Justification Search Results

How To: Find a slope of a line parallel/perpendicular to it

This video tells you how to find a slope of a parallel / perpendicular to it. In the equation y = mx + c, m is the slope. To calculate the slope of a line that is parallel to another line, you have to consider the rule m1 = m2 which means slope of the first line m1 is equal to the second line m2, if both the lines are parallel. Take the equation y = 2/3x - 7.2/3 is the slope. According to the rule m1 = 2/3 and so m2 = 2/3.Now to calculate the slope of perpendicular line you have another rule ...

How To: Use the text tool in Photoshop

This guy has a lot to say about using the text tool in Photoshop, so he put it all into a 4 part video. Part one covers create, select and edit Text, Point Text and Paragraph Text options. Part two covers Options bar, Great Shortcuts, Character Pallet and Resets. Part three covers Text align, Paragraph palette, Hyphenation and Justification. Part four covers Text for Web, Text Wrap, Text Masking.

How To: Use Mail's New Formatting & Attachments Toolbar in iOS 13 for Rich Text, Document Scanning & More

Although Mail didn't get a massive update in iOS 13, the new formatting and attachments toolbar makes it easier to stylize your messages and get quick access to files you'd like to send. It even includes the excellent document scanner built into iOS, so you can use your iPhone to turn a physical document into a PDF and attach it to your message — all from within the Mail app directly.

How To: Turn Your Phone into a Teleprompter to Record Selfie Videos Without Breaking Eye Contact

If you record yourself for a vlog or story post using your selfie camera, it can be challenging to stay on message. You might worry too much about the way you look or sound to focus on what you want to say. Using a script can help, but looking away from the camera to read is unprofessional, even on social platforms like Instagram. What you need is a teleprompter, and there are apps for that.

News: Samsung Is Still Awful at Flagship Updates

In the Android community, Samsung's slow updates have long been the accepted norm. With the Note 8's recent Android Oreo update, Samsung completed annual version updates to their 2017 flagship lineup. Now is a great time to look back on how Samsung has fared with updates over the past few years. Hint: It's not pretty.

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