Ladder Cable Search Results

How To: Do the Ladder Stitch

Ladder stitch in hand embroidery can be one of two stitches. There's the surface embroidery technique that creates a decorative band that looks a lot like a ladder, with edges that look like a chain stitch. There's also a drawn thread technique called ladder stitch that produces a ladder-like strip of remaining threads in the design area. The ladder stitch in this video tutorial is the former - the decorative band used in surface embroidery. Watch this video from Needle 'n Thread to see how i...

How To: Use an extension ladder safely

This video shows you how to safely use an extension ladder. To put the ladder up put the bottom against the wall and walk it hand by hand until the top is against the ladder. Then grab the bottom and pull it out. To make sure the ladder is at the correct angle and stand with your toes against the base of the ladder and stretch your arms out straight. You should be able to grasp a rod. If you can't reach it you should readjust it. Avoid over reaching to the sides.

How To: Do a ladder stitch for beaded jewelry making

In this beading video tutorial you'll see how quick and easy it is to create this basic stitch - a must know stitch for weaving many other stitches! The ladder stitch creates a row of beads as long as you want to make it. Learn how to do a ladder stitch with beads by watching this video jewelry-making tutorial.

How To: Use a ladder safely at work

Ladder Safety is a video tutorial designed to highlight the important safety procedures associated with ladder use on construction sites. The video uses classic B&W comedic film footage and computer graphic simulations to illustrate safe ladder techniques. Learn how to use a ladder safely while on the job or at home by watching this instructional video.

How To: Perform the "ladder mount" yo-yo trick

Everybody had a yo-yo at one point in their life; some when they were just little children, some when they were bored teenagers, some when they found the kid inside of them they never knew of, and even some when they felt retirement was just not very fun. It just goes to show that the yo-yo is not going anywhere anytime soon. Who could ever believe that a toy consisting of two equal disks made of plastic, maybe even wood or metal, with an axle and string could be so damn pleasing, so much dar...

How To: Do the "ladder escape" yo-yo trick

Need a hobby? The yo-yo is the perfect to for anyone in need of a hobby to keep them busy. Did you know that it's also one of the oldest toys around, and that modern yoyo's have been born and perfected in Santa Barbara, California? Did you know there's millions of tricks out there for your disposal, for your fun, for your arsenal? In this video tutorial, learn how to do the "ladder escape" yo-yo trick. The ladder escape is a great advanced trick.

How To: Buy a good extension ladder

When buying extension ladders, you have various options. There are metal ones, fiberglass ones and (increasingly rarely) wood ones. Each kind has its own plusses and minuses. In this video, Mark Donovan of talks you through what to look for when shopping for an extension ladder.

How To: Cut crown molding using a ladder and sawhorse set up

This is a how to video that explains how to do the difficult task of cutting crown molding and how to do it with tools you have laying around, a ladder and a saw horse as a support, and a miter saw. The author of this video explains that if the molding sags then it will not cut straight and your seams will not line up properly. The author is using an extension ladder and explains that you can cut very long pieces using this process. He also explains that you will need more than one brace to s...

How To: Knit the Ladder Stitch

The Ladder Stitch is wonderful for scarves, blankets, shawls. It might seem complicated at first, but once you get into the rhythm of it it goes along easily and it's fun to watch the ladder go up and up. Step 1: Row 1 (WS): P4 *k2tog Tbl, Wrap Yarn Twice, k2tog, p4; Rep from * to End.

How To: Easily make a paracord ladder strap

If you like tying different things just for show or to use, then you're going to love this next tutorial. This video will teach you how to easily make a paracord ladder strap. It looks really cool and seems easy to do, but it could take some time to finish. It's created using a variety of different colors and is sure to make others go, "Wow." So check it out, pay attention, and good luck!

How To: Master 'Coach Pitch' for Baseball & Softball

Coach pitch is an important part of any child's progression up the baseball and softball ladder. After tee ball, the next step for most young players is participating in a league where the coach pitches to them. This video teaches youth baseball and softball coaches how to pitch to their young players properly to maximize their learning, improve their baseball skills, and foster their love of the game.

