Ollie Salters Search Results

How To: Ollie with ease for beginners

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform an Ollie, kick flip and shuv-it skateboarding tricks. For the Ollie, begin with the back foot on the tip of the tail and the front foot on the middle of the board. Bend your knees slightly and extend your back as you raise up. Pop the tail of the board and roll the front foot on the nose of the board to land it. For the kick flip, start with an Ollie position and bend the knees. Pop the tail and roll your front foot to the nose. Flick with ...

How To: Do an ollie on a skateboard like a pro

Invented by Alan "Ollie" Gelfand in 1977, the Ollie is a skateboarding trick where the rider pops the tail of his skateboard into the air and then jumps with the board ‘stuck’ to his or her feet. Learn how to do an Ollie. You will need a skateboard, a flat & dry surface, lots of practice, and courage, stamina & the willingness to fall down a lot.

How To: Perform an ollie on a snowboard

Snowboarding: Hit the Slopes With Style There was a time when simply riding a snowboard made you the extreme guy on the slopes. But now, with more people strapping on a board instead of skis, the stakes have been raised. Fortunately, we've lined up this video tutorial to keep you on the cutting edge. See how to perform an ollie on a snowboard.

How To: Ollie while moving/farther on a skateboard

This video shows Melvin the Nerd explaining how to do a moving ollie on a skate board. With his taped together sunglass and nerdy voice, he explains that a moving ollie is basically the same as a non-moving ollie. When standing on the skate board you use your back foot to push down on the board as hard as possible. This will force the front of the board into the air while the back will "bounce" off the ground up into the air. Melvin the Nerd explains that the only way to learn is by practicing.

How To: Pop an ollie on a snowboard for beginners

Sierra Snowboard demonstrates how to pop an ollie on a snowboard. An ollie is a basic but mandatory trick when riding a snowboard. When popping up on a snowboard do not jump off of your toes. If you jump off of your toes it is not considered an ollie. Make sure that you also do not jump off of your heels. First, keep your body square and balanced so that you are parallel with the board. Be sure to bend at the knees and not at the waist. Quickly shift your weight to the back foot. Load up the ...

How To: Do an ollie when wakeskating

Check out this short but well explained tutorial on how to ollie for beginner wakeskaters. For the ollie, you want to start in the safety position, with your weight even on both your feet, and your knees rolled forward. Think of it as a rhythm of snapping your back foot and sucking your front foot up. Improve your wakeskating skills by watching this instructional wakeskating video.

How To: Ollie on a skateboard for beginners

In this tutorial, we learn how to ollie on a skateboard for beginners. To start, your front foot needs to be right behind the front bolts with the ball of your shoe hanging off. Your back foot needs to be on the end of the skateboard. Now you will try to do the ollie. Put your feet into position and then bend down. From here, you will pop the skateboard gently by pressing your foot back on the lip of the board. Don't try to hit it as hard as you can when popping it. From here, you will finish...

How To: Get off the ground & ollie on a skateboard

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform an Ollie on a skateboard. An Ollie is a basic trick for getting off the ground and allows users to perform other tricks once learned. Place your back foot on the edge of the board's tail and front foot placed behind the front board bolts. Then pop down the tail with the back foot, bend the front foot, flick the board in midair and land on the board with both feet. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in skateboarding, an...

How To: Ollie higher on a skateboard

This video shows how to ollie higher on a skateboard. It has demonstrations from Melvin the Nerd, who shows proper technique to ollie. The ollie is done best when your board is pushed backward as you are jumping, then pushed forward as you are elevating. To practice while moving, jump over an upside-down skateboard. Once you can do that, try over an upside-up board until you reach consistency. Keep adding boards or moving the distances until you become better. If you're having trouble, preten...

How To: Ollie 180 on a skateboard

Now that you can ollie comfortably on your skateboard, it's time to move onto bigger (and more impressive) things, like the ollie 180, which combines a hands-free jump with a 180° turn. For a complete breakdown of how to perform an ollie 180 on your own board, watch this skater's how-to.

How To: Do a slapdown ollie up a curb on a longboard

Longboards are known more for their efficiency of transport and thrilling downhill riding than for tricks. Silly Rabbit, tricks are for shortboards! Or not. This video will show you how to do a cool little longboard trick, a slapdown ollie onto a curb. It's pretty easy, and is a very cool way to arrive somewhere on your longboard.

How To: Ollie on a skateboard, for beginners

It takes most everyone a long time to do an ollie but once you have it done it happens all the time. When first starting out it is a good idea to learn the technique in the grass or on some carpet so the board doesn’t roll around. It’s also a good idea to fully learn the ollie in place before you start doing it in motion. Next is foot placement, have your front foot right behind the front bolts on your skateboard and you back foot on the tail. When you press the back foot into the ground lift...

