Enjoyed Proper Search Results

How To: Make super stuffed cheesy burgers for the single guy

Are you in college? Too lazy to make a proper meal? Too cheap or poor to go out to dinner? But, still have that sophisticated pallet, this video will show you exactly how to eat like you deserve and make yummy super cheesy stuffed burgers to enjoy any night of week. Don't be afraid to enter the kitchen, after watching this video you'll be eager to have dinner guest.

How To: Make easy meatloaf for the single guy

Are you in college? Too lazy to make a proper meal? Too cheap or poor to go out to dinner? But, still have that sophisticated pallet, this video will show you exactly how to eat like a king and make a perfectly juicy meatloaf to enjoy any night of week. Don't be afraid to enter the kitchen after watching this video you'll be eager to have dinner guest.

How To: Choose the proper underwear for an hourglass figure

Ever wondered how to choose the proper underwear for an hourglass figure? This video with Gok Wan teaches how to do this. A bodysuit that goes from your shoulder to your thighs will smooth out your midsection and make you look like you have the proper proportions. Break away from black to gain a positive body image about yourself. Also, wear a thick belt that has a lot of embellishments on it to minimize the waist. By just wearing this type of underwear you will be able to see your beautiful ...

How To: Make a delicious meat lovers wrap

Are you in college? Too lazy to make a proper meal? Too cheap or poor to go out to dinner? But, still have that sophisticated pallet, this video will show you exactly how to eat like rich person and make these delicious meat lover wraps to enjoy any night of week. Don't be afraid to enter the kitchen after watching this video you'll be eager to have dinner guest.

How To: Easily weather seal your garage door

If you have a garage door attached to your home, it's important to know that it's a space that needs proper insulation as well. Not doing so can lead to a room that is cold to walk into and can cause other rooms in your home to become cold as well. In this next tutorial, you'll find out what you need to do in order to easily weather seal your garage door. Enjoy!

How To: Do deadweight standing crunches

Increase muscle strength with dead lift exercises. Learn tips and techniques for proper weightlifting in this fitness video. Take action: keep bar close to legs, don't round the back and use proper form. Michelle is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and she enjoys training aspiring female body builders as she is one herself. She focuse...

How To: Insulate pipes in your home for the winter months

If you live in an area where it gets really cold during winter, you may or may not know the importance of protecting your pipes. Not covering them with proper insulation can result in frozen pipes that are a pain to fix and can cost you a lot of money. So in this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to properly insulate your pipes for the winter months. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Change the oil to a Smart car using a topside changer

If you've seen those tiny little cars around your town, yes they do have engines and no they're not located in the front. They're actually located in the rear of the vehicle and need to proper maintenence just like regular cars. So in this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to change the oil to a Smart car using a topside changer. Good luck, be safe, and enjoy!

How To: Easily set fenceposts in concrete

Whether you're using wood or metal posts, it's important to know how to properly keep fence posts in the proper place. I this next landscaping tutorial, you'll be finding out the importance of using concrete on your fenceposts and mailbox posts. Just a small bag of concrete, can do so much for an area of your yard. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Set up a hummingbird feeder

Watching hummingbirds feed can be a lot of fun. But in order to attract them you need to know how to properly set up a hummingbird feeder. Watch this how-to video to learn the proper way to take apart, clean, fill, and hang a feeder. Enjoy watching your hummingbirds feed on fresh nectar.

How To: Sing Rusky Ed's Russian alphabet song

Rusky Ed puts the Russian alphabet to a song! So check out this Russian language video that shows you how to pronounce the Russian alphabet with this fun song! Learn all the letters in the proper order with this instructional Russian alphabet song. This video reaches a nice culmination of your Russian alphabet studies. Enjoy it with Rusky Ed's song.

How To: Aerate your lawn for a healthy result

If you're looking for a great way to get the proper nutrients to your yard, you're about to find out. Aerating a yard is an easy task that involves you placing holes in your yard on purpose. This may make your yard look a bit ugly, but it helps with getting the proper nutrients and oxygen into the ground.

