Account Updates Search Results

How To: Send Facebook fan page update messages to a Twitter account

Want to know how to submit and post Facwebook fan page updates directly to Twitter? This clip will show you how it's done. Whether you're completely new to the Facebook's popular social networking site or simply require a small amount of clarification on how to perform a particular task on Facebook, you're sure to benefit from this helpful video guide. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Photocast with iPhoto

With a MobileMe account and iPhoto, you can publish albums to the internet and allow your friends and family to subscribe to them using photocast sharing. Then, as you add new photos, iPhoto automatically updates the published albums for your subscribers. NOTE: MobileMe is the replacement for .mac accounts.

How To: Send different messages through Twitter

Twitter is a powerful social networking website which can be used to update you friends on what you are doing. To send different messages through twitter you will need a twitter account. Twitter account can be registered for free. Log in to your twitter account and go to your home page. There is a text box provided at the top with the text 'What are you doing?'. Enter the message you want in the text box provided. Click update and this message will be shown to all the people that are followin...

How To: Update your contact information on Xbox 360 (Xbox 101)

Learn how to update your contact information on your XBox 360 in simple steps. First to update your information through the XBox website go to My XBox and select 'Manage profile'. Now click 'Contact information' and update you information and details. To do it from your XBox 360 console go to My XBox and select 'Manage account'. Now click on 'Contact information' and then update your details. Do not give fake details because if you are selected for any offers you cannot be contacted.

How To: Update websites from Firefox with the FireFTP add-on

In this Computers & Programming video tutorial you will learn how to update websites from Firefox with the FireFTP add-on. Go to the Firefox add-ons page, search for FireFTP, add it to Firefox and install it. Restart Firefox to activate the add-on. Go to tools and click on FireFTP and that will open up a new tab with the FTP client. To configure the FTP to your account, create a new account by giving it a name. The host will be your and use the login and the password for the ho...

How To: Post to Multiple Social Networks at the Same Time on Android

Since the days of Friendster and MySpace, social media platforms have taken leaps forward, revolutionizing how we live our lives by changing the way we communicate with others. Not only has social media become a catalyst for major uprisings around the world, but on a personal level, it connects people together in ways that were unimaginable even 10 year ago—no one was taking pictures of their brunch to share with the world in 2004.

How To: Organize social networking profiles with free software

Gigafide explains that with so many different social networking sites, it is hard to keep information up to date on all of them. He first introduces TweetDeck, an amazing desktop application that allows a user to update information for their Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn accounts. If you don't want to go through the hassle of installing TweetDeck on your computer, there is HootSuite, a web application that allows you to do this and if you're interested in keeping track of much more...

News: Pinterest Takes Steps to Hack-Proof Your Account

The peaceful, pastel and doily-filled world of Pinterest is my oasis. My account conveys who I want to be and what I want to accomplish, so the idea of someone hacking it and ruining my favorite escape for me is heartbreaking. Fortunately, Pinterest has updated its security, implementing three new features to hack-proof your account.

How To: Protect your privacy on Twitter

In this video, we learn how to protect your privacy while using Twitter. Your personal information can get stolen in an instant with the internet. With Twitter, when you are doing updates showing where you are and what you are doing, someone could try to find you and potentially create harm to you. To help you avoid situations like this, you need to go to the security settings of your Twitter account. When you go here, you can change the account so that it only allows people you want to follo...

How To: Change your Facebook network

Magicinwords teaches viewers how to change their facebook network! First, you will want to log onto When signed in, go to the settings tab on the right of the screen. Under this, click on 'account settings'. Under account settings choose the tab that reads 'networks'. Here, you can click 'change your region' and then you can update it. Be sure this is right though, you can only change your regional network twice every 60 days. Under this same tab, you can also join any other net...

How To: Set up an automatic @reply to new followers on Twitter

Twitter is the latest popular social networking forum. Twitter is used to keep your friends updated with what you are doing using 140 character messages called tweets. In twitter you can follow your friends and you will be notified when ever your friends posts a new message. Similarly other people can follow you on twitter to know what you are doing. In twitter you can customize to send an automatic private response to your new followers. To do this open your twitter account. Go to the notice...

How To: Get rid of Windows Genuine Software notification

In this Computers & Programming video tutorial you are going to learn how to get rid of Windows Genuine Software notification. First download softpedia mirror Us exe and save it to your desktop and launch it. Then you got to click yes on the two following windows and your system will reboot. After rebooting it will take a bit longer to login to your user account. That’s normal. Click ‘run’ on the next window that comes up. Now a new message box will come up. Click OK on it. To make it go away...

How To: Stop a friend from seeing your Facebook updates

Elijah from 360 Degree Social gives a tutorial on how to block specific people from seeing your Facebook posts. When someone you don't have in your inner circle, sometimes you don't want them to see everything that you do on Facebook. You go into the upper right hand corner and click on Account, then click on Profile Information. It used to say Status updates, but now says Posts by Me. After choosing the Custom options, you can type in a "friend's" name and they won't see any of those status ...

How To: Start using Twitter

In this tutorial, we learn how to start using Twitter. First, you will want to log onto Twitter and click on the "sign up now" button. Enter in your information and then start your account. Now you can start to follow people and have them follow you as well. Enter in your status update in 140 characters or less. You can start to make friends and learn what the new trending topics are around the internet! Be careful to stay away from the spam accounts and change your background along with your...

How To: Join & use Facebook effectively

In this tutorial, we learn how to join and use Facebook. First, go to and sign up with the website, you will have to enter some personal information as well as your e-mail address. Once you've confirmed your account, log into Facebook. Once in your account, you can click edit and change your personal settings. This includes birthday, hometown, sex, relationship status and more. You can also click on the photos button and upload photos of you and your friends. If you want to f...

How To: Make an image your YouTube profile background

This video shows you how to give your YouTube account a background image. Basically what you do is take any image that you would like to have as your background and upload it to a image uploader of your choice. Once the image is hosted it should show a url link to the file, copy this link. Then under your YouTube account settings scroll down to channel design. From here you should see a box that asks for a background image url, paste the url into this box click yes for background image and up...

News: Apple Releases iOS 12 Public Beta 10 for iPhone, Fixes Bug Constantly Telling You to Update

If you've been getting that "Please update from the iOS 12 beta" alert continuously in iOS 12 public beta 9, Apple just issued a fix for it Friday, Aug. 31, with iOS 12 public beta 10 — just in time for Labor Day weekend. This marks the second update this week as dev beta 11 and public beta 9 were released on Monday. It's also just one day after Apple announced its Sept. 12 event.

How To: Change your profile background on YouTube

In this video from Tiffany0x we learn how to change your profile background on youtube. First she goes to google, then clicks on images and type in whatever image you're looking for for your background. Then copy the image's link in your browser. Then go to youtube. Click My Account. Then you'll see Channel Settings. Click that, then click Channel design. In Advanced Customizations you'll see a place where you can put in a Background URL. Paste the URL into that box. Once you have done that, ...

How To: Change Your App Store Country to Download Region-Locked Apps & Games on Your iPhone

Before many games make it to the US-based iOS App Store, they get "soft launched" in a smaller country to get real-world testing for bugs. It's a pilot program, so to speak, as countries like Vietnam or the Philippines have far fewer iPhone users than the US, thus offer a more controlled environment for developers to get feedback and zero-in on issues that may occur in a game's early development phases.

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