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How To: Use the iPad Photos App to view your pictures

The iPad is the reigning king of the tablet PC's (although it isn't one, strictly speaking) and allows users to do things that they never thought possible with a computer. One of it's coolest and most applicable Apps is the Photo app, which allow you to view high-fidelity photos in a fun and portable way. This video will show you how this App works and how to use it to impress your friends with your awesome photos.

How To: Raise a car onto jack stands

Many repairs and modifications require you to work under your car. If you are fortunate enough to have a lift skip this video! For the rest of us, we need to make sure we raise our cars safely—this video gives an overview of steps applicable to most cars.

How To: Make barbed wire for Warhammer

This video shows you step-by-step, how to make barbed wire for a Warhammer mini-gaming system. All you need is electrical wire (insulated or not, it doesn't matter), some paper clips, and your applicable tools for cutting.

How To: Embed and remove a YouTube video in a forum post

This quick video gives you some basic instructions on how to embed and remove a YouTube video in a forum. Though this video shows a specific Aussiebirds Forum, the information is applicable to many forums with the same type of format. It's as simple as a few clicks. You'll be adding videos before you can say "embed"!

How To: Use JOIN vs. UNION in SQL

So many newbies to Transact-SQL have difficulties determing when to use a UNION or a JOIN to satisy their query. This video teaches you some guidelines to help you quickly and easily identify whether your query will likely need to become a JOIN or UNION. Disclaimer: these are just guidelines and they will not work in every situation but they are applicable for most SQL developers most of the time.

How To: Simplify square roots

This is a video tutorial on how to simplify square roots. To simplify square roots, one must have the knowledge of splitting numbers into prime factors. For example,12 can be split into 4*3 and further more into 2*2*3. Here we see that all the factors are prime numbers. So the square root of 12 can be written as 2*square root of 3(as shown in the video). The method used in the video is applicable for simplifying any square roots as any number can be split into prime factors. Follow the video ...

How To: Enable god mode on Windows 7

Enabling the god mode option is only available for Windows 7 users. Learn from this video tutorial about enabling god mode. In god mode, you can change the settings in the administrative tools, auto play, backup and restore tools, and more. Use this string: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-82 5C-99712043E01C} to enable god mode. Be careful before you try this out in Windows Vista, as this string is applicable only to Windows 7. For more tips and tricks on Windows 7, search on WonderHowTo!

How To: Remove the rear quarter panel from a Saturn S-Series

One day, your car may break down and you won't be able to afford to hire a mechanic, so what do you do... you look on the web for some how-to vehicle repair videos and become your own car mechanic, that's what. You don't need any advanced training to perform repairs and simple maintenance on your automobile, but you may need a few tools. Invest in the basic tools and you'll be prepared for just about any car malfunction you can think of. These tutorials will help get you on your way, as long ...

How To: Make country style Jack's BBQ ribs presents a delightful video on how to make "Jack Ribs." The ingredients needed for Jack Ribs are: 4 ilbs of country style pork ribs, three- 8 oz bottles of your favorite bbq sauce, 1 onion, 12 oz of beer or water, and an optional basting sauce. You will also need aluminum foil, an aluminum pan, and a grill to complete the ribs. The first step in making "Jack Ribs" is to get your coals nice and hot. Next, cover up your grill and turn your attention to preparing the meat. Place your ...

How To: Pack your wallet for an itnernational trip

With all the documents ready, we need to fill our wallet with money for the travel. This video discusses various ways of filling the pocket. That is how to prepare the money for international travel. Over the years credit cards have been widely used by many travelers, which is safer than carrying cash. In this case we need to contact the credit card provider well in advance and notify them about the travel. Also we need to learn about the various fees applicable to international purchases. Th...

How to Make Indian food: Basmati rice in 5 minutes

Sheba shows us how to cook Basmati rice in just 5 minutes in a very easy and in a simple way. Firstly a pressure cooker is taken and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil(whichever is applicable) and turn on the heat. Then add a pinch of cumin seeds and wait for the oil to eat up which will take a couple of minutes and then add the 1 1/2 cup of basmati rice which was soaked in water for about an hour. And then add 2 cups of water which is sufficient for 1 1/2 cup of rice or you can measure it using ...

How To: Change your IP or MAC address

The video is about how to change the IP address. MAC address is the unique identifier a site of the most network adapters. MAC address is used to determine what IP address the computer will have and one way to change the IP address is by changing the MAC address. The method is only applicable for the windows systems and for the MAC systems you need to look at the link provided. In Windows in the start menu, type cmd in the run/search box, which will launch the command window. Type ipconfig/al...

How To: Get permanent residency in Canada through CEC

The CEC, Canada Experience Class, is a new program to help a person who has held residency in Canada gain permanent residency status. The program realizes that, by going to school or living in Canada while working, many people have the skills necessary to make the transition to live in Canada permanently. To qualify for CEC, you must be a temporary worker living in Canada for at least two years with two years of skilled working experience. A second way you can qualify is by being a foreign gr...

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