How To: Fold a 3D origami lotus flower from 6 sheets of paper

Fold a 3D origami lotus flower from 6 sheets of paper

Looking to add a rare and exotic specimen to your paper garden? Make a 3D origami lotus flower with origami, the traditional Japanese folk art of paper folding. This free origami video lesson presents complete instructions on how to make your own lotus flowers from 6 4x7" sheets of folded paper. For more information, and to get started making lotus flowers yourself, take a look!

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cool, thanks!
I appreciate that this video is slow enough to see what's actually being done, with a good instructional narrator.


Beautiful! I need to dig out my origami paper and try this one out. Thanks for the excellent and easy to follow tutorial!

This is BEAUTIFUL! odd timing .... I am currently designing a lotus pattern for lino-printing.
How is that for coincidence? :)
Anyone want to see the end result?

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