Thanh Xuan Search Results

How To: Paint Chinese bamboo on xuan paper

In this video artist Henry Li demonstrates exactly how to paint beautiful Chinese bamboo on xuan paper. Make sure to grab your ink and brushes to see the magic happen and this wonderful artist paints this wonderful piece. Perfect to practice your skills or paint a excellent piece for everyone to enjoy on your wall.

How To: Draw nine goldfish in free style

In this video, artist Henry Li, shows you how to draw nine goldfish in a free hand, loose style. He demonstrates proper hand placement, and technique in order to achieve a fluid motion to the piece. Nine goldfish is a good omen for Chinese, it suggest best fortune. Watch the magic happen as he shows you exactly how to achieve this excellent work of art.

How To: Paint Carnation flowers in the Chinese brush style

In a special Mother's Day installment of their weekly instructional series on Chinese painting, Blue Heron Art's Henry teaches us to paint Chinese Carnations in watercolor, with calligraphy highlights done in ink with a brush. His grace and accuracy with both the watercolor and the ink would be challenging for many of the less-artistically-inclined to emulate, but the finished product is beautiful and should impress all but the choosiest of moms if their child were to make / buy it for them.

How To: Use Firefox Add-Ons and Greasemonkey to Make Google+ Perfect

Although +Google Chrome has been getting many deserved kudos for its innovations and speed, many people still prefer to use +Mozilla Firefox as their primary browser. If you’re a dedicated Google+ user, you know that there are many Google+ Chrome browser extensions available to modify your Google+ experience. What you may not know is that there are also Firefox extensions you can use for Google+.

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