Specific Types Search Results

How To: Understand different immune system responses

This is a presentation of different types of immune responses in human body. There are two types of immune systems i.e., non specific and specific or adaptive immune system. Again, non specific immune system is sub- divided into barriers. It is the first line of defense. The second line of defense is the inflammatory response. They are phagocytes. These are all products of white blood cells. It is also called as leukocytes. Lymphocytes are another type of white blood cells which are carriers ...

How To: Choose the correct size for your snowboard

In this video, Sierra Snowboard gives us some tips on how to select the snowboard that's right for you. Each board comes in a number of different sizes, and most boards come with a size chart specific for that board. These charts can be vague, but are good starting points for selecting your size. One thing to consider is your bossy type. The weight of the rider is the primary factor in selecting the size of a snowboard. You'll notice that the height of a rider is not listed on a size chart. I...

How To: Use the keyboard on the Apple iPhone 3G

Right out of the box, iPhone is incredibly easy to use. If you want to get the most out of every feature, you’ve come to the right place. This video tutorial straight from Apple will teach you how to use the keyboard on the Apple iPhone 3G. The iPhone redefines what a mobile phone can do.

How To: Use 4 different hacks to make typing easier in Windows

In this video tutorial, viewers learn 4 different hacks that will make typing easier in Windows. Begin by clicking on the Start button and select Control Panel. Then click on Ease of Access Center and select "Make keyboard easier to use". Now users are able to configure the keyboard options for easier use such as: turning on/off the mouse keys, sticky keys, toggle keys and filter keys. All the features have more specific settings for self-adjusting to the user's liking. This video will benefi...

How To: Use the correct tires for the temperature and improve RC performance

Optimize vehicle performance by knowing the differences between the different tires available for your RC vehicle. Each type of tire (commonly referred to by the red dot, blue dot or green dot) is optimized for a specific operating temperature range. Knowing about the different temperatures and what tires are best suited for them could be the difference between first place and second. Find out more in this instructional video.

How To: Make English tea

There are all sorts of different teas out there, it's hard to keep up! But this video focuses particularly on one specific type: English tea. You have to give the English some credit they can produce some pretty tasty tea that is perfect for any time of the day. This tutorial will show you exactly how to make English tea. Enjoy!

How To: Cleanse your skin

This is a great instructional video on how to cleanse your skin. It is true that cleansing the skin is a very simple process and it is centered around finding the most appropriate cleanser for a specific skin type. you can learn about cleansing dry skin, normal skin or oily skin with help from a professional skin care specialist. This video teaches the mom to cleanse the skin. If you have a dry hair you can use moisturizers for cleansing your skin. If you have oily skin you can't use moisturi...

How To: Tell the difference between a knit & purl stitch

This video involves making the distinction between two different types of stitches that are used in knitting. To be more specific, the video explains how to differentiate between a knit stitch and a purl stitch. The video is a part of a series of videos that deal with knitting; the speaker mentions that the subject at hand was touched on in a previous video. The speaker explains that is important to understand the difference in knitting so you can keep track of your work. The speaker explains...

How To: Download and install Androidlock on your iPhone

This video tutorial from DrJailbreak presents how to download and install Androidlock on your iPhone and iPod Touch.Androidlock is a type of application that locks screen to prevent unauthorized access. You have to draw a specific pattern on the screen to unlock your device. It is advisable not to create too difficult Androidlock pattern because you can forget it.You also can turn off Androidlock if you open subsettings, select More and then Mobile Substrate Add-ons option.To get Androidlock,...

How To: Hack websites using cross-site scripting (XSS)

In this episode of Full Disclosure we are explaining the website attack known as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Cross-Site Scripting is a type of security vulnerability that affects web applications that do not sanitize user input properly. This kind of vulnerability allows an "attacker" to inject HTML or client side script like JavaScript into the website. Cross-Site Scripting is most commonly used to steal cookies. Cookies are used for authenticating, tracking, and maintaining specific informa...

How To: Change your IP or MAC address

The video is about how to change the IP address. MAC address is the unique identifier a site of the most network adapters. MAC address is used to determine what IP address the computer will have and one way to change the IP address is by changing the MAC address. The method is only applicable for the windows systems and for the MAC systems you need to look at the link provided. In Windows in the start menu, type cmd in the run/search box, which will launch the command window. Type ipconfig/al...

