Chasing Search Results

How To: Play "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol on acoustic guitar

If you want to learn how to play Snow Patrol on the guitar then this how to video is the place to start. With this tutorial you can learn how to play "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol on the acoustic guitar. "Chasing Cars" uses the chords A, E, and D. This lesson is geared towards intermediate guitarists because it assumes prior knowledge of guitar playing. Watch this how to video and you will be able to sing and play guitar to "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol.

How To: Make an origami sumo wrestling game for beginners

They say that it's the inside that counts, not the outside. But not when you're a sumo wrestler. In fact, when you live and die by how much belly fat you can throw onto your opponent's face to make him see stars like the foolish coyote chasing the rabbit in classic cartoons, your outside is your most precious commodity.

How To: Teach kids how to dribble a soccer ball

This is a video demonstrating how to dribble a soccer ball for children. The presenter says that this is the most important skill for a young soccer player to learn. He says that dribbling the ball is not kicking the ball and chasing it but rather a series of small touches. He teaches that the ball is like a puppy on a leash. If the puppy gets too far away he runs off. If the ball gets too far away the other team will steal it. The next thing he teaches is to keep your head up. Don't run into...

How To: Get your dog interested in frisbee

Dog trainer Zak George shows how to train your dog to chase your Frisbee. Start by tying your dog to a very long leash. This way, you will be able to control her, and you want to be able to bring her back. By being low on the ground, get your dog interested by showing her the Frisbee. Roll the Frisbee away from you, and let her take off to fetch it. Using low throws, hover the Frisbee low enough, and let your dog jump and grab it. Throw your Frisbee higher and higher each time. Keep doing thi...

How To: Make shepherd's pie with ground turkey

Shepherd's pie is such a staple that if you actually did mess it up, you had have the entire British Isles chasing you down to hang you ritualistically! But it's ok! In this fantastic video chef Jason Hill shows you how to make a great tasting Shepherd's Pie, and on top of it, he uses an alternative, healthier option for the meat by using ground turkey.

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Epilogue - Requiem

This is the last of the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta, where it's all or nothing. In Epilogue - Requiem, you're playing a Jeanne. On verse one, you're on a motorcycle headed toward the camera. There are some enemies chasing you, so shoot them. You'll need to evade when they shoot at you. Ride in a serpentine (zig-zag) patter to avoid their shots. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

How To: Create a preloader in Flash CS3

Flash CS3 can be fun to use and handy for a load of different reasons. You can create small videos of stick men chasing each other or use it to benefit yourself or someone you know. So in this video tutorial, witness how to make a preloader in Adobe Flash CS3.

How To: Teach your dog to do a simple obstacle course

What to teach your new dog an old trick? Then follow along with this pet how-to video to learn an easy way to teach your dog how to do a simple obstacle course. An obstacle course is a simple trick you can teach your dog with treats. Follow the steps below to teach him or her this great obstacle trick.

News: Magic Leap CEO Tweetstorm Reveals the Company's Vision for the Future of AR Computing

When you run an augmented reality company worth billions of dollars, backed by some of the biggest names in tech, and you haven't even released a product yet, even late night tweetstorms rank as worthy of dissection. Such is the case with Rony Abovitz, CEO of Magic Leap, who decided to spend a little time on Twitter on Wednesday to outline his vision of the future of immersive computing.

News: UK Wireless Giant Three Promos 5G for AR, VR, & Smartphones with Wild Sci-Fi Video That's Better Than Some Movies

The entire wireless industry is working overtime to convince the world that 5G, and the higher prices associated with the faster speeds it affords, will not only be worth it but will deliver never-before-seen wonders. But few companies have produced such a stunningly well-done sales job as Three, one of the leading wireless giants in the UK.

News: 'The Book of Alien' Print Book Uses AR to Teach You How to Survive Xenomorphs & Facehuggers on Earth

The latest installment in the Alien movie franchise, Alien: Covenant, came out many months ago, and the fan day dedicated to the franchise, Alien Day, April 26, is long past. But for many Alien fans, Alien Day is every day. For those loyal members of the xenomorph-worshipping tribe, a new augmented reality-powered book has arrived to serve their science fiction needs until the next film is released.

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