Hard Gainers Search Results

Apple AR: You'll Never Have Trouble with Hard-to-Locate Groceries Again

We've all been there. Lost in the supermarket for what feels like hours trying to figure out where the hell the macaroni and cheese is and why it isn't with the rest of the pasta items. The labels at the top of the aisles aren't always helpful or accurate, and items often get misplaced or lost in the masses of food on each shelf. Thankfully, the augmented reality gods have answered our prayers as a new demo shows the future of finding the items you need using Apple's ARKit.

How To: Do a slant gainer/cheat gainer

In this video tutorial the performer demonstrates the slant gainer, also known as the cheat gainer. Basically, it involves hurling yourself away from the ground, spinning in the air for a while and then trying to land without busting your ankles and/or head. If accomplished successfully, it looks extremely cool. If it ends in failure, at least you might get a hit YouTube clip out of it.

How To: Do a palm-spin gainer in parkour or free running

In this how-to video, you will learn how to perform a palm spin gainer. This is useful if you enjoy free running and want to learn an awesome trick. First, place your right hand on the wall. Drive up your right leg up, as this will give you the rotation you need. The other leg is used for take off. Your hand will spin while you do this trick. Look over your shoulder to wear you are going to land. Make sure your legs are split while you perform this. This video gives you the proper tips and kn...

How To: Do a cheat gainer for parkour

Here is a cheat gainer freerunning tutorial video. First, take a little run. This is the starting position of your kicking legs and arms. Kick your kicking leg high as possible. Swing up you both arms and jump off. Turn sideways and spot the ground. Pull down the kicked leg and land on it. Use this back flip move for stunts, parkour, freerunning or dance. Awesome stunt that takes some practice. Hope this tutorial helps.

How To: Make a hard drive speaker system

Looking to make use—if not necessarily good use—of your old hard drives? This how-to presents instructions for creating a hard drive speaker system to use in conjunction with an MP3 player. To follow along, you'll need an MP3 player (e.g., the Samsung YP-S3), at least one spare hard disk, wire, a soldering iron, and a screwdriver. For step-by-step instructions on hacking together your own hard drive sound system, take a look.

How To: Fix a bricked XBox 360 hard drive with a mod disc

Whether you're just starting out modding your XBox 360 or mod a lot of them, there is a good chance that you are going to brick one at some point, rendering the hard drive and console itself completely unusable for practical purposes. Well now you can even fix that! This three-part video will show you how to fix a bricked XBox 360 hard drive using a mod disc, the files for which can be downloaded here. This works with every type of XBox drive, and should have your console back up and running ...

How To: Disassemble your XBox 360 hard disc drive

There are lot of reason to take apart the hard drive on the XBox 360, most of them at least slightly nefarious. Whatever you intention, this video will show you how to disassemble the HDD completely, leaving you with a big case and a small hard drive that can be connected to a computer or misused in all sorts of other fun ways. You can even replace it!

How To: Replace a fan and hard drive in a Macbook Pro laptop

Opening up your own laptop and working with it is a lot harder than doing the same to a desktop. The components are arranged more carefully in a tighter space and it is generally easier to break things. This video will show you how to replace the hard drive and a broken fan in a Macbook Pro laptop. Work on your own Apple laptop? It might sound crazy, but with this guy's help, you should be able to pull it off.

How To: Use HDDHackr to make a hard drive work with XBox 360

HDDhackr is a really cool little software utility that allows you to make any hard drive work as an XBox 360 hard drive. No need to pay a ridiculous premium to buy a cheap hard drive from Microsoft! This video will teach you how to use HDDhackr to set up a hard drive for use on your XBox 360. Now you can backup your game library, download as many movies as you want, and do all sorts of other fun things that the tiny hard drive you had before would not permit.

How To: Tell if your hard drive is failing in Ubuntu Linux

With this video, we learn how to tell if your hard drive is failing in Ubuntu Linux. If you have a failing hard drive, it will start making noises like clicking or grinding. If you hear these noises coming from your hard drive, you will need to get a new one before it fails completely and you lose all your data. You could have a failing hard drive but it doesn't make any noises. Hard drives come with a monitoring system so you can see what shape the hard drive is in. To see this, open up the ...

How To: Transfer data between XBox 360 removable hard drives

If you are unfortunate enough to own one of the XBox 360's that shipped with a 20gb hard drive, then you've realized that that is way to little storage for everything that you want to have on your XBox. If you've decided to buy a larger drive from Microsoft, this video will show you how to transfer your precious saves and other files from the old hard drive to the new one using a transfer kit. Now you can buy as many downloadable games as you want or even install your disc games on the hard d...

