News: Clockwork + Knitwork = Artwork

Clockwork + Knitwork = Artwork

Lock up your grandfather clocks; there's a new lady on the scene. Meet "365" by German designer Siren Elise Wilhelmsen, an electric grandmother clock that completes a two-meter (or six-and-a-half-foot) knitted scarf once every 52 weeks.

Clockwork + Knitwork = Artwork

Designboom writes, "The clock houses a circular knitting machine with 48 needles, a thread spool, a thread holder and roll of yarn. [M]oving in clockwise direction, one day leads to a complete round, while a year gives users 2 meters of a complete scarf."

Clockwork + Knitwork = Artwork

A year's work:

Clockwork + Knitwork = Artwork

"More Time":

Clockwork + Knitwork = Artwork

You can read more about the project here.

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