Skateboard Vehicle Search Results

How To: Do a blunt to fakie stall on a skateboard

This video tells us the method to do a blunt to fakie stall on a skateboard. The first step is to land blunt with your skateboard. If the skateboard lands more vertical, it is more difficult to do a blunt fakie. If you lock up the skateboard at an angle, it is easier to perform fakie stall. After doing the lock up, pop up the skateboard. This is a difficult position to practice as you are falling backwards. Once you practice it will be fun to do. The process to do it is lock up, pop the skate...

How To: Skateboard on ramps

Learn ramp skateboarding tricks, moves, and skills, including how to drop or roll in, how to do a board stall and a truck stall, how to grind ramps, and how to carve bowls, in this free series of ramp skateboarding tricks video lessons.

How To: Do a half pressure flip half late flip on a skateboard

Check out this instructional skateboarding video to learn how to do a half pressure flip, half late flip on a skateboard. It sounds pretty complicated, but it's easier than you think. Make sure you can perform the kickflip and pressure flip before attempting this trick. Watch this instructional video and practice your skateboarding skills. Soon you'll be skateboarding like a pro.

How To: Master the basics of skateboarding

This is a quick video tutorial on how to master the basics of skateboarding. These skateboarding basics include how to maneuver, ollie and perform a pop shuvit on your board. If you know nothing about skateboarding tricks, this could be a good start for you. Learn about the trucks, the hardware, the grip, and everything else on the board. This is a great, not to mention odd, introduction to the world of skateboarding.

How To: Build your own skateboard

A skateboard consists of three elements: the board or deck, the wheels, and the trucks, which connect the wheels to the deck. Craft your own sweet ride by putting them together. Learn how to build your own skateboard with this Howcast guide. It is laid out for you in 9 easy steps. The materials to building your own skateboard are as followed:

How To: Do an ollie on a skateboard like a pro

Invented by Alan "Ollie" Gelfand in 1977, the Ollie is a skateboarding trick where the rider pops the tail of his skateboard into the air and then jumps with the board ‘stuck’ to his or her feet. Learn how to do an Ollie. You will need a skateboard, a flat & dry surface, lots of practice, and courage, stamina & the willingness to fall down a lot.

How To: Caveman on a skateboard

Come along with Melvin the Nerd as you learn to do "the caveman" on a skateboard. His charming personality, hilarious mannerisms and speech are fun to watch as well as educational. Learn this simple trick in just a few steps by jumping up with one foot, pulling the board under your feet and quickly leaping onto the skateboard. In just a few minutes you'll impress your friends with your new tricks and have had a great laugh while learning.

How To: Do a frontside 180 ollie skateboard maneuver

The Frontside 180 Ollie is a skateboarding maneuver where the rider pops their board into the air and then does a 180-degree turn in mid-flight. Exclaiming “Gnarly!” afterward is totally optional. You will need a skateboard, a flat & dry surface, lots of practice, and courage & stamina. Tip: the lower you bend down, the higher your board will fly into the air.

How To: Do a hippie jump on a skateboard

To do a hippie jump on a skateboard, first find a good hippie jump target. A good target is something that your board can easily fit under. Approach the target rolling at a comfortable speed. When you are near the target, jump straight up so your skateboard continues rolling under the target. You will then land on your skateboard on the other side of the target and roll away. Make sure that you don't jump forward because it will cause your skateboard to roll backwards and you will not be able...

How To: Do a 360 on a skateboard

Doing a 360 on a skateboard is easy with these tips. Get expert advice on skateboard decks and tricks in this video tutorial. Take action: keep your foot on the tail, turn the upper body first, balance on back wheels, front wheels lift slightly, and turn body in any direction. Shawn, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, has over twenty years of skateboarding knowledge. He has appeared in Slap, Thrasher and Transworld magazines and his sponsors include Venture Trucks, Ricta Wh...

How To: Do a heelflip on a skateboard

Heel flip is a skateboard trick similar to a Kick flip. Get expert tips and advice on skateboard decks and trucks in this video tutorial. Take action: know how to do an ollie, know how to do a kickflip, do an ollie, extend lead foot past front of board, and once in the air, extend front foot to flip board land cleanly. Shawn, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, has over twenty years of skateboarding knowledge. He has appeared in Slap, Thrasher and Transworld magazines and hi...

How To: Make sharp turns on a skateboard

Making sharp turns on a skateboard is easy with these tips. Get expert advice on skateboard decks and tricks in this video lesson. Take action: put weight on heels to turn left, put weight on toes to turn right, pick up 2 front tires & pivot for quick turns, and lead with upper body. Shawn, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, has over twenty years of skateboarding knowledge. He has appeared in Slap, Thrasher and Transworld magazines and his sponsors include Venture Trucks, R...

How To: Stand on a skateboard

Standing on a skateboard takes skill and balance. Get expert tips and advice on skateboard decks and tricks in this video tutorial. Take action: push off with one foot, keep left foot pointing straight, put both feet on board at a 90 degree angle, and lead with shoulder to maintain balance. Shawn, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, has over twenty years of skateboarding knowledge. He has appeared in Slap, Thrasher and Transworld magazines and his sponsors include Venture Tr...

How To: Turn on a skateboarding ramp

Turning on a skateboard ramp is an often overlooked skill that is tough to master. Get expert tips and advice on skateboard decks and tricks in this video lesson. Take action: go up ramp, put weight on tail while slowing down, use upper body to perform turn, and lead with the eyes and upper body. Shawn, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, has over twenty years of skateboarding knowledge. He has appeared in Slap, Thrasher and Transworld magazines and his sponsors include Vent...

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