How To: Install a 2.5" hard drive in an external enclosure

In this how-to video, you will learn how to install a 2.5" hard drive into an external closure. This will take only about five minutes. You will need a small Phillips screwdriver. Make sure you use anti-static precautions before performing this procedure. Take off the top of the enclosure. Line the SATA connector of the hard drive to the enclosure. There is a tab on the top part of the enclosure. Make sure that it connects to the other part of the lower part of the enclosure. Take the screws ...

How To: Replace a hard drive in a 15" macbook Pro

The video starts by informing about the basic safety precautions, tools needed and backing up data prior to hard drive replacement. There are a series of screws which need to be removed in the following order.1. Removing the battery from the back and then remove three screws thereby removing the RAM cover.2. Two more screws to be removed under the RAM cover.3. Two screws from inside front edge.4. Four screws from the bottom rear.5. Two screws each from the slim sides.6. Two screws near the hi...

How To: Format a hard drive with the Mac Disk Utility

Formatting a hard drive is not exactly an essential computer skill, but it certainly is if you're a technie who's looking to start building your own computers. Hard drive formatting involves erasing/formating a hard drive or USB flash drive to be compatible with different formats like MAC OS Extended and Windows OS.

How To: Defragment the hard drive in Windows 7

De-fragmenting a hard drive improves the performance of a hard drive and it is recommended to de-fragment your hard drive from time to time as shown in this video. In Windows 7 you can use the Disk De-fragmentation tool. To do this go to the start menu and open the Control Panel. In the right column select the Performance Information and Tools. Now in that window in the left hand column select the Advanced tools option. In that new window scroll down to the Open Disk De-fragmenter link. Click...

How To: Install games onto your XBox 360 hard drive (HDD)

When Microsoft came out with it's big XBox 360 firmware update at the beginning of last year, one of the cool abilities that they added to the console is the ability to install games directly to the hard drive. This will make your games load much faster and improve your gameplay experience. If you're lucky enough to have a big hard drive on your XBox 360, you should really do this to you whole library.

How To: Remove the hard disk drive (HDD) from a G5 iMac

In this how to video, you will learn how to remove your hard drive from an iMac G5. First, open the cover of your iMac. There will be torx screws that have to be removed from the left hand side of the hard drive. Once this is done, you will have to unplug the two cables located on the bottom of the drive. From here, remove the hard drive up and out. Unscrew the screws attaching a bracket to the hard drive. Once this is done, you can swap in your old drive for a new one, or make modifications ...

How To: Format an external hard drive for Mac OS X

The World Wide Geek demonstrates how to format an external hard drive for Mac OS X. External hard drives are usually formatted for windows. To change the format, you will need to use the disk utility option. Access the disk utility by going to finder and clicking on applications. Next, click on the utilities folder. Then, click on the disk utility option to open it. You can also search for disk utility in spotlight. Select your external hard drive in the options to the left of the disk utilit...

How To: Install a hard drive in a Power Mac G5

This video is about installing second serial ATA drive into a Power Mac G5 system. The video is a step by step demo starting with the removing of the door to the machine and the air pack. The first hard drive is at the top rack and you have to remove the four screws at the bottom and insert them into the top and bottom screw alls on each side of the drive. The hard drive is inserted below the first hard drive and the data and power cables are plugged into their respective slots. The video is ...

How To: Completely erase a computer hard drive to remove all private data

Data thieves don't have to be programming wizards to get their hands on your personal information. They often find hard drives that contain financial and other sensitive data at flea markets, charity shops, the city dump—even on eBay. In this video tutorial, PC World explains how to completely erase sensitive data from old drives before recycling or discarding them. Wipe your old hard drives with this how-to.

How To: Shoot directly from your camera to your hard drive

Sick of transferring megabytes and megabytes worth of photos into your computer, only to send them to your hard drive? Skip the middle step and learn how to shoot directly from your camera to your hard drive with help from this video by Pro Photo Life. Get your photos to your hard drive quicker and easier with the tips and tricks given here.

How To: Format/partition an external hard drive on a Mac

In this Computers & Programming video tutorial you will learn how to format/partition an external hard drive on a Mac. This is really very easy and simple to do and takes practically no time. Click on spotlight search and look for disk utility. That will bring up the list of hard drives. Click on the external hard drive and click ‘erase’. Then on ‘security options’ select ‘zero out data’ and click OK. This will remove everything from the hard drive. Your external hard drive is now...

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