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How To: French Twist Hair Style

Fashionably cool and awesome, this marvelous French Twist hair Style is as simple to make as it is elegant and stylish to flaunt. Just in few easy and accessible steps, this urbane style makes your appearance special and any outing memorable. Step 1: Comb Your Hair Neatly to Remove Any Tangles and Make Them Smooth. Step 2: Hold the Hair Together Like a Pony and Twist Them Till the Middle of the Pony and Make a Roll as Shown. Step 3: Once You Have Secured the Roll, Cover It with Surrounding Ha...

How To: Add Captions to a YouTube Video

Captioning your YouTube videos not only makes them more acessable for the hearing impaired, but they also make the contents of your video more accessible to YouTube. Once YouTube knows exactly what is being said it your video you will be more likely to rank when people search for related words or phrases.

How To: Bind Your Printed PDF Books Fast, Easy, and Cheap

Today, books in PDF are quickly accessible on the Internet, whether free or paid. You can easily read them on your computer or mobile device, but some still enjoy a printed version they can hold in their hands. Printing PDF volumes is a quick and easy task, but the only problem is binding them into a sturdy book, especially when they're pretty thick.

How To: Create Double Exposures with Your Cell Phone

In photography, creating a double or multiple exposure photo involves combining two different images to make one single image. This technique has been used in film photography by exposing a piece of film twice to two different images. The second image becomes superimposed onto the first image, creating various effects that may mirror one another or seem ghostly.

Rules Thrown Out the Window: Ogilvy & Mather's Scrabble Trickster Video Spot

Despite the controversy over Scrabble Trickster across the word world, Mattel's modern take on the classic crossword board game is out in stores— but not in the United States. It's only available in and around the UK, but you can snag your copy just in time for Christmas from Amazon UK. You can also visit the official Scrabble Trickster website. I imagine this is going to be a hot item in the United Kingdom this holiday season, but as for me— it's the one Scrabble game I refuse to add to my c...

How To: Add 2-Step Verification to Uber for Stronger Overall Account Security

If you've ever received an email from a sketchy address purporting to be Uber, asking you to sign in with your credentials, you might be a phishing target. Hackers use a fake login page from real-looking domains to trick you into giving up your account information, and while it's been an issue in the past, Uber is making it more difficult on cyber thieves with the addition of two-step verification.

How To: Introduction to the C.H.I.P by Next Thing Co - IoT Hacking Device?

Hello NullByte, it's mkilic! This time I'm here with the C.H.I.P from NTC. Although it is not too popular, the C.H.I.P is a brand new micro computer. It is very similar to the Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black. The key difference with this particular board is its cost and size. The C.H.I.P only costs $9 and measures 2.5 x 1.5 inches. In addition to this, the C.H.I.P has built in 802.11 b/g/n Wifi and Bluetooth 4.0. Considering these great specs, what could a Hacker use this for? Step 1: The In...

How To: Find Passwords in Exposed Log Files with Google Dorks

You may not have thought of dorks as powerful, but with the right dorks, you can hack devices just by Googling the password to log in. Because Google is fantastic at indexing everything connected to the internet, it's possible to find files that are exposed accidentally and contain critical information for anyone to see.

How To: Find Vulnerable Webcams Across the Globe Using Shodan

Search engines index websites on the web so you can find them more efficiently, and the same is true for internet-connected devices. Shodan indexes devices like webcams, printers, and even industrial controls into one easy-to-search database, giving hackers access to vulnerable devices online across the globe. And you can search its database via its website or command-line library.

How To: Encrypt Your Notes, Photos & Archives with EncryptPad

For anyone wanting to keep information private, plain text is a format of the past. Instead, cheap, powerful encryption is widely available, but often not easy enough to use to attract widespread adoption. An exception to this rule is EncryptPad, an easy to use application that lets you encrypt text, photos, or archives with strong encryption using a password, keyfile, or both.