How To: Perform an ollie on a street skateboard

Street Skateboarding: Take It to the Streets The guys on the prefab ramps and half-pipes make the X Games headlines, but the real frontier of the skateboarding world is out on the street, where everyday obstacles become the tools of the trade. Find out here how to turn your street into a house of shred. Watch this video tutorial to see how to perform an ollie on a street skateboard.

How To: Do a frontside 180 ollie skateboard maneuver

The Frontside 180 Ollie is a skateboarding maneuver where the rider pops their board into the air and then does a 180-degree turn in mid-flight. Exclaiming “Gnarly!” afterward is totally optional. You will need a skateboard, a flat & dry surface, lots of practice, and courage & stamina. Tip: the lower you bend down, the higher your board will fly into the air.

How To: Perform a nollie on a snowboard

Snowboarding: Hit the Slopes With Style There was a time when simply riding a snowboard made you the extreme guy on the slopes. But now, with more people strapping on a board instead of skis, the stakes have been raised. Fortunately, we've lined up this video tutorial to keep you on the cutting edge. See how to perform a nollie on a snowboard.

How To: Land a basic ollie on a skateboard

Ollie' is one of the most basic tricks. 'Ollie' is done in a forward direction. You have to stand with your right foot forward and the left foot in the back to move in the forward direction. If you are regular then you have to stand in the opposite way as shown. There are two different types of 'Ollie'. In this one you have to snap the tail down to create a pop. You don't have to put in a lot of force into it. At the same time your right foot must be in the middle or a little forward on the s...

How To: Ollie your snowboard

Can you ollie your snowboard? If you can't, you're really not doing all that your could with your snowboard. It is the most basic element of most tricks, both grinds and jumps. This video features some handy tips on how to perform an ollie successfully with your snowboard. Watch this video, then get out to the mountain and practice. You'll be ollieing onto rails and off jumps in no time!

How To: Ollie better on a skateboard

Impress your friends with your sweet skateboard skills by learning how to ollie like a pro! First and foremost, you need to get yourself up to a comfortable speed. When you've reached a good speed, put your back foot on the tail and squat down to spring back up. Once you're up, kick your back foot down, bouncing the board off the ground and into the air. All you have to do now is stay in the air and land safely! This video will show you the way.

How To: Apply Mad Hatter makeup for Halloween

In this video, Logan Salter teaches us how to apply Mad Hatter makeup for Halloween. Start out by applying white eyeliner to the tops and bottoms of the eye, then apply it to your eyelashes until they are white. From here, apply orange eyeshadow underneath your eyes and to the tops of the lids. Blend this outward from your face and then add in a darker orange to create a contrast. Next, apply a pink shadow into the crease and under the eyes. Apply the orange shadow to the brows, then brush it...

How To: Backside 180 ollie on a skateboard

In this tutorial, we learn how to backside 180 ollie on a skateboard. First, start on the skateboard and have your back foot on the back of the board. Pop the board at an angle, then slide your foot up and turn your body and shoulders. After this, the board will come off the ground, then you will land and roll away. You will roll out one of two ways, and you will need to get used to this before you start to practice. Make sure you do your trick into the grass so when you fall it doesn't hurt ...

How To: Do a heelflip on a skateboard

Heel flip is a skateboard trick similar to a Kick flip. Get expert tips and advice on skateboard decks and trucks in this video tutorial. Take action: know how to do an ollie, know how to do a kickflip, do an ollie, extend lead foot past front of board, and once in the air, extend front foot to flip board land cleanly. Shawn, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, has over twenty years of skateboarding knowledge. He has appeared in Slap, Thrasher and Transworld magazines and hi...

How To: Have proper internet etiquette

Just because the internet renders you virtually anonymous does not mean social customs should be ignored. Just like in the outside world, there is etiquette that should be obeyed if you want to be treated as a friend rather than an annoyance online. In this how to video, Proper Ollie teaches you how you can have proper internet etiquette in social networking forums.

How To: Do a magic flip or a kick flip

Start out with your foot on the back of your skateboard where you would flip an ollie. Put the front foot a little bit behind the front vault of the wheels. When you first start, you might want to have your foot back even a little more to make it easier. Pop and slide your foot out as you would with an ollie, however the board will do the flipping motion. Catch your foot on the back and press it back down to the ground. Don't be afraid to land on it and stick it instead of stepping off the side.

How To: Do tricks on a fingerboard

Improve those fingerboard or tech deck skills by learning some new moves. This video tech deck tutorial shows how to perform a Shove It, Ollie, Nollie, Slide, Grind, Flip, and Ramp on the fingerboard. The right touch is all it takes to keep from wiping out. Start watching and start improving those tech deck skills.

How To: Master the basics of skateboarding

This is a quick video tutorial on how to master the basics of skateboarding. These skateboarding basics include how to maneuver, ollie and perform a pop shuvit on your board. If you know nothing about skateboarding tricks, this could be a good start for you. Learn about the trucks, the hardware, the grip, and everything else on the board. This is a great, not to mention odd, introduction to the world of skateboarding.

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