Arrive Insurance Search Results

How To: Deal with a traffic ticket & not raise your insurance

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to deal with a traffic ticket. When you pay for a ticket, don't just ignore it because there is always a hidden cost to a speeding ticket. Speeding tickets may cause insurance rates to go up. To avoid the insurance penalty, users should either go to court or traffic school. Going to traffic school to take the ticket off of your driving record. Another method is to cut a deal with the prosecutor. The key is to keep the points off your record and not al...

How To: Report a car theft

The first thing that comes to mind when your car is stolen is: ####!! However, once calm, cover these bases when your car is stolen to notify relevant parties and help ensure vehicle recovery or replacement.

How To: Make your own x-ray in Photoshop

Ever wanted to create your own X-ray without a doctor's visit? Learn how to create your own X-ray in Photoshop by compositing two separate images to make it appear as if you are holding your own X-ray. You will use different layers, layer masks, and levels to make a believable self X-ray image - and you don't even have to get it approved through your insurance!

How To: Find the Right App to Schedule an Insurance-Covered Virtual Doctor's Visit Right from Your Phone

The World Health Organization has declared the new coronavirus a pandemic, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends video visits with a healthcare professional to reduce the risk of being exposed to the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. If you are experiencing mild flu-like symptoms, virtual doctor visits may also prevent you from endangering others.

How To: Solve proportions

This video describes about how to solve multiple proportions. The first step describes how to cross multiply and solve the equation. There are three proportions solved in this video and they are explained how to arrive the final answer. The first step is multiplying the denominator with the opposite numerator and an answer is arrived and again the same is multiplied to arrive a final answer. Two more proportions are solved in the same manner. The video camera is focused on the white board in ...

How To: Determine the Value of a Used Car

Everyone hates to feel like they've been taken advantage of, especially when buying a used vehicle. The thought comes across every car buyer's mind... "Did I just get taken by that smooth-talking salesman?" When it comes to cars, how do you know if you're really getting a good deal, or if you're being offered a fair price for your car? After all, cars are most peoples second largest investment, so we need to make this decision wisely.

How To: Get out of a speeding ticket with Officer Brian

If you do get stopped pull over to the right and make sure you are off the road. If it is at night turn your interior lights on. Keep your hands on top of the steering wheel until the officer tells you what to do. If he asks you do you know why I stopped you always answer no. He will then ask for your drivers license, registration, and insurance. If it is in your glove box or your wallet tell him what you are going to do. This shows respect for the officer. Before he goes back to his car make...

How To: Track All Your Online Orders from One App

Shopping wasn't always this easy. Now, in a matter of minutes, you can order your groceries for the week, send your cracked phone in for repairs, get your holiday shopping done, and have everything delivered to your front door in just a few days — without ever having to leave your home. Online shopping is convenient, comfortable, and a blessing ... right? Well, it can also be a headache.

How To: Prevent workplace-related back injuries and back aches

Work can be a rough place, especially if you're in construction or another laborious field of work, but that doesn't mean that anybody who works (or even doesn't work) isn't susceptible to work-related injuries. The most common workplace injuries are back injuries. This educational video, entitled "Back Your Back: Back & Muscle Injury Prevention" is all about reducing your risk of back problems.

How To: Mutliply rational numbers and understand word problems

Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed in the form of a/b, where a, b are integers and b is not equal to zero. Rational numbers are also called as fractions. Multiplication of fractions is very simple and straight forward. Two multiply two fractions a/b, c/d first multiply both the numerators to arrive at the new numerator. Next multiply both the denominators to arrive at the new denominator. Now the new fraction can be further simplified to arrive at the solution. Note that you a...

How To: Get an FHA loan

Looking to get an FHA loan? The Federal Housing Administration, FHA for short, provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA-approved lenders throughout the U.S. Here's how to get your FHA-insured loan. Learn how to get one with help from this video.

How To: Start your own business

There's nothing better than being your own boss some say. If you are ready for the risks and the work, take your passion to the next level and start your own business. Learn how to start your own business with help from this video.

How To: Create a fun yellow and purple smokey eye look

Most of us wouldn't even think to wear bright yellow and royal purple together unless we happen to be at Staples Center cheeering the Laker's on through the NBA Finals Tournament. But these two colors, which happen to be complementary hues on the color wheel, actually make for gorgeous makeup looks.

How To: Plan for international travel

Betsy Sell and Tom Wilt of AAA Travel Services present this video to teach you how to plan for international travel. They teach you how to prepare the right documents, explain how to get a passport, and discuss travel insurance. They also discuss how to plan for emergencies and how to deal with different kinds of money such as travelers' checks. They also discuss how to pack, what to do when documents are lost, and safety tips. This video is the introduction in a series with this information ...

How To: Apply smokey blue eye makeup with a dash of glitter

This video shows you how to get a New Year’s Eve look that is very fun, flirty, but simple using glitter. For a base use two face eye shadow insurance all over. Take a blue and put it onto the lid up and away. For the bottom use a dark blue and with a small brush smudge it across the bottom of the eye. Use Aqua Black and with an angle brush apply it as a liner. Use MAC glitter liner and put it on the inner corner of the eye. With a clean q-tip take a silver glitter and dotting it into the gli...

How To: Safely pack your photo equipment for travel

Yanik Chauvin teaches us how to safely pack photo equipment for travel in this tutorial. First, remember to have good insurance on all your equipment, just in case something does break. To pack your things, use a backpack that is specifically made for cameras. Also, arrange for the lens not to be attached to the body of the camera while traveling. If you have to have it attached, make sure there is something under your lens to protect it from any additional shock. If you don't have a backpack...

How To: Make realistic looking prop swords

So you want to make a film, and in that film you want to have a sword, but you can't buy one, not to mention real ones are pretty dangerous. Your insurance costs will go through the roof! Well, here's you solution. Check out this helpful two-part video tutorial on how to make your own prop swords, which means less dangerous swords. Actually, they're made out of metal, so you still might just somebody with them yet.

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