Address Oral Search Results

How To: SSH into your iPhone/iPod Touch

This video describes about accessing an iPhone in Ubuntu using open SSH, cyber-duck, Netatalk. For accessing using SSH, make sure your iPhone's Wi-Fi connectivity is on. Now open your terminal and type "SSH root@'address'". Here address refers to the IP address of your iPhone. You have to type a password to access the iPhone contents. Once you are authenticated type "ls" and you will be shown with the contents of the iPhone. The second method is using cyber-duck. In it, choose SFTP as the con...

How To: Find your IP address with the Command prompt

In this video we learn how to find your IP address with the Command prompt. First, go to the start menu on your desktop. Then, find the run box and type in "cmd". After this, hit "enter" and then a black command prompt will show up on your screen. Next, type in "ip config" and then hit the enter button again. Now, a list of information will appear on the black screen. Look down the list to find the IP address listed on the page. Once you have this, you should write down your IP address and th...

How To: Hack into a Windows computer

This is how to hack a computer for educational purposes. First you need its IP address, radmin viewer 3.3 or later, and an open port scanner. Okay so first you need the IP and scan the IP address of the computer. Now find what open port it has. Ok then open up radmin viewer and put in the IP address and open the port you found. Now right click after you enter the computer's IP address and the open port. Select full control or view only and there you go. The computer has been successfully hack...

How To: Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker: Using Ship for Quick & Handy IP Address Information

Whether you're white hat, black hat, or some shade in-between, navigating through a network is a core part of hacking. To do that, we need to be able to explore a network to discover the addresses of gateways, interfaces, and other attached devices. When ifconfig just isn't enough, you can steer your way around a network with a convenient tool called Ship, the script for everything IP.

How To: Have Your Passwords Ever Been Leaked Online? Find Out with PwnedList

It seems like every other day there's a new security threat or data leak in the news. Whether it's your credit card PIN or your smartphone's apps leaking your email address, no one wants their personal information out there, especially passwords. And if you use the same email address and/or password for more than one site, the effects of someone getting hold of your credentials can be catastrophic.

How To: Get pink eye from your makeup

Carolyn Dickerson teaches viewers about the connection between pink eye and makeup! Your pink eye may first start off and seem like a cold in your eye! Sometimes you may not know which pink eye you have. If the week progresses and your pink eye does not get any better, then you do not have a viral pink eye! It will continue to get worse if your eye does not drain properly! First, you can use sulfur based drops but this may be too much. You can also use a oral antibiotic! Swelling, draining an...

How To: CC in a Physical Business Letter

CC, which stands for "carbon copy", is a familiar phrase in email, but can also be used in business letters and legal documents. This can be especially useful for letters you want to spend up a company or organizational chain, letting each recipient know exactly who else received the same document.

How To: Use Maltego to Target Company Email Addresses That May Be Vulnerable from Third-Party Breaches

The easiest way around a security policy is to find users who don't follow it. The Have I Been Pwned database identifies accounts with information breached by major third parties like Yahoo and LinkedIn. With Maltego, hackers can locate breached accounts created using company email addresses, potentially giving attackers access to a company account if the employee reuses a compromised password.

Rasberry Pi: Connecting on Computer

I have gotten comments from my last tutorial on not being able to do anything because of a lack of a monitor. In order to address this problem I'm gonna show you how to connect and control the Rasberry Pi through a SSH client on Linux, Mac, Windows, and Chromebook computers. This will probably we a long tutorial so please bear with me. Anyway, lets get to work.

How To: Find & ping your IP address

This is a video tutorial in the Computers & Programming category where you are going to learn how to find and ping your IP address. Go to start > run and type in "cmd" to get the DOS window. Here type in "ipconfig" and hit enter. If you are online, your IP address will be displayed. If you are offline, go online and try again. Then in DOS type in "ping". This is to see if you can connect to Yahoo. If you are online, the site will reply 4 times. If you type in "netstat", it shows yo...

How To: Use a proxy and understand why they are important

In this video you are shown how to use proxies and why they are important. Proxies are useful because they shield you and make you anonymous over the internet, it also prevents websites from logging your IP address. To see how important it is to prevent this go to It will show you your IP, click on it and go to 'look up'. It will show you all the personal information that can determined from your IP address. The easiest way to proxy are VPN's, which stands for virtual private ...

How To: Find your computer's IP address in Windows Vista

This video will show you how to find your own IP address in Windows Vista, which is more difficult and confusing to use than Windows XP was. First, you should go down to the bottom right hand corner and find an icon of two computers, which is your network connection button. Click on the Networks and Sharing selection and find the section which says "View status". After clicking on this, you will find a section which will be labeled "IPv4". The numbers which are indicated after this are the nu...

How To: Determine your IP address for Xbox Live

This walk-through video tutorial shows you how to find out your IP address for XBox live. First press the start button and search for run as shown, click the result, bring up the dialog and type in the given command to open the command prompt window. Type the command in the given window and hit enter. The number that appears is your IP address, use it as the key for XBox Live. In the case of XBox 360, it automatically detects it.

How To: Delete entries from the Internet Explorer address bar

Ever wondered how to go about deleting individual entries from the Internet Explorer address bar? While it's possible, it's not particularly easy. You can do it all at once by purging your entire history through Internet Options or you can hack your Windows registry. For more information, or to try this hack for yourself, take a look!