How To: Create a web 2.0 menu bar in Photoshop

Create a web 2.0 menu bar in Photoshop

In this software tutorial video you will see how to design a Web 2.0 Style Menu Bar with lights and shadows using Photoshop. Good for websites or graphic design projects, this tutorial will show you how to create Web 2.0 style images in Photoshop.

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I am a newbie in this field. I tried to create the same menu bar, shown in the video. Can you, brief up, how the Separator(divider) is added in the menu bar. I have no idea of the shortcut keys used in this video. Any help would be appreciable... Thank you in advance.

This is a great video. Very well done. Great work.. Please help me. I have no idea of the shortcut keys used in this video. Any help would be appreciable... Thank you in advance.

This is a great video. Very well done. Great work.. Pleas help me help me

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