How To: Explain Tarot cards & reading with Peter John

Peter John teaches us how to explain Tarot cards & reading with Peter John. Tarot cards come from the playing cards era and there are many different types of tarot cards on the market. These work by the person that picks the specific cards. When someone picks a certain type of card, this will tell something about themselves or what is going to happen in their future. The larger cards are harder to use and the smaller are more frequently used. Some tarot cards will explain what they mean on th...

How To: Change the default program sssociations

This video shows you how to easily change the default program associations of any file type. The movie shows you how to change the default program association of a JPEG file, but you can use it with any of the known file types. The first thing you have to do is right-click the desired file, hover your mouse to Open With and wait until a sub-menu appears. There, click Choose Default Program. Then, choose any other program that you want to open that specific file extension by clicking the Brows...

How To: Embed and remove a YouTube video in a forum post

This quick video gives you some basic instructions on how to embed and remove a YouTube video in a forum. Though this video shows a specific Aussiebirds Forum, the information is applicable to many forums with the same type of format. It's as simple as a few clicks. You'll be adding videos before you can say "embed"!

How To: Use KeePass password generator

In this video, we learn how to use KeePass password generator. First, open the entry to edit the existing password and type in your username and e-mail address. Type in notes if you need it, then click on the bottom key icon. This will generate a password for you when you click on it and cover it up. If you click it once more, it will uncover what the password is. You can decide what kind of password you want and make one specific for the account you're using. When finished, you will have a n...

How To: Use the Finder buttons in Mac OS X

This video instructs you how to use the "Finder" Button if you own a Mac on OS X. The "Finder" window shows the Mac user the contents of the hard drive. It describes functions of the Finder folder: i.e., adding an untitled new folder in the Finder file. It also discusses how you can view the "Finder" in a variety of layouts: grids, lists, etc. The video shows you how to use the buttons on the upper left hand corner of the "Finder" screen to maximize, minimize, or close the window. It also dis...

Instagram 101: How to Add #Hashtags & @Account Tags to Your Bio

Your Instagram bio could always be used to link to other websites or profiles or just to show off your witty personality. Now, you also have the ability to use this section to tag other Instagram accounts as well as add tappable hashtags. Whether you want to link out to your best friend, company, or the latest trend in your city — if it has a profile name or tag, it can be in your bio.

How To: Differentiate between restraining or protective orders

If someone violates a protective order, there are — the remedy would be the police would be involved. You'll get arrested. So, basically, a protective order is usually good for two years, and it has all the specific things you cannot do. For instance, you can't go by that person's — within 200 feet of them or their residence or their employer. So it has some very specific things. A restraining order is different. It's a standard thing that's given that's a mutual thing where it just says be n...

How To: Make your keyboard work properly with the Num Lock key

Go to type something on your keyboard only to receive a string of numbers? Your Num Lock key might be engaged. Luckily, it's an easy problem to fix! So easy, in fact, that this home computing how-to from the folks at CNET TV can present a complete (and somewhat talky) overview of the process in just over a minute's time. For the specifics, just watch this handy how-to.

How To: Get rid of a Trojan Virus from your computer

This video tells us the method to remove Trojan Virus from the computer. This can be done in a couple of steps. The first step involves the downloading of a specific application from the web. We have to search this application in Google. Type 'malwarebytes' in the search engine and press enter. Go to the third result starting with 'Malwarebytes Anti-Malware'. Click on 'Download Now' on the resulting page. Open the application and select 'Perform quick scan'. This will scan the computer for Tr...

How To: Properly do a double crotchet stitch

How To Crochet: Double Crochet Stitch is a short video that demonstrates how to create the double stitch. As show in the video, you will need yarn as well as a crochet hook. The video shows step by step how to create this specific type of stitch. The narrator explains that the double crochet stitch is twice the height of the single stitch and also has wider spaces between each stitch. Advice is also given to count your stitches at the end of every row as the narrator cites "losing" and "gaini...

How To: Block specific websites with Net Nanny

If you are a parent trying to protect your children from websites you don't want them to see or just a person who doesn't want to stumble upon certain websites by accident then this video is perfect for you. By using Net Nanny you can block any website you want in a fast and simple way. First, open Net Nanny to the dashboard screen and look under "Exceptions" on the lower right side of the screen. Under exceptions click on "Web exceptions" and then click the "Add" button. Now, type in the URL...