How To: Cure a push shot in golf with proper ball position

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to cure a push shot in golf with a proper ball position. If the ball is too far from your stance, you will not be able to make full contact. You will hit the ball to the right instead of hitting it straight ahead. Have the ball positioned so that as your body makes it's rotation, you'll catch the ball the moment the club goes down the target line. This video also provides a drill that will help viewers to properly position the ball. This video will be...

How To: Properly drink tequila like in Mexico

In this how to video, you will learn how to enjoy Tequila in Mexico. You will need a proper glass in order to drink Tequila straight. This is good for dinner or drinks before it. To make a good margarita, squeeze lime juice into a glass and add sugar syrup, triple sec, and Tequila. Be sure that the Tequila is 100 percent Agave, as this means it is high quality. Now you can mix the drink by adding ice and placing the shaker on top. Shake the shaker for a few seconds. Next, add salt to the rim ...

How To: Multiply proper & improper fractions

So, you need a little extra help in the fractions department? No problem. In this two-part vieo tutorial, learn how to multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers in part one. In part two, learn how to multiply mixed numbers & multiply sets of improper fractions.

How To: Have proper internet etiquette

Just because the internet renders you virtually anonymous does not mean social customs should be ignored. Just like in the outside world, there is etiquette that should be obeyed if you want to be treated as a friend rather than an annoyance online. In this how to video, Proper Ollie teaches you how you can have proper internet etiquette in social networking forums.

How To: Divide a whole number by a proper fraction in math

Want to know how to divide a whole number by a proper fraction in basic arithmetic? Learn how it's done with this free video math lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Film Using DSLR at Low Light

Filming in low light is not easy, its tricky and challenging, but if you know the proper ways to set your DSLR camera even if you have the most ordinary lenses you can still capture great videos with less noise. So here are some settings and samples in Filming with your DSLR in Low light.

How To: Insert a proper PICC line into your patient

PICC stands for a peripherally inserted central catheter, and is usually inserted somewhere in your patient's uppper arm, giving access to the larger veins in the chest region. PICC lines are often desirable because they are the least risky way of giving central access to the veins near the heart, especially when your patient will need to have one for an extended period of time. This tutorial shows you everything you'll need to know about how to properly and safely insert a PICC line into you...

How To: Increase and decrease double crochet

In this tutorial, we learn how to increase and decrease double crochet. To practice this, first make a chain of nine and then double crochet in the fourth chain from the hook. Increase by one crochet as you continue to go, this will make your item larger and larger. If you find yourself going from an increase to a decrease, this can easily be done. You will simply decrease the crochet as you go, do not skip one or it will create a hole. Practice doing this to get the proper crochet you want t...

How To: Layout and plan your drywall

In this tutorial, we learn how to lay out and plan your drywall with Myron Ferguson. First, check the wall to make sure there is proper access inside to see what layout you're dealing with. Next, plan out what kind of materials you are going to have to deal with. Measure the ceiling and windows that are in the building and do the math to figure out how much drywall you need. Next, check for possible problems with the wall, so you can make sure your drywall will attach correctly and not pop ou...

How To: Make easy fish tacos in the microwave

Are you in college? Too lazy to make a proper meal? Too cheap or poor to go out to dinner? But, still have that sophisticated pallet, this video will show you exactly how to eat like your in beautiful Mexico and make tasty fish tacos in the microwave, to enjoy any night of week. Don't be afraid to enter the kitchen, after watching this video you'll be eager to have dinner guest.

How To: Practice proper from for a dumbbell shoulder press

Seated dumbbell shoulder presses are an important part of strength training and weight lifting. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do shoulder presses with dumbbells. Begin by sitting down, grabbing the dumbbells, bring the dumbbells up to your shoulders and pushing up overhead. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing seated dumbbell shoulder presses.

How To: Practice proper form for barbell shoulder presses

Seated barbell shoulder presses are an important part of strength training and weight lifting. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do shoulder presses with a barbell. Begin by sitting down, grabbing the barbell, lowering it to the collar bone and bringing it back up. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing seated barbell shoulder presses.

How To: Practice proper form for dumbbell shoulder press

Dumbbell shoulder presses are an important part of strength training and weight lifting. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do shoulder presses with dumbbells. Begin the presses by placing the weights at shoulder height and pushing them up above your head. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing dumbbell shoulder presses.

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