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Hack Like a Pro: How to Compile a New Hacking Tool in Kali

Welcome back, my newbie hackers! Recently, I "upgraded" to Kali as my hacking platform, despite my preference for BackTrack. I did this reluctantly, primarily because new readers here could no longer download BackTrack from their site. I want to point out here that we all must keep in mind that with any software—or for that matter, any product—that is newer is not necessarily better.

Hack Like a Pro: Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 13 (Mounting Drives & Devices)

Welcome back, my aspiring hackers! One of those areas of Linux that Windows users invariably struggle with is the concept of "mounting" devices and drives. In the Windows world, drives and devices are automatically "mounted" without any user effort or knowledge. Well, maybe a bit of knowledge. Most Windows users know to unmount their flash drive before removing it, but they usually think of it as "ejecting" it.

How To: Use SELinux Targeted Policy to Secure Your Hosts

Hackers often rely on lazy system admins and unpatched vulnerabilities to get access to a host. Keeping intruders off of our machines requires us to update daily, only run the services we need, and read the code, among other things, but we can still make mistakes. Luckily for us, we can limit the damage caused by those mistakes by running SELinux.

How To: Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker: Configuring Apache

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! In an earlier Linux Basics tutorial, I had demonstrated the basics of the Apache web server. Since Apache is the world's most widely used web server on the Internet (as of July 2015, Apache was 38%, IIS was 26%, and Nginx is 15%), the more you know about it and understand it, the more success you are likely to have hacking it.

How To: Crack Any Game by Pop Cap

Hello fellow peoples of the earth and welcome to another tutorial by me! Noah! you know popcap make bejewled blitz and zuma and pvz for facebook but what if you want the big games like pvz or bejewled 3 from them but don't want to pay. Then worry not as this simple tutorial will help you get those games you enjoy for free without any trials or limitations! to the startthetutorialmobile

How To: Use LinEnum to Identify Potential Privilege Escalation Vectors

The art of privilege escalation is a skill that any competent hacker should possess. It's an entire field unto itself, and while it's good to know how to perform the techniques involved manually, it's often more efficient to have a script automate the process. LinEnum is one such script that can be incredibly useful for privilege escalation on Linux systems.

How To: Leverage a Directory Traversal Vulnerability into Code Execution

Directory traversal, or path traversal, is an HTTP attack which allows attackers to access restricted directories by using the ../ characters to backtrack into files or directories outside the root folder. If a web app is vulnerable to this, an attacker can potentially access restricted files that contain info about all registered users on the system, their permissions, and encrypted passwords.

How To: Securely Sync Files Between Two Machines Using Syncthing

Transferring hundreds of screenshots, webcam recordings, keystroke logs, and audio recordings between your VPS and a local Kali machine can be tricky. Services like Dropbox don't always have the best privacy policies and suffer data breaches just like any other website. To mitigate these risks, we'll use a secure, open source, and decentralized alternative.

How To: Download & Install the Null Byte Suite

Hello, everyone! If you haven't read the recent announcement on the official release of the Null Byte suite, I suggest you do so. This is going to be a quick tutorial on how to download and install the suite so you can see our communities genius. So, let's get started!

How To: Access and use the documents directory within an iOS app

In this clip, you'll learn how to make recourse to the documents folder from within an iOS application. Whether you're new to the Objective-C operating language and Xcode IDE or are a seasoned developer merely looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're certain to be well served by this tutorial. For more information, including a complete overview and detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this free video Objective-C programming lesson for iPhone & iPod Touch developers.

Raspberry Pi: Metasploit

Before we dive into the world of frustration, I first would like to thank whoever of the admins and mods made the folder for Raspberry Pi in the How-To's, thank you. Now with that outta the way, this article is about Metasploit on Raspberry Pi (hence the title). I should say that I ran into a error, but I think I figured what the problem is. First of all this is not on Kali Linux, but on a regular Linux OS. With that said let's open up a terminal and begin.

How To: Juggle three balls like a professional

This is the first of 3 steps that will show you how to juggle three balls. Jim the juggler demonstrates how to get them up and going. Step 1 begins with one ball, so be patient, you need to work your way up! (WMP files and smaller videos are available at the root directory)

How To: Bypass Windows Passwords Part 1

This is my first article on here, it's based off of a project that I'm working on at school which is on three ways to bypass windows user password's. If all goes as planned and you all would like I'll work on part two and part three and post them as soon as I can. I do have to give credit to Puppy Monkey Baby and The Defalt, both of whom are my classmates at college and have helped me with writing this article.

How To: Using BASH for Computer Forensics

Greetings to all geeks, hackers, nerds, and explorers of Null Byte. Welcome to my brand new tutorial, "Using BASH for Computer Forensics". This tutorial will give you a look at how the computer programming language, Bash, can be used to find out details on apple devices for later use.