Annoying Search Results

How To: Skip pre-roll video ads on YouTube

In this quick clip from Lifehacker, you'll see how you can skip pre-video commercials on YouTube by hitting your web browser's Refresh button. For more information, including a complete demonstration of this simple technique, and to get started annoying skipping pre-roll ads on YouTube yourself, take a look.

How To: Fight and prevent flea infestations

In this excellent informative yet entertaining video Sara from invites you to join here in the war to end flea and tick infestation. You'll learn why they love to attack your pet and how exactly to combat these pesky little parasite. So gear up for battle and make sure you end up on top and not defeated by these annoying little blood suckers.

How To: Exclude Experts Exchange and other spammy sites from your Google results

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Make a loud paper banger noisemaker

Making paper bangers / poppers is one of the most fun and annoying (to others) things that you can do with a single sheet of paper. This video will show you how to make one in very copious detail by the standards of other paper bomb videos. It may take some practice to get the banging motion right, but once you do this little banger will be very loud. It's also reusable, so you can use the same one to annoy people for weeks! Or until someone rips it. But then you can just make another one!

How To: Create a film burn effect using Premiere Pro

Film burn was really annoying all those years ago when we used to have actual film and it used to actually burn. Now its acquired chic status, and people want it to add it to their digital films. This video will teach you how to create film burn effects using the Adobe Premiere Pro film editing software. This technique is very popular for Western and skateboarding films, so if you are into creating either of those types of videos this is a must-watch!

How To: Solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded & in five easy steps

NOTE: Chapter One is a demonstration, click on chapter two to learn how to solve the cube. This cool and very smart video teaches you how to solve the popular (and annoying) Rubik's Cube in just five steps. Sounds easy, doesn't it? First, check out this video of Leyan Lo as he achieves the world record for the fastest blindfolded solve. He beat Tyson Mao's record by about 30 seconds, they are both friends.

How To: Fix your computer when it won't recognize your CD or DVD disc drive

One of the most annoying of the many annoying types of errors on Windows computers is when you computer won't recognize parts that have always been a part of it, like the drives or keyboard. If your computer has stopped recognizing your CD or DVD disc drive, watch this video. As long as the drive is still connected, the steps in this video should allow you to fix the problem and continue using your drive.

How To: Defeat the Corrupted in Prince of Persia (2008)

If you're having difficulty dispatching any of the Corrupted from 2008's Prince of Persia, this helpful battle guide from IGN might be just what you need. If forewarned is forearmed, this video tutorial will arm you to the teeth with the necessary knowledge to beat each of Ahriman's four lieutenants – the Hunter, Warrior, Alchemist & Concubine.

How To: Protect cameras & stay organized while shooting video

Kipkay's ingenuity is enough to amaze us all, especially all of you indie filmmakers. These five tips for aspiring filmmakers will help you keep your sanity and avoid frustrating times. Have you ever got stuck in the rain while shooting? Have your recorder tapes ever gotten disorganized? Is your camera's display getting scratched up more than you want? Kipkay answers all of these questions with his five ingenious video tips.

How To: Block apps and people from interacting with you on Facebook

Maybe you're tired of receiving annoying messages from apps or people on Facebook? Why not block them so you don't have to deal with them ever again? Take a look at this guide for information on how to block online games and apps on Facebook from sending you notifications, requests, or other information. You can even stop people on Facebook from sending you event notifications or posting on your page by blocking them too.

How To: Turn on smooth scrolling in the Mozilla Firefox web browser

Want to get rid of annoying stuttering when scrolling in Firefox? This clip will show you how it's done. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this handy home-computing how-to from the folks at Tekzilla can present a complete overview of the process in about two minutes' time. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Use Finis freestyler hand paddles to improve technique

While most paddles are multi-purpose, the Finis freestyler paddles, demonstrated in this how-to video, only work with, well, freestyle. While it's annoying to lug around that much equipment in your swim gear bag, unique equipment forces you to focus on one specific thing at a time. The Finis freestyler paddle is best used for improving freestyle stroke and efficiency. Watch this video swimming tutorial and learn how to train with Finis freestyler hand paddles.

How To: Fix any reception issues with your iPhone 4G HD

So.. you spent 200, 300 or even 600 bucks on your new iPhone and now you have no reception! It seems as though Apple was so busy developing cool new apps for it's latest creation that it forgot about the fact that its.. oh right.. also a PHONE. If your new iPhone 4 cuts out every time you hold it, check out this clip. This tutorial will offer some awesome tips and speedy solutions to this annoying problem. So, if you are about to run up to Cupertino and tell Steve Jobs where he can stuff his ...

How To: Disable iPhoto's auto open when you connect a camera

By default, iPhoto will open as soon as your Mac detects a digital camera or iPhone. In this tutorial, learn how to change your iPhoto settings so that it does not automatically open. The auto open is a good feature, but can be annoying, especially if you are just using your computer to charge your device and do not need to import any files. iPhoto's auto-open can disrupt other activities you may be involved in on your computer. In this video, Luke will take you step by step through the proce...

How To: Fix an 'open tray' error on your XBox 360 easily

This video shows you how to fix the annoying "Open Tray" error that you will occasionally get when you turn on your XBox 360 console. You turn your system on and even though the tray is shut and has a disc in it, it says you left it open. This is easily fixed though. Start by turning on your XBox 360 console, and wait for it to load. Then start to gently knock on the top of your system, if you have it laying down, and eventually it should start to load your disc. If this doesn't work, either ...

How To: Remove red eye with the channel mixer in Photoshop

If you or someone you know has light eyes, then you are no stranger to red eye sneaking into your photos. Red eye is an annoying addition to most photos taken with a flash camera. Luckily, if you have Photoshop, this is easy to fix. With this tutorial, learn how to use the Channel Mixer tool in Photoshop to edit your prints, and make it look like the red eye never existed. None will be the wiser when you display these altered photos. Using the channel mixer is an all time classic red eye remo...

How To: Make an evasive beeping thing

This video shows you how to make a prank toy called "The Evasive Beeping Thing." You will need: a 555 timer, a couple of 3904 transistors, a couple of capacitors, some resistors, a 9-volt battery clip, a small speaker, and a small piece of circuit board to settle everything. Follow these simple steps:

How To: Get rid of screen flickering for Java game development

In this 14th video in a series about JAVA game development, "thenewboston" (Bucky Roberts) explains how to redefine your screen to avoid annoying flickering. Flickering in JAVA games often occurs because of time lags as the viewer watches the computer draw a new screen, pixel by pixel. Pre-installed code in JAVA can be used to eliminate this problem by taking advantage of "Buffering" and "Page Flipping". These functions permit you to delay the composition of a new screen until it is finished,...