Napping Search Results

How To: Keep yourself from getting jet lag

Anyone who has flown across multiple timezones is familiar with the negative effects of jet lag, especially when traveling for business on a tight schedule. This video features four easy tips for avoiding the effects of jet lag. These include hydrating properly, going outside, exercising, and forcing yourself into the rhythm of whatever place you are in rather than napping in order to remain on your normal schedule.

How to Nap Smarter: Just Add Caffeine (Really)

Naps provide some serious mental and physical benefits, but not if they last too long or occur too late in the day. Ideally, you want to awake from a nap feeling alert and refreshed enough to attack the rest of your tasks with renewed zeal, but not energized to the point where you can't get to sleep at night. Alas, most of us don't know these tricks and end up messing with our sleep cycle (guilty).

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