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How To: Walkthrough God of War III — Helios's Head

In the City of Olympia, you'll find Helios. This is one hard battle Kratos must endure, and your want to get the Head of Helios. At first, Helios will be protected by a bunch of men with shields who you can't immediately attack. Once you win, you'll need to lay your hand over Helios to block out the sunlight. Watch the walkthrough for Helios's Head in God of War III on PS3.

How To: Walkthrough God of War III — Opening Introduction

See how it all begins in God of War 3 with this video walkthrough of the opening introduction to the video game. Learn all about Kratos and his status as God of War. The hands of death could not defeat him, the sisters of faith could not control him, and on this day, the man, the legend, the Kratos, will have his revenge! Watch the walkthrough for the Opening Introduction of God of War III.

How To: Pronounce the Dutch alphabet

If you plan on taking a trip to the Netherlands soon, perhaps the infamous capital, Amsterdam, then learning the Dutch language could be the most helpful pre-trip preparation. There's tons of liberal vices to be aware of and maybe avoid (or maybe seek, if you're that kind of person), like drugs, prostitution, homosexuality, and euthanasia. Knowing the language, or at least the Dutch alphabet, will aid in your travels to Northwestern Europe. This video will show you the Dutch alphabet and will...

How To: Do a bodybuilding crunch exercise for 6-pack abs

Don't let the TV ads convince you to buy some bulky contraption that will gather dust in your closet, crunches are safe and effective! This how-to video shows how to do crunches with varying degrees of difficulty based on your ability. Remember that ab exercises alone will not give you abs! If you have the best abs in the world they will be completely invisible if you are overweight. Aerobic exercise and proper diet are even more important than ab exercises in getting that sought after 6-pack...

How To: Stop the abuse of alcohol

Learn how to stop the abuse of alcohol. Alcohol can take you over physically and mentally, and it is one of the leading causes of death. Here are some steps you can take to begin quitting alcohol: Try to go cold turkey. If you can't go cold turkey, enlist the help of your friends or family to help you. Go to AA meetings or find a support group. Ask family and friends not to drink around you. Set some life goals. Try to be around different people and try new things to do. Seek professional hel...

How To: Ingress, Google's Awesome New Mind-Hacking AR Game for Android Phones Now in Beta!

Google has just launched a new revolutionary augmented reality game for Android called Ingress. Their new mobile game centers around the fight for control of the minds of everyone here on Earth. It's a freaking worldwide fight—from your smartphone! While augmented reality in is nothing new in the smartphone gaming world, it has never seen the likes of this. With an almost Halo-like storytelling, Ingress seeks to bring out gamers all across the globe to perform physical activities by transform...

How To: Give and accept gifts in FrontierVille (7/3/10)

One of the great things about paying social networking games like FrontierVille is that you and your friends can help eachother win. This video will you show you how to give and accept gifts with your friends and neighbors in FrontierVille, allowing both of you to achieve much more than you could have alone.

How To: Create a two-variable data table in Microsoft Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 255th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to create a two-variable data table in Excel for what-if analysis. See the PMT function and learn about the formula equivalent to a data table.