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How To: Change your Gamertag on an Xbox 360

In this video, we learn how to change your Gamertag on an Xbox 360 (Xbox 101). On the console, go to the 'my Xbox' channel, and then highlight your gamer card. Then, press 'a' and edit profile. Go to gamer tag, then press continue and change your gamer tag. If it's already taken, you will have to change it to something else. You will have to pay 800 points to do this, so make sure you think about it before you do it so you don't end up paying more and more to change it. This will change your ...

How To: Change themes on your Xbox 360

This video tutorial is in the Video Games category in which Tina Wood will show you how to find and change themes on your Xbox 360 (Xbox 101). Head over to game marketplace, select explore game content, and then choose "themes and gamer pictures". Here you find "halo 3 ODST" and download it. Once it is downloaded, you can choose "change theme" right then and there to redecorate your dash board. You will find one image on my Xbox, one on the game library, one for the video, music and picture l...

How To: Improvise over Jazz changes using chord tones with Jeff Richman

Soloing over a large amount of Jazz changes can be tough, with the chord changes sometimes spanning through two or three different keys. One trick to soloing in Jazz to solo over the chord tones of the chords that are being played. You can either use only the 3rd and 7th the chords, as well as using triads and arpeggios. In this amazing video lesson from Jeff Richman from Musician's Institute, you will learn how to apply all these techniques over Jazz changes.

How To: Change a flat tire on your bike

If you are a serious bike rider, chances are you have had or will have a flat tire at a disastrous time during a ride at some point. Knowing how to change out the bad tire and tube (and having a spare to replace them with) can make all the difference in saving your ride. This video will show you how to change the tire tube on you wheel while on the trail quickly and easily, getting you back riding.

How To: Change people's eye color in Photoshop CS4

Have you ever wished that you had different colored eyes? Or, for that matter, wished that Vanessa Hudgens had different colored eyes? Changing your real eye color is difficult and expensive, but this video tutorial will show you how to change the color of the eyes in photographs using Adobe Photoshop CS4. Make your whole family have blue eyes for your Christmas cards!

How To: Change your radiator fluid

Your radiator fluid is one of the many important aspects of your car. Neglecting your radiator fluid can cause expensive damage to your car and put it in the shop for much longer than you want to deal with! So listen up and find out how to properly change your car's radiator fluid. This video from Watch Mojo will show you how to change your car's radiator fluid.

How To: Operate Google Chrome without changing your PC

A video that describes how to install Google Chrome OS onto your PC without changing your current PC configuration. What this means that you can use Chrome OS without changing your current OS (Windows Linux etc) and without making any changes to your dis partition or BIOS. The first section of this video explains how to use a simple USB drive to boot into Google Chrome OS. The second section of this video explains how to install Google Chrome OS onto your computer and launch it using your hos...

How To: Change cabin and air filters in a Honda Element

Changing your car's cabin filter and air filter is a really important part of its regular maintenance. Doing this simple maintenance task does not require a professional mechanic, so save your money and watch this video to start saving money today and changing your own cabin and air filters. This video specifically covers changing the cabin and air filter in a Honda Element. You can pick up the parts from your local Honda dealer. Typically, you should change your filters every two years.

How To: Change a diaper

Attention first time mothers and fathers! One thing you will need to know when your baby comes to town, is how to change a diaper. A lot of them. This instructional how-to video takes you step by step through the process of changing a diaper and reminds us, that diapering your baby is a great time to spend with your baby.

How To: Survive an earthquake

Feeling unprepared for the next earthquake? In this tutorial, learn what to do and what not to do to survive "the big one". You'll be surprised to learn that hiding in a doorway is a myth!

How To: Change eye color in Photoshop with the easiest method

In this video, Jessica shows us how to change eye color using Photoshop. First, open up Photoshop on your computer. Open up your picture and zoom in on the eyes so you have a great view of it. Then add a new layer or "control +j". Where it says "normal" change that to color. Then select your paintbrush tool and make it a reasonable size for your eye. Click the color palette square and change the color to whichever one you choose. Now, paint over the eye and it will completely change the look!...

How To: Change dark hair to blond hair in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial the instructor shows how to change the dark hair color to blond. To get this accomplished you need to use a couple of very special techniques. First use the selective adjustment layer and select the outline of the hair. Now use the selective color option and change cyan and magenta settings to about minus forty. Now changing the other yellow color to achieve saturation and black colors to achieve the effect with shadows. Now next change the colors of black so that t...

How To: Do the impressive super fast color change card trick

Hey folks, learn how to perform one of the fastest (not to mention easiest) card tricks in the world! See how to do the super fast color change card trick. There's no real magic here, just a little sleight of hand, or a lot of it. If you're fast enough, this color change will amaze anyone. Magician or no magician, anyone can do this impressive color changing card trick.

How To: Change the oil and filter to a 2008 R56 MINI Cooper S

Changing the oil to any vehicle is one of the most important and key parts for having a functioning vehicle. For some cars, changing the oil can be super easy, but for some it can be a real challenge. So to help you out and your wallet, here's a tutorial on how to change the oil and filter to a 2008 R56 MINI Cooper S. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Change the voice used by VoiceOver in Mac OS X

This how to video shows you how to change the voice in the VoiceOver Utility program on a Mac. This will be useful if you want a voice that is more realistic or more understandable. First, open the program and choose the speech pane. On voices, click the drop down menu to choose which of the voices you want to use. At the side of this, you can change the rate, pitch, volume, and intonation. To change the voice settings with just the keyboard, press control option and command together. Use the...

How To: Change your IP or MAC address

The video is about how to change the IP address. MAC address is the unique identifier a site of the most network adapters. MAC address is used to determine what IP address the computer will have and one way to change the IP address is by changing the MAC address. The method is only applicable for the windows systems and for the MAC systems you need to look at the link provided. In Windows in the start menu, type cmd in the run/search box, which will launch the command window. Type ipconfig/al...

How To: Change your iphone email notification sound

If you're an iPhone owner tired of have the same email notification sound as every other iPhone owner on the planet, check out this video to see how to change it to what YOU want! You will need to have a jailbroken iPhone, you'll need a little program called Green Poison, and you'll need to have the iPhone jailbroken app Cydia to get it all done. So go for it and tweak it today!

How To: Use a Newstweek to change the news read by others on a wifi network

The Newstweek might be the coolest new device of 2011 that no one is talking about. It's a pocket-sized device that allows you to access the data streaming through a wireless internet access point and change the news being read by fellow users at the hotspot, from any site, however you want. It allows you to do some amazingly inspiring and sinister things, like any really progressive technology, and this video will show you how to use it.

How To: Change the font on an iPod Touch/iPhone

In this video from iPT2gGeec we learn how to change the font on the iPhone. Your phone needs to be jailbroken. Open up Cydia and search for Fonts. Select Font Swap. Install and confirm. Once loaded, go back to the home screen. It requires no reboot. You will see the Font Swap icon. Click on that. You can change dialer fonts, lock clock fonts, notes font, and system fonts. You can select any font listed that you want to change it to. When you change the font, then restart your iPhone and you w...

How To: Change verb tenses when reporting in English

In this video, we learn how to speak English using verb tenses. Verb tenses will not change if you are reporting facts, general truth, or immediate reporting. In all other situations, you will change verb tenses. An example of this is "I will buy balloons" can change to "she said she would buy balloons". This shifts a sentence back to a different tense. When shifting verb tenses back future and present go to the past and past goes to past perfect. Practice changing verb tenses in different se...