Cornea Search Results

How To: Shoot a plastic bottle cap high into the air

Plastic water bottle caps are more than just a massive strain on the environment. They can also be used to perform this cool party trick! All you do is hold the cap in your fist and then pound said fist from the bottom with your other hand. If you do it right, the cap should launch high into the air with a nice little pop. This is sure to impress the guests at your next party or puncture the cornea of one of your enemies, depending on what you aim the cap at.

How To: Dissect the eye of a cow

Check out this video tutorial on how to dissect the eye of a cow. If you like science, and you like animal anatomy, then why not go out and get your own cows eye for dissecting, and more importantly, learning? You'll see the cornea, the iris, the ciliary muscle, the eye tissue, and more.

How To: Draw a eye using easily

An unknown artist demonstrates step by step how to draw a realistic eye in this video. She first begins with lightly drawing the eyes shape, starting with the upper lid and gradually beginning to darken the line once she is satisfied with the shape an contour. She then draws the upper lid and continues on to the iris, pupil, and cornea. Then she works on shading the eye, drawing the lashes, and then using the eraser to remove any stray lines and whiten certain areas. Then, she begins drawing ...

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