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How To: Do barbell squats

Squats are probably the most useful exercise you can do at the gym—no other single exercise encourages more muscle growth. With a range of motion that incorporates many different muscle groups in the legs, core and upper body, squats strengthen not only those muscles, but also the tendons and ligaments that connect them. In addition to their strength-building benefits, squats also teach you core stabilization, which is important for almost any athletic endeavor. Learn how to do barbell squats...

How To: Make elegant parchment flowers

Etsy is the place to get all your handmade needs and wants met. Etsy encourages personal connections between sellers and consumers. On Etsy you can connect with the handmade and crafty communities, and learn more about the process of making handmade goods like soaps, candles, invitations and more.

How To: Set up in the batter's box with Ryan Howard

Ryan Howard is one of the greatest power hitters in the game today. In this video, he breaks down his procedure for setting up in the batter's box before taking a pitch. He encourages young players to develop a batter's box routine like his own to ensure that they are in the proper position every time the stand in to bat.

How To: Tie your shoe laces for athletes

Chris from Hack College shows us the fastest way to tie our shoelaces. He starts with the regular twist-around knot on a shore. The key is to take two loops - one that crosses on the inside and one that crosses on the outside. Then put the loops through each other so that they switch positions and pull the loops to tighten the knot. A better description is to make two arches (loops) - one towards him and the other away from him. Then switch them in the middle and pull. Since practise will mak...

How To: Craft a heart shaped bookmark

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a heart bookmark. First, take a sheet of paper and fold it in half, folding the crease. Now, take a pencil and draw two heart humps from one edge to the next. After this, cut them out, leaving the fold together. Trim any edges that aren't round, then add glue to the edge of the heart, and fold it over and let it dry. You can now decorate this will markers and ribbons. To use as a bookmark place your page in the center of the heart. This is a great craft ...

How To: Crop, stretch, and increase quality of YouTube videos

CompHelp uses his Mac to show us a new feature that the website has recently introduced. This feature allows people to use a simple code to crop, change, stretch, and even increase the quality of YouTube videos before they are uploaded. He starts out by showing viewers the memo where this information was released, then goes step by step to show interested parties how to use the special codes.He uses one of his own videos as an example, demonstrating what was wrong with it, then using the new ...

How To: Make an origami tie

This video, for simplekidscrafts.com, tells us how to make an origami necktie. This is a very easy crafts project, suitable for kids and adults alike. It doesn't require a long list of materials, only a sheet of origami paper is needed. The sheet of paper is then folded ten times to transform it from just a square of paper into a decorative origami necktie. The video has no audio instruction, but encourages you to follow the folding technique exhibited by the child in the video. The camera is...

How To: Do interval training workout for fat loss

Watch this video to learn how to burn fat doing cardio. A step by step video tutorial that will guide you through some basic instructions to help you burn fat doing high intensity interval training. Yuri Elkaim from MyTreadmillTrainer presents a very informative lesson on how high intensity training burns fat. He explains the difference between high intensity training and long cardio. Long cardio encourages you to take your time and, for example, go on a 1 to 2 hour slow bike ride. High inten...

How To: Organize your closet with tips from Lowe's

This how-to video from Lowe's demonstrates how to install a closet organization system. He explains that the first step is to clean out the closet and take inventory of the items that go in the closet, then choose what type of racks, shelving and bins will work for your space. He explains the options and shows wire and laminate components, and encourages the viewers to take measurements to create a design based on their needs. Using this advice and the materials available at Lowe's, along wit...

How To: Peel ginger without using a knife

Gourmet Magazine's food editor Lillian Chou introduces cooking enthusiasts to a little-known method to peeling a ginger. She addresses the problem of cooks taking too much of the ginger off with the skin when peeling with a knife. To reduce this wasteful practice and get dependable results every time, she encourages the use of a spoon! This simple tool can take the skin (and only the skin!) off ginger without any hassle. It also is apparently very good at getting the hard-to-peel spots on gin...

