Gop Phan Search Results

How To: Create a grassy summer meadow inspired makeup look

Unfortunately for the greater portion of gals who live in or close to cities, we aren't blessed with idyllic, wide open spaces filled with green meadows, wildflowers, and perfect clouds in a perfect white sky. Uncommercialized or used spaces are hard to find, which is why getting a taste of green scenery is so important for our well being (it's easy to feel overwhelmed by city life!).

How To: Apply chic makeup for glasses

In this cool makeup how-to video, the awesome Michelle Phan shows you how you can still wear makeup and look great with glasses. In this video, you'll find out how you can makeup work for you even if you have to wear frames, and look chic and stylish at the same time! Just watch and follow along with Michelle Phan.

How To: Apply club makeup with Michelle Phan

Looking for a new makeup look to try out for your next club outing? Try this look created by Internet makeup sensation Michelle Phan! Steal this look with help from this tutorial, showing you step by step how to apply cat winged eyeliner and bright lucious lips.

How To: Learn the "Fishing" move in Poppin'

Shawn Phan teaches how to perform the Poppin' move in the dance technique referred to as Fishing. To be able to perform this step, it requires upper body control. Phan explains what the step consists of and where the move can be commonly found. Phan then shows the tricks to be able to move your body to create the desired effect. He provides examples of how the move is performed and then slowly breaks down the move so that anyone can learn how to perform it.

How To: Create a simple and clean makeup look with Michelle Phan

A New Year, a new you. At least that's what most of us promised ourselves when the clock struck 12 and 2010 transformed magically into 2011. While not all our New Year's resolutions are easily stuck to, such as dieting and exercising six times a week, you can update your look to look your best. Check out this makeup tutorial by Michelle Phan to learn how to create a simple and clean look.

How To: Do subtle, natural looking makeup for a guy

Men and makeup have long had an awkward relationship. If you're man enough to admit that makeup would probably make you better looking, or want the man in your life to come to that conclusion, watch this video for a guide from the illustrious web beauty guru Michelle Phan on how to apply subtle, natural-looking makeup on a guy.

How To: Wear a scarf in seven different styles

Now that we're feeling the full force of Jack Frost's chill, scarves are the perfect fashion accessory, balancing that fine line between function (keeping our necks warm and toasty) and form (since they're oh so cute). Check out this fashion styling video by Michelle Phan to learn seven different ways to work your neck wrap.

How To: Create a natural Parisian makeup look

What is it about Parisian women that makes them so effortlessly chic and timelessly beautiful? Whether we're talking about Charlotte Gainsbourg, AKA Jane Birkin's daughter, or an older lady like Juliette Binoche, Parisian women really take it easy when it comes to applying makeup, emphasizing skincare instead. And they look gorgeous doing it.

How To: Upload videos to Google video

Are you the next Michelle Phan? Or have an itching desire to outdo Rebecca Black with an even more awesomely horrible autotuned prepubescent anthem? Then you are the perfect candidate to upload stuff onto Google Video. Like YouTube, Google Video allows you to share your videos with everyone, no one, or a select group of friends and family.

How To: Create an alluring Halloween "Batman" Catwoman makeup look

While this Catwoman Halloween makeup tutorial is directed towards recreating Michelle Pfieffer's iconic, mature Catwoman from the "Batman" movies, you can actually apply the same makeup to match any sexy Halloween costume. So whether you're going to be a sexy cop, witch, vampire, or pirate wench, this sultry makeup look will complement your costume perfectly.

How To: Get luminous skin with toothbrush exfoliation

Do you want skin that looks and feels softer than a baby's bottom? Or how about skin so glowy and luminous it looks like you got a full eight hours of sleep (even if you didn't)? Well, you don't need to say sayonara to your bank account by dropping major cash on spa visits for facials to achieve beautiful skin.

How To: Perform tutting, fingertutting and digital combos

In hip-hop dance, or any dance for that matter, there are so many different types of techniques and moves it can be hard to keep track of them all. Most importantly, it can be hard to figure out what you like and how to do it. Well, if you're interested in things like tutting, fingertutting, or digital combos then this video may be for you.

How To: Make your lips kissable and soft

Kissable lips are quite the oxymoron, because though kissble lips look bright, glossy, and plump, thereby attracting suitors to their whims, all the products used to make them look kissible actually prevent anyone from actually wanting to kiss them (unless they're willing to risk the lip gloss slobber and pink mouth staining).

How To: Improve your locking

This locking tutorial teach you about some dancing movements by Shawn Phan in his own style. He describes some small things while dancing a few basic movements that are missed during dance steps. At first he gives a short description of dancing steps that he is going to describe through this locking video tutorial. He gives a simple idea to dance better and easy steps to do to make the dance more funky. Those who watch dancing and those who dance always expect something amazing in the perform...

How To: Double Your Treats This Halloween with a DIY Two-Face Makeup Look

If you're undecided on a Halloween costume, embrace your indecisiveness with a split personality Two-Face look, or go one better as an amalgamation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the epitome of multiple personality disorder. Or, you could literally give yourself another face, which is pretty much what German artist Sebastian Bieniek did in his recent DoubleFaced series. They're like a long-lost Picasso painting of conjoined twins on a living face, and in some cases, conjoined triplets. You can s...

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