How To: Build a nest box and ladder for a chicken coop

In this video, we learn how to build a nest box and ladder for a chicken coop. Start off by creating the box with several pieces of 2x4's. Measure each piece individually, then screw them into place. Make sure it's the size that you want it and that it's secure and lays flat on the ground. Once finished, you will bend some metal and place it on the sides of the coup and then fasten the hinges so they are free swinging. Then, pull in a few more piece and you will have created the nest box insi...

How To: Align your spine with a ladder barrel in Pilates

See how to make use of a Pilates ladder barrel. With pilates, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. Whether you're looking to slim down or merely tighten up your core, you're sure to be well served by this home fitness how-to from the folks at Balanced Body Pilates. For complete instructions, give this free exercise video a gander.

How To: Set up a 4x6 Profoto softbox

Mike Wallace is going to show you how to set up a softbox in order for a photo shoot. First, you are going to need an 1200 watt generation and with the Profoto one it comes with a pocket wizard built into it so it allows the photographer to meter and trigger with a pocket wizard TT1 on the mini camera. Also, you want to use a Manfrotto Megaboom softbox, and this is much easier then using a ladder because on the ladder you'd need to climb it whenever you wanted to reposition it. With the Megab...

How To: Do the golf ladder chipping drill

Golfing drills are the only way you will get better. Sometimes chipping practice can be tedious, especially with no goals in mind. Pam Wright teaches her clever technique for making the art of chipping more exciting. Pam Wright, LPGA, shows you how to do the golf ladder chipping drill.

How To: Ladder Hair Style

Impeccable is the word for this distinctive and exclusive Ladder Hair Style. Extremely elegant and graceful, girls with long hair will be going to love this. Follow these simple steps and just with a little effort arrive at special and distinguished look. Step 1: Comb Your Hair to Make Them Smooth and Tangle Free. Gather All Your Hair and Tie Them in a Pony. Step 2: Take a Small Chunk of Hair from One Side of Pony and Braid It Leaving a Small Strand of Hair Before Each Weave at Inner Side Onl...

How to Tie your shoes: 15 different shoelace styles

Looking to get super creative with your shoelaces? In this video, fifteen different shoelace styles are gone over with diagram as to how they were done. Such styles include the checkerboard, the double back, loop back, sawtooth, riding bow, twistie, lattice style, footbag, ladder, bushwalk, bi-color, display, hidden knot, and the zipper style. Use two different colored laces when doing these styles to jazz things up!

How To: Use the County Fair workout to improve football teams

Training young athletes to improve their conditioning is vitally important to improving their performance and preventing injuries. This video spotlights one schools inseason conditioning program, called the County Fair workout. It includes such drills as flipping tires, pulling tires, and ladder drills, which improve your athletes physical abilities as well as their team cohesion.

How To: Get promoted at work

It's not just about being best friends with the boss or great at your job. Get in tight with HR or the people that control information. Don't get favors, owe favors. Also find the opening on the ladder. Get your boss promoted and you'll have a spot to move up to.

How To: Do a lateral abdominal workout with a Pilates barrel

This clip offers a demonstration of a few ladder barrel exercises to work the lateral abdominals. With Pilates, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. Whether you're looking to slim down or merely tighten up your core, you're sure to be well served by this home fitness how-to from the folks at Balanced Body Pilates.

How To: Find the lowest common multiple with the ladder method

Looking for an easy way to find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of a pair of numbers in simple arithmetic? Learn how with this free video lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Install awning mounts onto Thule's load bars

Learn how to install a ladder rack awning onto Thule's professional load bars as well as their other lines of load bars. One technical note here, this awning is specified for three load bars, instead of the two shown in this video. Chances are this will be used on a van as opposed to a pickup truck bed but everything still applies to that application.

How To: Hang garlands and tinsel on a Christmas tree

Master the art—and it is an art—of hanging garlands and tinsel on your Christmas tree. You will need garlands and tinsel, craft wire, ribbon and a step ladder. Tip: Follow the six-six rule: Don't hang more than six strands per branch, and leave about six inches of space between tinsel decorated branches.

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