how to have proper Risk Management when trading. Not managing your risk will eventually kill your capital, whether you are trading stocks, forex, futures or indices. After explaining the concepts instructions are provided for you to adopt the principles mentioned.

How To: Use Photoshop to create six pack abs

Who has time to go to the gym any more? Not to mention the money. And then there's all that heavy lifting if you do get there. Why not just fire up Photoshop and turn that 96 lb weakling into a gym monkey beefcake? This Photoshop editing technique for giving a similar look dodging and burning only a lot quicker. This is a technique was developed by Photoshop Guru Calvin Hollywood. This tutorial will show you how it's done. In no time at all you'll be faking out people with your touched up pho...

How To: Create an RSS feed using XML code and RSS Builder

This instructional video shows you how to make a RSS ("Really Simple Syndication") feed using the free program RSS builder. RSS is a script that can be put up on a website that other users can subscribe to in order to get notified when the website gets updated. The xml code behind creating RSS feeds is explained. The code should be entered as shown and the file should be saved as "feed.xml" and upload it to a web server. Go to the URL mentioned, download and install RSS builder. Launch the pr...

How To: Create a Moroccan magenta nail art design

Julieg713 is a nail art expert. Check out her nail art tutorials on WonderHowTo (Search Julieg713). Her nail art looks are fun & pretty, not to mention well demonstrated. This nail polish video demonstrate how to create a Moroccan magenta nail art design. Watch this video to learn how to recreate this nail art look.

How To: Understand the physics of waves: true story of Roswell

In this three-part video, learn about the events surrounding the newspaper article in Roswell New Mexico 1947 regarding crashed flying saucers. The story has to do with nuclear weapons, the second world war, government lies and the movement of sound waves. See how the evnst of Roswell tie in with physics of waves with help from host, Professor Richard Muller of Berkeley University.

How To: Make bio diesel

Make your own backyard biodiesel with the help of Kipkay. It's easy to make a small batch that will work in any diesel engine. You won't need any special equipment--an old juice bottle will serve as the "reactor" vessel--and on such a small scale, you can quickly refine your technique and perform further experiments. Thanks go to Rob Elam for the original article in Make Volume 3To download Making Biodiesel MP4 click here or subscribe in iTunes. Check out the complete Making Biodiesel article...

How To: Explain American football

American Football may seem easy to follow, but it can be hard to explain to a first-time spectator, like a European, or a hermit. Learn how to explain the game of American football to those who aren't in the know.

News: New Evidence Implies Apple Pencil May Work on the New iPhone 11 Models

Although styluses and smartphones have existed together for years, the iPhone has always ignored the pairing. After all, "Who wants a stylus?" But ever since the Apple Pencil made its debut on iPad, the rumor mill has churned out the idea that an iPhone could one day see stylus support. That day will probably come with the release of iPhone 11, and there's a good indicator to make its case.

How To: Short Attention Span? Use These Browser Plugins and Mobile Apps to Summarize Long News Articles

Our attention spans have vastly shortened thanks to the Internet and our subsequent procurement of information from it at a rapid pace. It's tough to pay attention to something for a good amount of time, unless it's ridiculously interesting and stimulating. It's gotten so bad for me that I keep checking my phone every ten minutes—I even did it during a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises.

How To: Solve reverse percentage problems

We know the method for answering the question "What is the x percent of y" but, what about the answer to the following question "The x percent discounted price of an article is y. Find the original price." This is a reverse percentage problem that can be solved using the method shown in this video. This video contains three reverse percentage problems. The first two problems are essentially of the same type as explained above. A simple and easy to understand method of finding the original pri...

How To: Create a research binder

This video tutorial belongs to the Education category which is going to show you how to create a research binder. This binder will hold all your "how to" articles or research guides. You will need page dividers which you can make yourself or purchase. The dividers are meant to separate sections in the binder for ease of storing and retrieving all your research materials. You can have dividers for events, dates, contact details of people, places and "how to" articles. The dividers can have a f...