Nao Ha Search Results

How To: Get Ke$ha's "Blah Blah Blah" makeup look

Ke$ha has some funky looks. She has captured the ultimate party girl image with a lot of her videos and album covers. If you are looking to get a great club style like Ke$ha, check out this tutorial. In it, you will learn how to duplicate her album cover for "Blah Blah Blah" and make the look your own.

How To: Do your makeup like Ke$ha in her video, Blah Blah Blah

In this tutorial learn how to create an electric blue eye look reminiscint of Ke$ha in her music video for "Blah Blah Blah". Ke$ha is the queen of the party scene and always wears a look that will last for days - just in case she never gets to bed! In this tutorial, learn how to create a loud look inspired by Ke$ha and turn heads no matter where you go.

How To: Do the choreography for Ke$ha's "Take It Off"

In this video, we learn how to do the choreography for Ke$ha's "Take it off". Start off on the ground doing a count of eight while moving your hands up your body, then pop up and move back down. After this, you want to twist your head around and then move to the side while walking and placing your hands over your face. Make sure to count in steps of eight, then walk back while shaking your body and clap with your wrists. After this, move your arms to the music and act like you are in a car wh...

How To: Create Ke$ha's "Tik Tok" toe nails

This tutorial teaches you how to do the same nail design as Ke$ha from her video "Tik Tok" had her nails done. First you apply a base polish to protect your nails. Apply a gold polish all over the nail, about three solid coats and then let them dry. Paint on a rich wine color to the corner of each nail end. Use a dotting tool and clean polish to pick up the rhinestones. Apply a little bit of nail glue on the seam of the two colors to help the Rhine stones stay put. Take a fine tip brush with ...

How To: Cheat on a written test

This video is for educational purposes only! Cheating is bad and it is not recommended. If you get caught, you support the consequences! If you "steal" want to cheat (ha ha, get it?), you can at least see a good way to do it.

How To: Be Ke$ha for Halloween

Ke$ha has become proved to us over the last year or so that there is room for more than one space-diva at the top of the music charts. Her looks are fast becoming iconic, and if you want to dress as her for Halloween you've come to the right place because this video will teach you exactly how to do it.

How To: Make a garbage bag dress inspired by Ke$ha

Wow! It's a dress! It's a trash bag! It's a trash bag dress! This dress is similar to the one Ke$ha wore this year to the MVA show, turning the fashion world on its head and showing everyone that you don't have to spend a million dollars to turn heads. In fact, you can create something cool for less than $2 in you check out this video. You probably already have all the supplies needed. For this project you'll need a trash bag, some scissors, some tape and a stapler. For your own flair, grab s...

How To: Perform hip opening tiger stretches

In this video from Shiva Rea we learn how to perform hip opening tiger stretches in yoga. Shiva oozes with sensuality and loves what she does. Coming forward into a lunge, take right arm in front of right shin, turn head to right side, and come back into the runner's stretch. Next time you come forward you can tuck the left toes under and turn to the left, a give a HA HA cough. And last, come forward, you can come to the edge of the right foot, turn head to the right, and get even lower, and ...

How To: Create a trash bag dress like Ke$ha

If you say Ke$ha at the MVAs you saw her new look: a dress made from a trash bag! Well, if you're looking to create something cool for less than $2, check out this video and see how to make Ke$sha's inspired garbage bag dress. You don't have to spend a million dollars to turn heads, in fact, you likey have all the materials you need right under your kitchen sink! For this project you'll need a trash bag, some scissors, some tape and a stapler. For your own flair, grab sparkles, streamers or w...

How To: Do basic pen tricks

As promised for nearly the whole school year now, I have finally explained how to do two simple pen tricks. There are many such videos on YouTube and elsewhere, but many (students) have requested me to explain it too, so here it is.

How To: Create a rough sketch effect in Adobe Photoshop

Have a photo that's not sketchy enough for your taste? Are you maybe just a big fan of Norwegian new wave band, A-ha? Whatever the case, this free Photoshop video tutorial will walk you through how to apply the effect to your own images in Adobe's popular image editing program. Take a look.

How To: Learn the Arabic letters ha, wow and ya

This lesson is part of a series of video language classes which will build a solid foundation for learning how to speak Arabic. The instructor in these instructional videos is a native Arabic speaker who started making his own teaching tutorials in an effort to demonstrate clearly how the language is really spoken back in his home in the Middle East. In this video segment, the instructor will focus on the last three letters of the Arabic alphabet.

How To: Convert an RC bike with a brushless motor

Well I've converted one of these rc bikes into a snarling (ha ha) nitro powered machine. I'm now going to convert my other stock model into a brushless monster. This particular bike had a rather bumpy crossing from the USA when I bought it from ebay. It got damaged in it's box and was returned to the sender. He, very nicely, found a new set of front forks, fitted them and posted it back to me, for no extra charge! Top Man! It's a bit sluggish, stock, so I think sticking a MAMBA MAX 7700kv mot...

How To: Make a Ke$sha inspired garbage bag dress

If you're looking to create something cool for less than $2, check out this video and see how to make a Ke$sha inspired garbage bag dress. This dress is similar to the one Ke$ha wore this year to the MVA show, turning the fashion world on its head and showing everyone that you don't have to spend a million dollars to turn heads. For this project you'll need a trash bag, some scissors, some tape and a stapler. For your own flair, grab sparkles, streamers or whatever else you can think of to ma...

How To: Play "Tik Tok" by Kesha on an acoustic guitar

Want to perform an unplugged version of "TiK ToK" by Ke$ha on your acoustic guitar? See how it's done with this free video guitar lesson, which presents a complete breakdown of the song and it chords. While this tutorial is geared toward those who already have some knowledge of the guitar, players of all skill level should be able to follow along given adequate time and effort. For more information, and to get started playing "TiK ToK" on your own acoustic guitar, take a look!

How To: Play "Tik Tok" by Kesha on a piano or keyboard

Want to play "Tik Tok" by Ke$ha? See how it's done with this free video piano lesson, which presents a complete breakdown of the song and it chords. While this tutorial is geared toward those who already have some knowledge of the piano, players of all skill level should be able to follow along given adequate time and effort. For more information, and to get started playing "Tik Tok" on your own piano or keyboard instrument, take a look!

News: 'The Book of Alien' Print Book Uses AR to Teach You How to Survive Xenomorphs & Facehuggers on Earth

The latest installment in the Alien movie franchise, Alien: Covenant, came out many months ago, and the fan day dedicated to the franchise, Alien Day, April 26, is long past. But for many Alien fans, Alien Day is every day. For those loyal members of the xenomorph-worshipping tribe, a new augmented reality-powered book has arrived to serve their science fiction needs until the next film is released.

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