Strategic Decision Making Search Results

How To: Avoid common strategic planning pitfalls

In this tutorial, we learn how to avoid common strategic planning pitfalls. First, you will need to look at all the common pitfalls. You want to have ownership for the planning process. Everyone that is involved needs to have the tools to get the goals accomplished. Lack of communication is a big problem, so have everyone on the same page with how to talk and communicate what's going on. Decision making should be scattered with different managers and they should be guiding the rest of the sta...

How To: The Best Times to Make Important Decisions

Decisions are rarely easy to make, and there are countless ways to mull your options over. You can sleep on it, pluck flower petals, make a list of pros and cons, or even follow the advice of a psychic. Yet to make the best decision possible, you might want to consider holding off until a certain time of the day—or even until you feel specific emotions. The state you find yourself in has significant impact on each decision you make.

How To: Make decisions from the high post in basketball

Learn how to practice quick decision making (pass or shoot) when on the high post and establish good basketball game rhythm. Videos two through four cover when and how to execute each option: jump shot, seal the post (pass the ball down to the player at the low post), and swing the ball (after setting the pick and sealing the post).

How To: Conduct strategic planning retreats

In this video, we learn how to conduct strategic planning retreats. When planning these, you need to make sure you have your priorities planned for the next year. Make sure you choose the right time to go and there are no big changes happening during that time. Pick who is going to go by taking a survey around the company. After you get this figured out, you will need to figure out your agenda. Ask yourself to find out how you are going to get goals accomplished and where you want the company...

How To: Play the constructive board game Rumis

As a kid, you always liked to be constructive, building with Legos and Lincoln Logs, and at one point you even got into playing the strategic, building block, video game Tetris. Why not go back to the gold old days and find a new game of today similar to those of your young years, like Rumis?

How To: Write a great business vision statement

In this Business & Money video tutorial you will learn how to write a great business vision statement. Why is the vision statement important? Because, it provides the inspiration for daily operations and motivation for strategic decisions. Vision and missions statements are different. Vision statement answers the question where is my business going; whereas your mission statement states why your business does exist. Vision statements are future focused and written with the end result in mind....

How To: Perform feints in PES 2011 for the PS3

In Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, there's all sorts of ball tricks that you can perform with your players. But some of the most basic, and strategic, tricks that you can use is the feint. In this video you will get a full tutorial on how to perform the various feints, slips and slides that you can use to step up your game in Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 on the PlayStation 3.

How To: Import cellphone pictures with bluetooth

In this episode we show you how to import pictures off of your Bluetooth capable cellphone and onto an iMac. Should you buy a digital camera or camcorder? What features should you look for? The techies give their input on what to look for in making those decisions. Along the same theme, the techies offer some suggestions on where to buy electronics including digital cameras and camcorders. (31min 59sec)

How To: Make the C section decision

A quarter of all pregnant women deliver via cesarean section, yet most aren't prepared for it. Unless a c-section is needed for emergency reasons, the decision to undergo the procedure is a judgment call to be made by you and your doctor. Learn the risks and benefits of a cesarean delivery for you and your baby, and what questions to ask your doctor before agreeing to the surgery.

How To: Play pool for beginners

Pool is a strategic, yet fun game. It's born on not only fun, but also lost profits. But regardless of that, it's a difficult game to play if you don't understand the basic fundamentals. In this video you will get a full tutorial on how to play pool with the basic fundamentals of the game!

How To: How Do You Handle Payroll?

There is a difference between what is possible, what should be done and what an owner manager may want to do. Decide how you want to handle payroll then determine if your desires and best practices are in agreement. Before I point out the decisions that need to be made, let me make two points. First, all personnel for your business do not have to be employees. Some entities can be run with all non-employee personnel or a combination of both. This is one of the reasons why doing a business pla...

How To: Return and get a refund for a song or App in iTunes

One of the best (for Apple) and most dangerous (for you) features of the iTunes media distribution system is that it allows you to buy things with a click of the mouse that are delivered to you instantly. The potential for making rushed buying decisions that you'll regret later is massive. Fortunately, and not many people know this, you can actually return content that you've purchased from Apple to them for a refund! This video will show you the process for returning and getting refunds for ...

How To: Ignore the Future to Make Smarter Decisions

The future: that time that lies ahead, unknown and overwhelming. Whether you're an obsessive planner or someone who can't think more than two days ahead, considering the future can be frightening with all of the "what ifs." Don't let the future keep you awake at night—in fact, the less you think about what life holds in store for you, the better off you'll be.

How To: Defeat a Terran Mech unit as a Zerg in StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty

As a Zerg, you'll be facing Terran armies, time and time again. But how do you beat them? How do you beat a Mech unit? This video will give you some strategic advantages to defeating a Terran Mech army unit as a Zerg in StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty. For the Zerg, positioning is your largest factor in winning a battle. Can you surround, flank, can you sneak in, can you drop on them? Any of those allow your shorter ranged troops to close the gap and get into range of your enemies troops faster...

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