New CSI Spinoff: Iceman 3300 B.C.

Iceman 3300 B.C.

Who dunnit? Forensic pathology is an art form we take for granted. Scientists are busy debating why a 5' 5", 5300-year-old man coined Otzi was murdered.

New CSI Spinoff: Iceman 3300 B.C.

The freeze dried iceman remains one of the most perfectly preserved specimens, recovered on the border of Austria and Italy, and mummified by dehydration and embedded in a glacier. The nature of his preservation allows scientists to reveal his whereabouts over the last 33 hours of his life with surprising lucidity.

New CSI Spinoff: Iceman 3300 B.C.

Otzi had just eaten a meal of red dear meet, several grains, fruits and some root. X-rays reveal that an arrowhead lodged in his shoulder (plus knife wounds) had rendered poor Otzi weak.

If you have any clues leading to the conviction of any Thaw and Order. (Sorry! Couldn't help myself.)

Cosmos Magazine digs deep into the mystery.

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1 Comment

Its clear to me, Otzi had just stolen the meal of one of his fellow tribesmen. This person, then discovered his meal had vanished and realized that Otzi was at fault. It was then in a furious rage he stabbed Otzi multiple times, and then as he ran away shot him with an arrow. Where he then fell in snow and was preserved for me to figure this all out. So simple.

I believe this is the man you are looking for -->

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