Electronic Items Search Results

How To: Make slime with Borax and glue

Usually our 5-Minute Projects involve soldering and LED lights and other such electronic accoutrements, but this week we decided to skip the fancy stuff in favor of an old-school science project: making rheopectic slime from Borax and glue. This is a pretty safe experiment even for kids--just make sure to do it with parental supervision and keep the Borax, slime, and any fingers that have been touching the aforementioned items out of eyes, noses and mouths.

How To: Circuit hack and mod

In this video, we explain some techniques for getting electronic circuits to do things they weren't designed for. As an example, use a speaker phone as a speaker. Hacking items into better or different devices is way cool DIY circuitry. These are ideas of electronics that are cool to splice, rip apart and use recycled electronics for new projects.

How To: Recycle gold from old computer parts

Electronic waste is becoming more and more of a problem for the industrialized world, especially since most electronics are full of precious and rare-earth metals that should be recycled. Even gold! Enter this video. It will show you how you can use chemistry to strip the gold from your old computer and other electronic parts and, well, have more gold! Who doesn't want gold?

How To: Properly collect EVPs, or electronic voice phenomena

Wally from the East Coast Trans-communication Organization explains a little about collecting EVPs. EVPs, or electronic voice phenomena, are supernatural sounds that can't be heard by the human ear, but can be recorded by a tape recorder and then played back to hear any messages from the beyond. Watch this video paranormal tutorial and learn how to document EVP electronic voice phenomena with the help of a tape recorder.

How To: Vote in Pennsylvania with electronic voting machines

Are you in Delaware County, PA? Well, check out this video for how to use the new electronic voting machines at the Pennsylvania polls. So, if you want to vote for our next president, or your next governor, then get to the polls and cast your vote. There's just one thing to remember with these electronic voting systems, and that is to press the large green VOTE button, so don't forget!

How To: Make a motion triggered spy camera

Kip "Kipkay" Kedersha is known for his intriguing and clever how-to and prank videos, even when he teams up with MAKE Magazine. He will show you how to tweak, hack, mod, and bend any technology to your hacking needs. No electronic device, gadget, or household item can stand the test of Kipkay's hacks and mods.

How To: Make an infrared home alarm system

Kip "Kipkay" Kedersha is known for his intriguing and clever how-to and prank videos, even when he teams up with MAKE Magazine. He will show you how to tweak, hack, mod, and bend any technology to your hacking needs. No electronic device, gadget, or household item can stand the test of Kipkay's hacks and mods.

How To: Solder speaker lead wires

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to solder speaker lead wires. Soldering is a process in which two or more metal items are joined together by melting and flowing a filler metal into the joint. Viewers are shown how to solder speaker lead wires to the terminals. This video also shows how to solder two wires together and how to solder a wire to a slip on terminal. This video will benefit those viewers who want to learn how to solder and be able to repair other electronic devices.

How To: Program a Traxxas R/C electronic speed control

If you're fond of remote-controlled vehicles, you might appreciate this video tutorial on how to program a Traxxas electronic speed control. The Traxxas R/C ESC models you will learn to program are the XL-5, XL-10, EVX-2 and VXL-3S. They all have a single push button to turn on and off the ESC and program it. To get the most out of your Traxxas RC vehicle, learn to set up the programming by calibrating the electronic speed control, transmitter, throttle profile selection.

How To: Build a Morse code telegraph

Keeping secrets out of the wrong hands warrants desperate measures—or maybe just sensical. If you have a secret, the best way to protect it is with a code—and the best way to transfer that secret message is via an electronic telegraph system. This video will show you how to make your own homemade electronic telegraph machine, so that you can send those encrypted Morse code messages to your friends without fear of prosecution.

How To: Play a crazy keyboard prank on your friends

Kip "Kipkay" Kedersha is known for his intriguing and clever how-to and prank videos, even when he teams up with MAKE Magazine. He will show you how to tweak, hack, mod, and bend any technology to your hacking needs. No electronic device, gadget, or household item can stand the test of Kipkay's hacks and mods.

How To: Operate the ELECTronic 1242 voting machine

First, part the curtain to enter the voting machine. Then, start the voting process on the ELECTronic 1242 voting machine in Delaware. All that's left is to press the big green VOTE button on the voting machine and you're done. So get down to your county and VOTE in this coming election. The pol's need you.

How To: Properly dispose of old electronic gadgets

The bad thing about Christmas and Birthdays, is the fact that with new gifts, means old junk. Old iPods, video game consoles, and televisions can;t be just thrown away like that. They contain dangerous parts that can be toxic and bad for the enviornment. So in this tutorial from Cnet, you'll find out how to properly dispose of old electronic gadgets. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Use an oscilloscope

Oscilloscopes visualize electronic signals. This information can be useful for tests, debugging, and reverse engineering. If you work with electronic circuitry, being able to use an oscilloscope is a must have skill. Here Bre Pettis and Make Magazine hook you up with great tips.

How To: Record an EVP electronic voice phenomena

EVPs or electronic voice phenomena are sounds that cannot be perceived by the human ear, but can be picked up by a recorder and played back after the fact. With some tips, start ghost-hunting on your own. Watch this video paranormal tutorial and learn how to record an EVP for supernatural research.

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