Newsweek Search Results

News: Will the HoloLens Forget About Gaming?

Microsoft's HoloLens has many applications in the business world, both large and small, but what about gaming? Initial demos gave the impression that we could expect amazing first person shooters, platformers, and even Minecraft. Yet, as Newsweek noticed, the HoloLens was nowhere to be found at E3 this year.

News: Hollywood Billboard Hijack

Via Newsweek Tumblr. Looks like this video and billboard hijacking is the work of DesireObtainCherish, an LA-based street team. The work isn't exactly great art, but it's an amusing form of culture jamming, in which anti-consumerist activists subvert public advertisements.

The Whole World is Watching: Faces of the World Cup

Possibly the greatest thing about the World Cup? Nearly the entire world has joined together to watch. Opposing teams, sure. But there's something amazing about the simultaneous excitement across the globe. The World Cup is the most widely viewed sporting event in the world. An estimated 715.1 million people watched the final match of the 2006 World Cup held in Germany!

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