Sutter Memorial Search Results

How To: Make thrice cooked ribs with the NY Times

You can't have Memorial Day without a barbecue. But what if it is raining outside? In this cooking how to video tutorial Mark Bittman, from the New York Times, sears, braises and broils ribs for a rainy, indoor Memorial Day BBQ. Grab your beef spare ribs, brown them on both sides and prepare for a delicious broiled dinner.

How To: Import Your Health Records onto Your iPhone

Mobile phones are not only essential for work and communication, they're quickly becoming an integral asset to our health. Your iPhone can store valuable data about fitness, nutrition, heart health, and so much more. And since iOS 11.3, your iPhone can even import a list of allergies, medications, immunizations, hospital visits, and other health information from your doctor or hospital.

How To: Handle food safely when camping

Memorial Day signifies the unofficial kickoff for outdoor activities like camping. Camping can either be a flurry of fun and adventure, or a miserable few days of getting sick in the bushes and being dehydrated. Every summer, thousands of people set out on these camping adventures, and every summer, many become stricken with food borne illnesses or a parasitic infection. Watch this how to video to keep this from happening to you.

How To: Make your own hamburger buns and condiments for BBQs

In this two part series, learn how to avoid a summer filled with soggy buns, dry burgers and store bought salads or condiments by making your own from scratch! Forget those disappointing BBQ eats and have a delicious summer full of picnics. Memorial Day, Father's Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and every sunny day in between will taste so much better with these recipes. The best part? All of these meals cost less than 8 bucks a person! Delight your tastebuds AND your wallet! Enjoy!

How To: Dance the tank man tango

The tank man tango is a dance choreographed to commemorate the massacre at Tiananment Square. All you need to do it is a couple of bags and your dance skills. Let the instructions in this video do the rest for you.

How To: Tape fingers for sports injuries

Taping fingers is good for minor injuries of the middle joint because taping supports the injured area without preventing motion. Learn how to tape fingers and stay fit in this sports medicine video. Take action: injuring the middle joints of fingers is common, try to support above and below joint but allow flexibility in the joint, check for deformities, while ice and anti-inflammatories can help. Mike Vera, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is an athletic trainer the Rog...

How To: Treat runner's nipple

Runner's nipple is caused by shirt fabric rubbing against the tips of the nipples. Learn how to prevent getting runner's nipple and stay fit in this sports medicine how to video. All you need to prevent runner's nipple is band-aids or petroleum jelly. Watch and see how simple it is to take care of.

How To: Properly wash your hands with sanitizer or soap

Hand washing is something you learn from a young age, but how do you know you are doing it correctly? Keeping your hands clean is one of the best things you can do to keep others and yourself healthy. In this tutorial, Memorial Health will teach you the best way to wash your hands and prevent the spread of germs. There are two ways to clean germs from your hands: soap and water and alcohol-based handrubs. Watch this video to find out how to use both effectively. The video will show you how a ...

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