Brazen Strikes Search Results

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 46

Everything Must Go: It's the truth. It's time to say goodbye to everything. See Antonio again and be ready for a quick time event during the cut scene after you accept the mission. The first order of business is to kill five archers surrounding the building in which Emilio is camping. Take to the rooftops and locate the guards. Once you've gotten near them, you can't let them get too far away from you. Kill all of 'em, being as stealthy or as brazen as you like. Personally, we like brazen.

How To: Perform a cardio kickboxing knee strike

With good form and vigorous movement, a cardio kickboxing knee strike will get the heart rate up and strengthen the whole body. Learn how to perform a cardio kickboxing knee strike in this fitness tutorial. When performing a cardio kickboxing knee strike you should assume lunge stance, raise hands forward & up, lower hands and keep knee up. With this how to video you can incorporate the cardio kickboxing knee strike into your kickboxing routine.

How To: Do a kickboxing knee strike

Make sure you knee strike in Thai boxing, not kickboxing. Learn the skills of Muay Thai in this video on competitive kickboxing moves. When doing the kickboxing knee strikes you should start from fighting position, your toes point down, feel as if calf is locked to hamstrings, thrust in, and do not drop hands. With this how to video you can incorporate the knee strike into your kickboxing routine.

How To: Use basic hammer strikes in blacksmithing

Blacksmithing is an ancient art of metalsmithing that has never gone away and is still done today! Knowing about heat and what sort of metals to use is good, but if you are just whacking at the metal wildly without any sort of form, you're doing it wrong. In this video you will learn the eight basic hammer strikes in blacksmithing that you will need to know to do any sort of blacksmithing.

How To: Make squibs to strike the walls

Watch this instructional special effects video on how to make a squib to simulate fired bullets striking a wall. This squib making process will not work for contact on people. Follow the step by step procedure by watching this instructional video to produce realistic special effects for your film.

How To: Tie the Yarn Strike Indicator for fly fishing

Check out this video and learn how to tie a great Yarn Strike Indicator with Alain Barthelemy. This fly has been a staple at Trout Predator Online since the beginning, and was chosen as fly of the month for December 2007. When winter comes around and the dry flies dry up, this is a great way to hold your nymphs up.

How To: Devastate your attacker during a hand gun attack

Learn how to strike your attacker when facing a hand gun attack. This is step three in surviving a hand gun attack, following how not to get shot, and how to gain control of the weapon. Learn how to get inside the gun's danger circle using different strikes and stay in there. Also learn what to do against a two handed gun grip.

How To: Play Tencent's 'Strike of Kings' on Your iPhone Now Before It Makes Its Way Stateside

You may have heard of Honor of Kings, the multiplayer online battle arena game so popular that it has the potential to do for mobile what League of Legends has done for the PC in the world of competitive online gaming, but you'll soon hear about its western iteration, Strike of Kings. Tencent, the China-based online gaming giant now looks to expand to the lucrative western market and has released the game to many parts of Europe as a soft launch for iOS devices. Gameplay in Strike of Kings is...

How To: Make the Glock full auto on Counter Strike: Source

Counter Strike: Source is one of those PC games that is literally never going to go away. This video will help to increase that already-prodigious longevity by teaching you how to use a glitch to make the Glock handgun in the game fully automatic. This turns it from a pretty useless handgun into a destructive force on the map. Quick, easy, and fun.

How To: Do a driven free kick

This video instructs the viewer on how to do a powerful Driven Free kick for soccer. First, you will need to come on to the ball and strike it with your in-step. Your in step is the inner part of your foot that is right next to the laces. The most important tip is that when you do strike the ball, come through the ball and not around it! Finish with a hop at the end which will create more power! You'll want to kick the ball just under the center for proper height and maximum power. Kick the b...

How To: Keep score the right way in bowling

Bowling is such a fun group activity and is perfect for birthdays and other types of gatherings. However, if you are not a pro bowler the scoring system can be pretty confusing. This tutorial will walk you through the steps of keeping score so you will know a strike from a spare and everything in between.

How To: Juggle a soccer ball and improve ball touch

Juggling is the key to all free styling tricks. Juggling helps the players feel for the ball and his ability to strike the ball on the volley. To juggle use the top of the foot down toward the toes to strike the middle of the ball so that it goes straight up in the air. After practicing this type of juggling continue juggling with one foot, keeping the ball moving straight up in the air about 10 inches. The player should continue practicing juggling with one foot until he can juggle the ball ...

How To: Play Straight Rail & understanding crowding patterns

In this video, we learn how to play Straight Rail & understanding crowding patterns. All that is needed to score a point in straight rail is making contact with the other two balls in the same shot. If you can get all three balls close together in close position, the shooting player can score an indefinite number of points. First, strike the cue ball below center using right English and a moderate stroke. This will create a close crowding pattern with the two balls. You can also strike the ba...

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