News: Nokia Concept Phone Fueled By Coke

Nokia Concept Phone Fueled By Coke

It appears there are endless things you can do with Coke.

The Nokia Coke-powered phone is not in production, but certainly an interesting idea. Designed by Daizi Zheng, the Coke phone is an eco-friendly solution to charging your cell.

Nokia Concept Phone Fueled By Coke

Zheng's proposition:

This is a client project for designing an eco-friendly phone for Nokia. Through out my research, I found that phone battery as a power source, it is expensive, consuming valuable resources on manufacturing, presenting a disposal problem and harmful to the environment.

Nokia Concept Phone Fueled By CokeThe concept is using bio battery to replace the traditional battery to create a pollution free environment.

Bio battery is an ecologically friendly energy generates electricity from carbohydrates (currently sugar) and utilizes enzymes as the catalyst. By using bio battery as the power source of the phone, it only needs a pack of sugary drink and it generates water and oxygen while the battery dies out.

Bio battery has the potential to operate three to four times longer on a single charge than conventional lithium batteries and it could be fully biodegradable.

Meanwhile, it brings a whole new perception to batteries and afternoon tea.

Nokia Concept Phone Fueled By Coke

Nokia Concept Phone Fueled By Coke

Nokia Concept Phone Fueled By Coke

Nokia Concept Phone Fueled By Coke

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Great idea, but i would be disappointed to not drink the soda.


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