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How To: Get started with flash (strobe) photography

New to photography and looking to learn the fundamentals in a flash? This free photographer's guide, which discusses flash photography and its terminology, will help you to accomplish just that. To get started learning the flash/strobe/speedlight basics (as well as to get a basic handle on the jargon), watch this free video tutorial.

How To: Do the Windmill & Standing Windmill breakdance moves

This video by StenLTran92 shows how to accomplish the break-dance moves "Windmill" and "Standing Mill." The video begins by first displaying the move in it's entirety. Then, the instructor takes us through the step by step of performing the break-dance move. The moves are all broken down into various kicks, drops, and facings that are to be followed if the move is to be done correctly. After the first lesson, the instructor moves on to how to accomplish a variation on the "Windmill" move. Bot...

How To: Repair the remote start system in the ACME RC car

This video is a Hobby Estore Video Tutorial that will show you how to repair or replace the ACME remote start system in your radio control cars. You will know you need to take this step when your RC car doesn't start or when you push the start button and all you hear is a clicking noise. The first step is to remove the remote start system and this can be accomplished by taking the top cover off of the car and then unhooking the exhaust hose from the remote start system. Then take the cover of...

How To: Wear an American Apparel Le Sac dress (Gathered Mini)

Turn your American Apparel Le Sac dress into a cute Gathered Mini. It's a fun look and really easy to accomplish. The Le Sac dress has at least TWELVE different configurations for you to enjoy, which means more closet space, and less laundry! It can be a totally new dress each day of the week. Follow along and get this easy, sexy style that's perfect for summertime.

How To: Stealth patch XBox 360 ISO's with AGBX 360

If you have a hacked XBox 360, you've only accomplished part of the process required to allow you to played burned copies of games on your console. You also have to burn the games correctly, and part of doing that is stealth patching you ISO files to make sure that they are up-to-date and won't get you noticed by Microsoft. This video will show you how to use AGBX360 to stealth patch you files and make them ready to play.

How To: Create blendshapes to animate faces in Zbrush

THis video from accredited 3D art instructor Andrew Klein covers how to create symmetrical and asymmetrical blendshapes using the 3D sculpting program Zbrush. This is a fairly complex process, utilizing transpose masking features, move brush, smart resym, and morph target tools to accomplish its goal of creating a really cool animated 3D mask.

How To: Avoid common strategic planning pitfalls

In this tutorial, we learn how to avoid common strategic planning pitfalls. First, you will need to look at all the common pitfalls. You want to have ownership for the planning process. Everyone that is involved needs to have the tools to get the goals accomplished. Lack of communication is a big problem, so have everyone on the same page with how to talk and communicate what's going on. Decision making should be scattered with different managers and they should be guiding the rest of the sta...

How To: Lower cholesterol naturally

In this video, we learn how to lower cholesterol naturally. If you want to accomplish the task of lowering your cholesterol without the use of drugs, it can be done! First, you need to make sure you are eating a diet that has healthy carbohydrates and starches, legumes and beans are both great for this. Also, make sure you avoid foods that have a lot of saturated fat or trans fats, because these will raise cholesterol substantially. Fruits, oats, soy foods, and vegetables will also help lower...

How To: Shoot pool

Hello all of you fellow pool shooters. This video tutorial is designed to help you look like a real pool shooter. There are no pool tricks here, but great and informative basic information on playing pool. This will help you become the accomplished billiards man you've always wanted.

How To: Design a wintery holiday centerpiece for your table

In this video the author describes how to design a centerpiece for your table with a holiday or winter type theme. The author uses different types of foliage including cedar, pine, sugar pine cones, roses, and twigs to accomplish this masterpiece. This is a step-by-step video and is easy to follow along with. The author starts with floral foam and explains the process from start to finish with enthusiasm and detail. The finished product would decorate a large table for a party or gathering an...

How To: Do a parkour rail balance

This is how you can learn how to easily accomplish a parkour rail balance. When you first start out, use a rail that is close to the ground; you will probably fall several times while practicing. As you get more used to it you can use rails that are higher. Start out by walking across the rail slowly; keep your feet forward or curved, whichever you prefer. Eventually you will get faster and be able to jump from rail to rail. Just keep practicing and you will get the hang of it quickly.

How To: Perform a yoga tripod headstand pose

Perfecting the right headstand pose in yoga can be a complicated process. You need to be sure that you are practicing the right procedures before you accomplish the headstand so that you do not hurt yourself and so that you can hold the yoga pose for the full duration. This segment will help guide you into it safely.

How To: Photoshop neon text

Want to create neon-tube style text in Photoshop? It's easier than you might think. Watch this graphic designer's guide, which presents a full, step-by-step guide to accomplishing just that. For more information on how to create your own custom neon-style logos and headers, watch this free video software tutorial.

How To: Do a cabled pleat

In this tutorial, we learn how to do a cabled pleat. First, do three stitches onto the cable need and hold them in front. Then, slide the needles together and start knitting on each needle with the separate needle. Continue to do this until you are done. You will then put four stitches on the cable needle and then hold them parallel again. You will continue doing this process until you have reached the end of your row. This may take you a few times to accomplish, but practice can help. If the...

How To: Put up a plaster ceiling

Doing some DIY-style renovations on your home? How about that ceiling? Need to retouch or put up a plaster ceiling? In this Storyteller video, learn about the nuts n bolts of putting up a plast ceiling and how to go about accomplishing this with your own two hands!

How To: Evaluate expressions

Having trouble with evaluating expressions at school? This short and easy educational video will take you through the steps that will lead you to accomplishing these problems. It explains the easy process of substitution that will lead you to be able to evaluate the expression that will finally give you the answer. After viewing this video you will be able to tackle any problem dealing with evaluating expressions and will help you along with tackling other math problems in the future.

How To: Add integers

Adding integers is a basic tool used in high school math. If you are having trouble adding your numbers together properly, check out this tutorial. This video will show you step by step the rules of addition and offer tips for accomplishing this more easily.

How To: Do a slant gainer/cheat gainer

In this video tutorial the performer demonstrates the slant gainer, also known as the cheat gainer. Basically, it involves hurling yourself away from the ground, spinning in the air for a while and then trying to land without busting your ankles and/or head. If accomplished successfully, it looks extremely cool. If it ends in failure, at least you might get a hit YouTube clip out of it.

How To: Make an Infrared Mask to Hide Your Face from Cameras

This how-to video shows how you can hack a standard baseball cap into a cool invisible IR mask to hide your face from cameras anywhere, and look perfectly normal to the human eye! You have to admire a technically accomplished hacker. Now don't go out a rob a bank or anything. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to camera-proof your face with a creepy infrared mask.

How To: Use a wire wrap tool instead of soldering

This video offers instructions on how to use a wire wrap (or wirewrap) tool, an excellent and underrated alternative to soldering. It's particularly useful when prototyping as wirewraps can be undone quickly using the short end of the tool (though this particular process isn't demonstrated in the video). See how to connect a 4-legged RGB LED to header pins, a job that is particularly obnoxious to accomplish using solder and an iron, using 30-gauge wire and the tool. For more information, and ...

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