Arm Running Search Results

How To: Hit shots from the corner in raquetball

In this Sports video you will learn how to hit shots from the corner in racquetball. When your opponent hits a shot into one of the corners, the common mistake that a lot of players do is to run into the corner in order to dog out the ball. If you do this, the ball can jam you to ‘short arm’ the shot. Don’t crowd yourself into the corner eliminating your full extension. The video demonstrates how by staying a few feet from the corner, the player was able to extend his arm fully to take a full...

How To: Perfect running form for on hills

Check out this instructional cross country video that demonstrates how to perfect your running form on hills. Running uphill and downhill is certainly a fine art. Just follow the tips to improve your up and downhill running form (remember to maintain form on gradual hills): land on balls of feet, take shorter strides, arm carriage tighter, keep chin slightly down, stand tall through chest; don't over-stride, pelvis tucked forward, lean slightly forward, chin down. Soon you'll be running faste...

How To: Tone your arms with a pilates arm series

In this pilates how-to video, Diane Preusch demonstrates a Pilates arm series. Diane tries to adopt exercises that use things from around the house to do these pilates exercises. This series of exercises is adopted from the reformer machine. You will need arm weights but if you don't have weights you can use cans of soup.

How To: Do an arm-toning routine for women

In this video from modernmom we learn how to do an arm toning routine for women. It's a short exercise routine that you can do every other day. You'll need 5-8 lb dumbbells. You'll work biceps, triceps, chest, back of arms and shoulders. Do each exercise 10-12 reps. Do at least 3 times a week. First is front raise lifting up weights in front of your thighs bringing them to shoulder level. Exhale out as you lift. Bicep curl works the front of the arm. It gives shape and definition to that part...

How To: Survive a knife attack from behind

This video details how to survive a knife threat from behind. When threatened from behind with a knife, do not attempt to move the body first, this will result in the attacker maintaining the capability to thrust the knife into the body. When threatened, place arms out and low in a submissive position, this is to be followed by moving the left arm backward in a sweeping motion to push aside the arm which is holding the knife. Once the arm is moved, turn the body and bring the elbow up into an...

How To: Build your arms with lying single arm dumbbell reps

This video will show you how to build your arms with lying single arm dumbbell extensions. Darin Steen, creator of the Fat Loss Lifestyle 12-Week Body Transformation Program, Shows you how to build up your triceps with this exercise of the week! Make sure to get your shoulder off the bench and keep your elbow nice and high. Bring the dumbbell down to your cheek and exhale as you bring it back up. Use your other hand to stabilize your arm. For a more intensive workout, after the extensions get...

How To: Do a yoga crane pose for arm and core strength

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga crane pose for arm and core strength. First, start off with your knees bent and your arms out in front of you. Now bend your elbows and place your back legs into your arms. Now, balance on your arms and push your legs into the air while still pushing them into the arms. You may want to practice this with a blanket in front of you just in case you fall forward. Remember as you try doing this to wedge your knees into the armpit as far as you...

How To: Properly set up a turntable

Paul demonstrates to viewers how to properly set up a turntable. Each turntable has the same basic parts, so this tutorial should work for most users. There are several components: the platter is the part that spins and it has a slip mat on top. The tone arm is to the right and it has a head shell and stylus cartridge (needle) mounted on the end. The queueing lever is at the base of the tone arm and it raises and lowers the tone arm base. There is also a VTA (Vertical Tracking Angle) adjustme...

How To: Win at arm wrestling

Darnit! Are you tired of getting slammed in arm wrestling matches? Before you switch to thumb wrestling, take a little time to hone your technique with this video including tips on how to win your next arm wrestling match.

How To: Tie a shoelaces with a prosthetic arm for amputees

A below elbow arm amputee demonstrates how to tie a shoe with his prosthetic hook. This is an adaptive equipment tutorial for handicapped, disabled or individuals that have lost limbs to amputation. The prosthetic arm outfitted with a hook or hand can be body powered or myoelectric. The operation is important to ensure healthy living and daily tasks like dressing yourself.

How To: Use a body powered prosthetic hook for arm amputees

A below elbow arm amputee demonstrates how to don and operate his body powered prosthetic hook. This video is made to help individuals use adaptive equipment and prosthetics for getting around with one arm. This is an equipment overview for amputees or individuals that have single limbs and need a hook prosthesis to enable them. It's equipment for handicapped or disabled individuals as taught by a man with a below elbow amputation.

How To: Shoot from the attack position

Jesse Hubbard discusses the mechanics of shooting and discusses and illustrates the different lacrosse shots. These are the sidearm shot, the 3/4 arm shot, sidearm shot, overhand shot and outside shot, and bounce shot. He also discusses how to shoot on the run. Tips appear throughout the video in the form of pop-ups and are summarized with sidebars.

How To: Make the repulsor arm prop from Iron Man

Iron Man, and to a lesser extent it's sequel, represent the best of the new comic-book-movie boom and have rejuvenated the popularity of one of Marvel's most interesting characters. Do you want to make a Tony Stark costume, or dress someone you know in one for a film or party? This video will show you how to make one of the coolest and most important parts of the Iron Man ensemble: the repulsor arm ray gun.

How To: Open bottles with one arm without prosthetics

A below elbow arm amputee shows how to open bottles one handed, without a prosthetic device. This technique is also great for people with arthritis pain, cerebral palsy, weak joints, stroke, and people who want to be ready for the worst-case-scenario that they suddenly have only one free hand and have to dismantle a bomb that is hidden inside a bottle! This is a great tutorial for handicapped, disabled or individuals that have lost a limb to amputation.

How To: Make an Evil Dead chainsaw arm

Do you love the "Evil Dead" series? Do you need a prop chainsaw so you can dress like Ash? Do you have $30 burning a hole in your pocket? Erik from Indy Mogul shows you how to make a bloody prop chainsaw arm just like Bruce Campbell's in the movie.

How To: Do variations of the squat and crow yoga poses

In this tutorial, Dina Priost shows us how to do variations of the squat. Begin in a standard squatting position, and deep breathe 3 times. Now, place your hands on the ground and crouch down, placing one leg off the floor one after the other. The knees should be placing the arms around where your elbows are. The next move will start with a squat, and place the right arm on the ground with the left raised in the air. Do this with both arms while deep breathing. Place arms on the floor again w...

How To: Do a one arm pushup in minutes

This video starts off with a guy doing several one-arm push-ups. He goes on by saying that since the days of rocky a lot of men have wanted to do the one arm push up. It takes a long time to develop the strength needed to be able to do the one arm push-up set. The video demonstrates a way to be able and start doing them now with the assistance of a power stretch band. Have the band tried up high and wrap the loop around the shoulder that you will not be using in the one arm push up. Press you...

How To: Do easy yoga poses

This video details how to do easy yoga poses for beginners. To start out, assume 'mountain pose' which involves placing the feet at about a hip width distance apart. After the feet are placed, lengthen up through the spine and roll the shoulders back while also tucking the chin slightly back. Arms are then raised upward while inhaling, and lowered while exhaling and in the same exhale lift out of the hips, hinge, then enter a forward bend. Note, it is acceptable to bend the knees in this proc...