How To: Understand music accents

Join David Yzhaki as he makes learning piano music fundamentals fast and easy. In classical music, a measure that is in four four time (four quarter notes get the pulse) the first beat and third beat are naturally more accented than the second and fourth. Jazz, reggae, and pop music are entirely opposite because the natural accents occur on the second and fourth beat of each measure. Another type of accent is called a melodic accent. This happens when a note is accented because of its higher ...

How To: Divide variables

This is a helpful video provided by Math Problem Generator. It deals with the complex challenges of dividing variables. The audio is great and provides specific examples of dealing with multiple types of this problem. The video lays out three simple steps. The first being to simplify the coefficient, the second being to divide the variable, and the third being to deal with the results of the division. The information is clearly presented and best of all it's free. I think we all wish there we...

How To: Social Engineering - Total Guide

Good day to everyone, today I will present some basic and advanced concepts that targets sophisticated attacks on the social basis, also I will write about some steps that can prevent this attacks from occuring, basically we will examine Social Engineering from the angle of attacker and victim, some people who are interested in security and work for middle-sized companys can learn and use something interesting from this post.

How To: Straight pipe your small tractor engine

In this tutorial, we learn how to straight pipe your small tractor engine. First, insert a one inch screw pipe to your exhaust, then connect pipes into it so it connects to the back of the vehicle. You will need to install several elbow pipes as well as longer straight pipes. The pipes should reach the end of your tractor out of the tires. Make sure it's secured tightly to the floor boards and screwed in on the bottom of the tractor. You can experiment with different types and shapes of pipes...

How To: Play iPad video on a television or external monitor

In this Huskermania video, it is demonstrated how the IPAD can play movies, tv shows or any type of video from online, directly on to your television or any monitor. What's needed is the VGA adaptor from IPAD. All you simply do is tap your IPAD screen on your "Videos" folder or perhaps tapping a link to a video storage site like Youtube. Then tap the screen for the specific video you want to play. And when it loads and plays on your IPAD, it will play on your television and monitor too! The p...

How To: Search text within web pages in Safari

To do this, you must be using Safari; make sure you are not using Firefox or another program. This can be very useful for quickly finding information on web pages. Press Command F. This will open up a toolbar on the top of the page which will ask you what you are searching for. Type the word you are searching for into the toolbar. The word will be highlighted on the web page; you can then click the next arrows to find the section of the page you are looking for. This can be used to find speci...

How To: Stop a friend from seeing your Facebook updates

Elijah from 360 Degree Social gives a tutorial on how to block specific people from seeing your Facebook posts. When someone you don't have in your inner circle, sometimes you don't want them to see everything that you do on Facebook. You go into the upper right hand corner and click on Account, then click on Profile Information. It used to say Status updates, but now says Posts by Me. After choosing the Custom options, you can type in a "friend's" name and they won't see any of those status ...

How To: Perform a basket weave ankle taping

Dave Watkins from the Wakefield Sports Clinic demonstrates how to perform a specific type of ankle taping. This basket weave taping is very common for people who have previous ankle injuries. This taping technique provides great support for all athletes. The taping is done by taking two strips, one little and one larger. Pull the tape from the outside of the ankle all the way across to the inside of the foot going underneath the foot. Next take straight strips and tape them from the base of t...

How To: Arrange casual and formal place settings

Lifestyle expert Clinton Kelly shares tips for setting the table for a dinner party, either casual or more formal. For a casual dinner party he recommends using only a water glass and a non-specific wine glass. The plate goes in the center with a napkin in a ring placed on top of the plate. Two knives are placed to the right of the plate and two forks to the left.

How To: Schedule tasks in Windows XP

In this video, the instructor shows how to schedule tasks in Microsoft Windows XP. Scheduled tasks are nothing but programs you want your computer to run at specific reoccurring intervals like daily, weekly, monthly, etc. This can be a very helpful feature if you want to update a particular software or run a system virus scan at regular intervals. To do this, click on the start button and go to run. In the Run command prompt, type in 'tasks' and hit enter. Now this opens up the schedule tasks...

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