How To: Write your own song for Valentine's Day

Aaron Gallagher from Free and Easy Guitar discusses how to write a romantic song for your special sweetheart. He encourages you to use his melody and chorus and add your own special lyrics to personalize your song. He shows you variations on guitar chords and how to either finger pick the song or strum it. A little creativity on your part and Arron's songwriting skills will have you singing your own song in less than ten minutes. Your special someone will feel even more special after your uni...

How To: Create a 3D blood spatter effect for Halloween

Etsy is the place to get all your handmade needs and wants met. Etsy encourages personal connections between sellers and consumers. On Etsy you can connect with the handmade and crafty communities, and learn more about the process of making handmade goods like soaps, candles, invitations and more.

How To: Make handmade soap

Etsy is the place to get all your handmade needs and wants met. Etsy encourages personal connections between sellers and consumers. On Etsy you can connect with the handmade and crafty communities, and learn more about the process of making handmade goods like soaps, candles, invitations and more.

How To: Do dumbbell squats

Squats are probably the most useful exercise you can do at the gym—no other single exercise encourages more muscle growth. With a range of motion that incorporates many different muscle groups in the legs, core and upper body, squats not only strengthen those muscles, but also strengthen the tendons and ligaments that connect them. In addition to their strength-building benefits, squats also teach you core stabilization, which is important for almost any athletic endeavor. Learn how to do dum...

How To: The Best Socialization Apps on Your Phone for 18-Month-Olds

Your childhood "social networking" may have been to go outdoors to the neighbor's — and outdoors is a great place for kids to be. But these days, the terms educational, digital media, entertainment, and toddlers don't have to be mutually exclusive. Like most things in life, it's about balance, and these apps can aid your child with social-emotional development when not playing with friends.

How To: Use straws to make buildings/bridges at a kid's party

Hello, my name is Nicole Valentine and on behalf of Expert Village, I'm here to talk to you about how to coordinate birthday games for a birthday party. Now we're going to talk about group competition games. These make the party worth while. For example; if you have let's say about 14 party guest, you can divide them up into groups of 2, put 7 in one group and 7 in the other and have a different activity for each group competition. Let me show you an example. I purchased this bag of straws, M...

Rules Thrown Out the Window: Ogilvy & Mather's Scrabble Trickster Video Spot

Despite the controversy over Scrabble Trickster across the word world, Mattel's modern take on the classic crossword board game is out in stores— but not in the United States. It's only available in and around the UK, but you can snag your copy just in time for Christmas from Amazon UK. You can also visit the official Scrabble Trickster website. I imagine this is going to be a hot item in the United Kingdom this holiday season, but as for me— it's the one Scrabble game I refuse to add to my c...

Vacationing for the 'Gram: How Instagram Is Changing Hotels & Restaurants

I noticed the neon yellow sign at the new location of Pho Bar in Chinatown right away. The sweeping cursive yellow letters spell out "Crazy Rich Broth"; the same phrase printed on the back of servers' shirts. It's the kind of minimalist but colorful design feature that is especially popular on Instagram at the moment — shots of patrons in front of a glowing sign.

How To: Protect Your Home from Mice for the Winter

Brought to you by Tomcat. Falling snow, warm fireplace, delicious hot cocoa, quiet reading time, mouse. Quick quiz - which one is not like the other? Nothing can ruin a perfectly cozy afternoon in your home like a pest on the loose. With dropping temperatures, you may have some unwelcome residents, like mice, looking for shelter from the cold.

How To: Use the Derma Roller for Acne Scars

Hey dolls, just giving you my review of the Derma roller. The good and the bad! Firstly, let me just say OUCH! This bad boy hurts, it's pain level is very close to Fraxel laser the only difference is, that you're doing it to yourself, instead of being in a clinic. I did get emotional in this video because I just couldn't believe how painful the device was on my skin. Most videos and reviews on the next say it's "pain free" and this just isn't true.

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